"Plan? Shit plan! Absolute power crushes all plans!"

Casting a big white eye at Otsutsuki Yuluo, Wuchen then shrugged, and laughed rather unscrupulously, with a face full of indifference, a pair of bare feet not afraid of wearing shoes.


The corners of Yuluo Otsutsuki's mouth twitched violently, the waves in his chest undulating, and the thrilling arc made Wuchen's mouth dry, tongue-dry, and his eyes swayed up and down with the rhythm of Yuluo Otsutsuki's chest.

Glancing at Wuchen, Otsutsuki Yuluo suddenly felt that his innocent face was extremely rude, and could not wait to punch him in half.

Patting the white forehead with a very headache, although Otsutsuki Yuluo strongly agrees with Wuchen's statement, but there is no detailed step plan, maybe the ten tails will be resurrected in the end, and the cheap one is Uchiha Madara.

"In that case..."

Glancing at Nohara Rin coldly, Otsutsuki Yuluo's eyes radiated wise light, and said solemnly: "This kid seems to have known that he has become a three-tailed man Zhuli... In this case, let's go with the flow, just need to keep the secret in There is no special spell that can be implanted in her body, so that she cannot hurt herself..."

Speaking of this, Otsutsuki Yu Luo Junmei's face swept hostile, and said coldly: "I will use Tensei or your kaleidoscope to control her thinking, and let this little girl named Nohara Rin kill the ninjas in Konoha Village. …”

Hearing this, Wuchen looked at Yuluo Otsutsuki with chills and took a deep breath. This plan is not bad. Nohara Linben is an exceptionally kind ninja. After the ninja, I am afraid that there will be thoughts of suicide...

Just let it die in Kakashi's hands.

"This woman... fortunately it's her own!"

Wuchen said angrily in his heart, but fortunately, he promised to marry her at the beginning, otherwise, this mad woman might have teamed up with Madara Uchiha to pit her!


Ask for a reward and ask for automatic collection of flowers and all kinds of requests! !

Chapter 108 Namikaze Minato [Various Requests]

Otsutsuki Yuluo frowned slightly, seeing Wuchen looking at him like a monster, and now Qiong's nose was high, staring at Wuchen in dissatisfaction, a hint of slyness flashed in his clear water eyes.

"May I tell you, if you rejected me in the first place..."

Eyeballs swirled around Wuchen, Qian Qianyu pointed at his chin, the joke on Otsutsuki Yuluo Qiao's face was even more intense, and her beautiful face was fascinated by human dimples, and her whole body was full of a coquettish charm that she had never seen before. Like a deadly poison, like a peerless enchantress who charms ancient and modern, it is full of unprecedented attractiveness.

With an extremely unnatural face, he turned his head, and Wuchen hurriedly avoided the clear and spotless eyes of Yuluo Otsutsuki, afraid that his heart would be seen through by the eyes that seemed to see through everything.

"Yes, what will happen?"

There was a rare trembling in her tone, and Wuchen wanted to know, if she refused Otsutsuki Yuluo's unreasonable request, would this woman chase her like a madman to the ends of the earth.

"Of course it's chasing you down to the earth and tearing you into eight pieces!"

He blinked, looking at Wuchen who didn't dare to look at him, this Otsutsuki Yuluo said very seriously, his breathing was steady, his heartbeat was also extremely normal, his complexion was normal, and there was no joke at all.

"Then I'm still alive, don't I want to thank you for not killing me?"

The corners of his eyes twitched hard, Wuchen rolled his eyes silently, deliberately lengthened his voice, and looked at Yuluo Otsutsuki who was smugly smug, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Otsutsuki Yuluo nodded very seriously, obviously meaning Wuchen.

"Then will this kid be left here?"

Looking at Nohara Rin, who continued to fall asleep, Wuchen frowned and asked Yuluo Otsutsuki: "That kid Uchiha Obito is not a fuel-efficient lamp either, so he must not be allowed to see the flaws, otherwise he can only Shoot yourself in the foot."

Wuchen naturally understands the madness of Uchiha Obito. The reason why Uchiha Madara spends so many plans, spends countless efforts, and struggles is to make him completely degenerate, and it also sets off Obito's ability on the side. extraordinary.

"Don't worry, after all, the current Uchiha Obito is still a kid, as for this little girl..."

Otsutsuki Yuluo indicated that Wuchen didn't need to care about Uchiha Obito's problem, then looked at Nohara Rin, and said softly: "Send her back to Konoha's station, and then use Tenseigan to control her thinking."

As for the matter of Uchiha Obito, there is no need to worry about Wuchen. Uchiha Madara handed over this task to Bai Jue. Maybe now Uchiha Obito has been rescued and is facing Uchiha Madara's mouth evasion offensive. It's not impossible...

"Send her to Konoha's station..."

After all, Wuchen put on the spiral mask again. After all, everyone in the world has completely disappeared, and he is also very good at hiding behind the scenes to control the world.


The ninja station in Konoha Village.

I have to say that Konoha's ninjas are indeed the most resilient beings. Although they fight to the death with the ninjas of Yanyin Village all day and night, they have not yet felt the lack of their bodies, and they still have high fighting spirit. I have to say Konoha brainwashing was successful.

Compared with the exhausted Iwagakushi ninja, the confidence is much stronger.

"It's been a long time, Konoha..."

Looking at the bonfire in the distance, the Konoha ninja who was obviously preparing dinner, Wuchen said with emotion, once upon a time he was a vanguard loyal to Konoha, the captain of the fire brigade, and he was the vanguard to fight wherever there was a fire. fire……

The girl who Wuchen is holding in her right arm is naturally Rin Nohara.

The figure swept into the station of the Konoha Ninja Village like a ghost. Wuchen's movement skills were extremely skilled. Although there were still many defensive enchantments around Konoha's station, but for Wuchen, it was impossible to get up. Any effect, the body will ignore the enchantment like a transparent, and the dust-free invades easily.

"Goodbye... the tragedy of being crushed by the gears of the times..."

Glancing at Nohara Rin, who was sleeping peacefully, Wuchen was about to turn around and leave in peace, when a dazzling golden luster suddenly appeared beside him, and immediately saw a man with blond hair and dark blue eyes appearing in front of him, holding hands in his hands. It is a chakra energy ball that rotates at a high speed.

It is Namikaze Minato with the title of "yellow-color flash".


Wuchen with a spiral mask smiled lightly, and then jumped vertically and horizontally, easily dodging the attack of the spiral pill, and hitting the empty spiral pill blasted the surface into a deep pit.

"What a pity, you are fast, but I am faster than you!"

Just floating in the air so indifferently, Wuchen said eloquently, now for him who controls Tenseisen, floating himself in the sky is just a trivial matter.

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