Even if Rin Nohara can be subdued, will Rin Nohara who slaughtered the Konoha ninja still be accepted?Obviously not!

"There's no need to worry about her future situation..."

Seeing through the mentality of the Virgin of Minato Minato, Wuchen's eyes were cold, and he said sternly, "Rin Nohara, she is sure to die, and the person who killed her with your own hands is you who taught her - Minato Minato!"

After saying that, Wuchen sneered. Originally, according to the next script, the target of killing Nohara Rin should be Kakashi, but perhaps due to the birth of Wuchen, many Kakashi's scripts They were all snatched away by Wuchen. Of course, although Kakashi was still successfully promoted to Jōnin, according to the current situation, Kakashi, the white-haired kid, was not at the Konoha station in front of him.

Therefore, the task of killing Rin Nohara can only be replaced by the spare tire of Minato Namikaze!


Ask for rewards, ask for automatic collections, ask for flowers, ask for all kinds of requests! ! !

Chapter 110 Madara Uchiha's Mouth Escape [Various Requests]

In the depths of the dark underground, Uchiha Madara is no longer the same as before. The color in his pupils has obviously dimmed and lost its luster. The body cells are completely necrotic, showing weakness, as if the wind gently blows from his body. Flick it, and the overwhelmed Madara Uchiha will be completely gone.

Despite the fact that something like an outsider golem continues to survive, Madara Uchiha has been lingering on for decades, and now it can be said that he is completely exhausted and has reached the limit, and there is no hope of continuing.

"Lord Madara, that kid seems to have woken up."

Bai Jue respectfully looked at Madara Uchiha, who bowed his head in deep thought, even though he had reached the age of twilight, and there was a possibility of death at any time, Bai Jue didn't dare to breathe, and his tone was always respectful.

Anyone who underestimates Madara Uchiha will step into a place of doom.

"That kid's vitality is quite strong, and he didn't die even if he was smashed like that. He's really a lucky one who is blessed by God!"

Uchiha Madara looked at the boy lying on the stone chuang, and a deep surprise flashed in his old eyes. Uchiha Obito's half body was smashed, and he was able to persist until Bai Jue came to save him. The vitality surprised him.

"But it's really because of this powerful and extraordinary talent that I can use it..."

Walking over with heavy steps, Madara Uchiha secretly smiled and said, Obito is undoubtedly very suitable to implement his "Eye of the Moon" plan, and then see how he fools him!

At this moment, Uchiha Obito was wrapped in bandages, and his face was pale as if he was recovering from a serious illness. His pupils were slightly opened, and he seemed to have not adapted to it yet. He scanned the surrounding environment back and forth, with endless hesitation on his face.

"The undead of the Uchiha clan..."

The old and frail voice sounded, and although he tried his best to keep his momentum full, anyone could hear the feeling of lack of succession.

"You, you are, it hurts!"

Effortlessly raised his head and looked at the dead-skinned old man walking towards him, holding a black sickle, Uchiha Obito's pupils were instantly rounded, full of fear, and when he was about to scream, he wrapped it up again. Cracks appeared in the good body again, and a lot of blood stains oozing out, and the pain was unbearable.

Even so, he endured the stinging pain all over his body and looked at the old man who was approaching in horror.

"I am Madara Uchiha!"

Walking in front of Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara's eyes turned sharply, and the turbid old eye holes shot out pupils that were countless times stronger than Uchiha Obito. The old face turned a little rosy for a while.

"Are you a human or a ghost, this is the underworld?!"

Uchiha Obito only saw the dead skinned Madara Uchiha when he approached, and immediately stood up like a conditioned reflex, looking at Madara Uchiha with fear, especially when he saw the sharp black in his hand. The sickle, and a heart was raised to the throat, and the throat purred unconsciously.

"You didn't die, you were miraculously rescued by my subordinates, and this is not the underworld. Of course, it's not wrong for you to understand the underworld..."

After carefully watching Uchiha Obito for a while, Uchiha Madara said slowly, a gloomy look flashed in the depths of his eyes, full of disappointment, this chess piece, whether it is strength or mind, is not worse than Wuchen. One and a half star.

When Wuchen saw him, although he was very surprised and unbelievable, compared to Uchiha Obito, who seemed to be seeing a ghost and was completely deranged, he was much stronger.

"Young man, do you see the cruelty of this world..."

After a helpless sigh, he abandoned his inner dissatisfaction with Obito, and the old god Uchiha Madara was there, his eyes blazing with light, which made Uchiha Obito scared for a while.


It seems that he was frightened by Madara Uchiha's appearance and did not regain his senses. Uchiha Obito's eyes were empty and dark, and he temporarily lost the ability to think, and could only follow Uchiha Madara's thinking will.

"What does it mean?"

Looking at Madara Uchiha, Madara Uchiha asked whether it was subconsciously or mechanically.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand..."

Hearing this, Madara Uchiha nodded lightly, and then said solemnly: "Because your strength is weak, you will be trampled by the enemy, because your strength is weak, so you can't protect your best friends, it is also because of your weak strength, Your beloved faces the ravages of the enemy, and you can only remain indifferent..."

"What do you mean, old man!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Obito looked at Madara Uchiha who was talking madly. If Madara Uchiha said before that he was the one who saved him, Uchiha Obito promised to kick him out!

"The little girl named Nohara Rin that you teamed up with is in trouble..." Madara Uchiha glanced at Bai Jue, indicating that he should speak.

"Lin? What do you think happened to Lin?"

Hearing that Bai Jue said that Lin was in trouble, Uchiha Obito jumped up instantly, like a cat whose tail was being stepped on. He looked at Bai Jue with a cold face regardless of his injuries.

"Her body was sealed by the ninjas of Kiriyin Village, and she is now making a lot of trouble on the grounds of Konoha Village."

Looking at Uchiha Obito's cannibalistic gaze, Bai Jue said quite uncomfortable: "Nohara Rin seems to have been completely controlled by the tailed beast, and now she has become a killing machine..."


Maybe it's the reason why half of the body is made up of cells between the thousand-hand pillars. The feeling of Uchiha Obito is much stronger than before, and the content of chakra in the body is also much higher, which directly shakes the stone chuang that was lying down just now. , endless killing intent floated out of his pupils.

The body swept out like a cannonball.

"Lord Madara, if you let that kid ignore it..." Seeing Obito leaving straight away, Bai Jue frowned and said with a rather distressed expression.

"It doesn't matter, you go and inform Wuchen, tell him that Uchiha Obito has arrived, and the prepared drama is about to start broadcasting, to welcome the first and only audience of Uchiha Obito..."

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