When the voice fell, Wuchen looked ridiculed and smiled, and she was very happy to see Candice shriveled, but what was unexpected was that although she was dissatisfied, she clenched her silver teeth tightly and did not dare to attack.

"Forget it, there's no need to care about those trivial matters, it's all just a joke, let's go."

After saying that, Wuchen turned his head and walked away. The two women followed Youhabach's Star Cross Knights. The idea of ​​​​respecting the strong has been deeply rooted, and what the person with the big fist says represents everything!

If there is no dust, they will not resist, they will only surrender, maybe they really believe it now.

"Looking at others is responsible."

The suddenly silent Bombieta muttered: "Don't think it's okay for you to be the object of our allegiance at present, you have looked at Candice xiongbu fifteen times, her thigh seven times, and mine twenty times. Eye!"

Hearing this, the corners of Wuchen's mouth twitched, and he almost fell to the ground without stopping!

"What do you want me to do?"

Wiping off the sweat on his temples, Wuchen turned his head and said, "If you let me help you recover your strength, or regain your ability to [Holy Word], that's fine, I can't do that either."

In one sentence, the two women were thrown into hell, and the eyes of Candice and Bombieta were extremely bleak.

"As long as you kill Youhabach for the two of us, we are willing to be slaves and maids, including the kind of wretched things you think, we are also willing to do it!"

Looking at each other, Candice and Bombieta said viciously.

For the hatred of Youhabach, the hatred between the two of them was as deep as the sea. The strength they had spent hundreds of years was all taken away by that "sanctification". The hatred for the invisible empire also reached an unprecedented height.

They are willing to give everything to kill Yohabach!

"Wretched things? Don't say it so badly, it's also human nature." He glanced at Cantis and Bambi Aita lightly, and said softly.

The ability of "Holy Word" is unique to Yohabach, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Ahead of Youhabach, Wuchen was cold and biting in an instant, and sneered: "But it is an inevitable thing to destroy Youhabach. There is no second day in the country, and he wants to ride on Lao Tzu's head to show off his power and power!"

"Your Majesty is very strong. I heard that his [Holy Word] ability is [Omniscient and Almighty]." Thinking of Youhabach, Cantis and Bombieta both had heavy faces.

This nightmarish ruthless and murderous figure overwhelmed the two of them.

"Omniscient and omnipotent?"

Hearing this, Wuchen couldn't help but have a headache. Omniscient and Almighty is indeed against the sky, almost surpassing all the tricks he currently has. The tricks that Youhabach understands and sees through will not cause any substantial harm to him!

"Hasward seems to have used it before!" Looking at each other, Candice and Bombieta said in unison.

"Sure enough."

A sudden look flashed in Wuchen's eyes, and he had a new understanding of Husward's troubles.However, it is also pointed out that the holy one just now was Hasward.

He forced to extract the power of Cangdu!

"But that Buzzby, who was beheaded by me before, might be resurrected by Hasward again." Wuchen thought to himself, only in this way did Hasward know that the two women had betrayed.

Because Bazby has seen everything, after resurrecting it, it is normal to tell Hasward what is right and wrong, although Bazby hates Yohabach [because Yohabach destroyed Bazby's hometown], but For Hugland Hasward, he is sincere.

Husward and Buzzby's personal friendship is also excellent, and Wuchen even remembers that the two have known each other since childhood, and it is normal for Husward to resurrect Buzzby.

"It's a kind of luck that you are just being drawn out of power." After a while, Wuchen suddenly said.

"I see you are gloating!"

Piece of lips, Candice said disdainfully, "The two of us are drawn out of power, so you can do dirty things. Don't think that we both don't know anything, this can be called taking advantage of the fire!"


Wuchen sneered and said with a smile: "On the strength of the two of you, if I really want to do that kind of thing, do you really think there is a chance to resist me?"

Hearing this, Cantis and Bambi Aita were both stunned, speechless, thinking of Wuchen's record, and then they fell silent. They annihilated all the gods of death alone, and they definitely have the strength to crush them both.

"Losing the ability of [Holy Word] also means that the two of you will have nothing to do with Youhabach in the future. Even if he is holy again, both of you will escape the curse, and the guillotine that has been covering your heads has disappeared... This is also considered unfortunate. lucky."


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Chapter 1102 Flickering Blue Ran (Part [-]) [Second More]

Candice and Bombieta also nodded their heads in agreement. Although it was a pity to lose the ability of "Holy Text", it also meant that they had completely lost their relationship with Yohabach, which was also a fortune in misfortune.

"That Cangdu just now is the best example." Wuchen reminded.


Thinking of Cangdu's miserable appearance just now, Candice and Bambi Aita were covered with chills, and the cruel method of being directly drained, without even leaving behind their bones, really shocked them both.

The moment is extremely fortunate. If the strength is gone, you can start over again. If the life is gone, it will never return!


Time flies, and ten days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Wuchen and Candice and Bambi Aita and other two women have also temporarily settled in the world. During this period, Wuchen has been tracking the traces of Kurosaki Masaki, but there has been no trace.

However, although no clues to Kurosaki Masaki were found, a very important person was found.

"You found Shiba Isshin? He's also with a female quencher named Kurosaki Mazuki? What a joke!"

Wuchen stared at Candice and Bambi Aita sitting on the sofa in amazement, and suddenly felt that his head was not enough, and it was spinning like a paste.

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