It's like the incarnation of the devil!

"Do you know what will happen if countless shadow clones stab you with one knife? Are you not the messenger of God? Then you should be very durable, right!"


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Chapter 1107 One of the Six Paths [First More]

Looking at the densely packed silhouettes approaching, it is almost overwhelming, with no boundaries.


Ridgeballo's face was full of chills, and he looked at countless Wuchen with swords, lights and swords. For the first time in his life, he felt this kind of emotion. He quickly turned the Reiatsu in his body, trying to break free from the restraint of the cross behind him.

Nai He's majestic Reiatsu... It's like he's been drained and half out of tune, and he doesn't care at all.

Such a gloomy world is enough to make people tremble. There are countless figures with big knives, threatening to cut him into pieces. I am afraid that no one can keep calm.

After all, he can't move now!

"The envoy is very durable, let me test whether you are qualified or not!"

With an evil laugh, Wuchen ordered many shadow clones to pounce on Lizzie Barrow!


"What, what's the situation?!"

The outside world has turned into a rubble, with only four living beings left.

Wuchen, as well as the two daughters Candice and Bombieta, and of course Ridgeballo, who was in a cold sweat, his face was pale at this moment, no longer the arrogant appearance just now, very painful.

"Why was it fine just now, and suddenly turned into this ghost? What kind of evil did you do!" Candice looked at Wuchen with a desire for knowledge.

Lizzie Barrow was still domineering a second ago, but who would have expected to fall to the ground the next second, and then he looked like this, with cold sweat all over his body, especially his pale face, which seemed to be in great pain. Better to die!

"It's very simple.... He said that he is an envoy, I just let him experience what an envoy should do, and he should thank me!" Wuchen shrugged, with an expression that had nothing to do with me.

"Sure.... I won't let you go!"

After a while, Lijie Barrow opened his blood-red eyes and shivered with rage. He was executed several times by Wuchen Lingchi!

This bloody feud must be pursued!

"You still plan to take revenge like this? The Quincy Master led by Youhabach is really crazy. Then... can you tell me now that you are the part of the Spirit King's body? Left leg or right leg?"

Turning a deaf ear to Ridgeballo's majestic murderous aura, Wuchen asked himself.

Lijie Barrow stared at Wuchen with hatred and hatred on the surface, but his heart was full of turbulent waves. Even if he concealed it very cleverly, Wuchen could hear his breathing like a cow.

"Where did this bastard get this information? The only person in the invisible empire who knows the identity of our Guards is Hasward. She got the news there!"

Lizzie Barrow was extremely shocked. He looked at Cantis and Bombieta with wolf-like eyes, and then shook his head slightly. Although he was also a member of the Star Cross Knights, the living world was vastly different.

They are just pawns.

"It doesn't matter if you say it or not, anyway, you will soon become a living dead." Wuchen said suddenly, a black iron rod already appeared in his hand.

"The living dead? Didn't you wake up? Your Majesty's personal guards are immortal. [Sanji] can easily change everything and have the strength to resurrect us from the underworld!"

Lizzie Barrow said with disdain: "Make it clear! This uncle is not the Cangdu, that kind of idiot, who will always be a pawn!"

"Attention, I'm talking about the living dead, not actually killing you."

Wuchen shook his finger, a sly smile swept across his mouth, and said insidiously: "I know that after killing you, Youhabach or Hasward can resurrect you...but if I kill you Do you know what it means to keep your heart beating and only take away your consciousness?"

Hearing this, Lizzie Barrow's complexion changed greatly in an instant, there was a sign of turning green, and he suddenly understood the meaning of Wuchen.

Turn him into an unconscious killing tool, but still keep his heartbeat, so that he is not considered dead and cannot be resurrected!

Raising his eyes, Lizzie Barro glared angrily, his eyes spitting fire, the invisible empire often said that the god of death was extremely evil, but he felt that the bastard in front of him was thousands of times more evil than the god of death!


While Lijie Barrow was cursing Wuchen, there was an incomparable stinging pain in his right leg. He saw the black iron stick penetrated deep into it. What frightened him the most was that his right leg immediately lost feeling!

Lizzie Barrow was startled, looking at the black iron rod that appeared in Wuchen's hand again, he wanted to open his left eye and activate the ability of "penetrating everything" to ignore physical attacks.

But the heavy damage he suffered before was completely powerless for him to do so, and it was extremely difficult to preserve consciousness.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Again, the black iron from the roots of the tree ~~~ the stick flew out, and all of them stabbed~~ into Ridgebarro's left leg, both arms, and his heart.

"Next is your head."

He squatted down and looked at the terrified Ridgeball, with a smile in his eyes, and said sarcastically, "Funny, the messenger of God also feels fear?"

Lijie Barrow immediately turned his head to meet Wu Chen's gaze, and shouted: "Since your gods of death respect the Spirit King so much, you should bow down to our Quincy Master!"

"Sorry, I'm not. On the contrary, I really want to replace the Spirit King. You Quincy Masters are really annoying, the Spirit King's arms and legs are in your personal guards, and there is a Spirit King heart, so you are dead. the best."

Wuchen smiled, and what Lijie Barrow said was true. After all, two members of the Youhabach Guards were part of the Spirit King's body.

Since Death God really respects the Spirit King, they should also respect them as part of the Spirit King's body.

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