"Really want to know?"

Wuchen looked at Maozhihualie with a look of hope and a look of seeking knowledge, and said with a wicked smile: "If I remember correctly, Yongyin and the others have gone to conduct routine inspections, you see if we are taking advantage of this A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do something meaningful?"

"Meaningful activities?"

Mao Zhihualie obviously didn't understand what it meant, Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, and when she was about to ask, she saw the evil smile at the corner of Wuchen's mouth and immediately understood what it meant.

"This is the captain's office." Mao Zhihualie said with dissatisfaction, her pretty face flushed.

"That's right, it's really inappropriate. Why don't I go under the grass outside the window. The environment is quiet and elegant with few people, and no one bothers me. The most important thing is to ventilate the surroundings." Wuchen smiled maliciously.

Seeing this, Maozhi Hualie gave up and could only blow close to Wuchen's ear: "You have to hurry up, Yongyin and the others will be back in half an hour."

Wuchen was overjoyed, devoured Mao Zhihualie, and undressed her with great skill, followed by a protracted hand-to-hand battle.


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Chapter 1144 The plan to replace the captain [Second]

The fragrant flowers of Maohua were dripping with sweat on the mattress, his eyes were confused and empty, as if his soul had been taken away, his limbs were weak, and it was very difficult to move.

Turning his head with difficulty, looking at Wu Chen who was enjoying the fragrant tea on the sofa, Mao Zhihua couldn't help but scolded: "I said before for half an hour, as soon as you toss, time will run out. Five or six times as much."

Uozhihualie strongly stood up, but she felt severe pain from her lower body, so she had to lie down again, smelling the rotten smell left in the air, which made her feel embarrassed and depressed for a while.

The face is red and hot!

"You can't help it. You also know that the beast in your heart is hard to rest."

Wuchen shrugged, with an expression that had nothing to do with me, and then flattered: "If you want to complain, you can only complain about yourself, you can't put it down, how can you miss such a great opportunity in vain."

Tiger Toru Yongyin had been here before, but was blocked by the barrier set up by Wuchen.After a few hours without shame and impatience, Wuchen stopped, and Mao Zhihualie also turned to look like this.

"What are you going to do after killing the captain? Team Zero will definitely show up again at that time, and it will inevitably be another big trouble."

Mao Zhihualie sighed heavily. It can be said that the corpse and soul world has suffered many disasters. At the same time, he is also convinced of the idea of ​​dust-free. Why did the corpse and soul world suffer so much disaster one after another?To put it bluntly, it is lack of strength. If you have the strength of Wuchen, it is enough to fight against all the gods of death alone, then the corpse and soul world will naturally be peaceful, otherwise it will be the opposite.

"Don't worry, anyway, I used a knife to kill people, and I used Aizen Susuke to kill the captain. In the end, I couldn't suspect my head. At that time, I just returned to [Infernal Hell] to show my loyalty." Wuchen said mysteriously.

"Return to [Infernal Hell]?"

After thinking for a long time, Mao Zhihualie didn't understand Wuchen's intention, and immediately asked: "It's a good thing that you can come out. If you want to throw yourself in the net again, it will take several times more effort to come out."

"Don't worry, I'm just going through the motions and hiding people's eyes and ears. Someone will release me and recommend me as the new captain."

He gave Mao Zhihualie a smug look, and Wuchen closed his eyes comfortably, with a leisurely and contented appearance full of confidence, as if the future development was staged in his hands.


It was cold, the night was getting late, and when the soul world was about to get dark, Kuchiki Byakuya, who left the soul world and went to the world, came back. In addition to him and the vice-captain Renji Asanjing, there was a haggard-looking man. Girl——Rukia Kuchiki!

"The captain just abolished his death power, and there is no danger to his life."

Asanjing Rinji saw the dead wood Rukia's eyes were dull and lost, and he sighed in a complicated way: "That boy, He De He Neng, is just a mere human, you don't need to care about her so much."

"Thank you Renji." Kuchiki Rukia said sincerely and sincerely thank you.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he carefully looked at the change in Kuchiki Rukia's expression. After seeing that she heard that Kurosaki Ichigo was not worried about his life, the whole person's spirit was obviously much brighter.

Seeing this scene, Ah Sanjing stomped her feet in anger.

"The bastards in the central forty-sixth room are really blind. As the god of death, Rukia should be put to death, but the bastard named Kurosaki Ichigo stayed out of it, and the heads of those nobles were broken by the door. Yet!"

Asanjing Renji cursed in his heart. He scolded the forty-sixth room in the center and also did not forget to curse Kurosaki Ichigo. He was the one who caused everything, but the culprit was safe and sound.

"Looks like it's going to start soon..."

In the alley [-] meters away, a bright light suddenly came out, and Wuchen could hear the conversation between Asanjing Renji and Kuchiki Byakuya, as well as Kuchiki Rukia.

"Don't kill Ichigo Kurosaki, just simply abolish his power of death, it's your captain's intention, who made this an order from the central forty-sixth room, Kuchiki Byakuya... It's really a discipline Good law-abiding captain."

Aizen Soyousuke used Kyoka Suizuki to hypnotize, and the order to Kuchiki Byakuya was to abolish the power of Kurosaki Ichigo.

After taking a deep glance at a few people, Wuchen turned his head and merged into the black night sky. I am afraid that in a few days, Urahara Kisuke will help the desperate Kurosaki Ichigo regain his strength.

Of course, as well as his companions, who will join forces to invade the Soul Society, everything is about to kick off, and Aizen Soyousuke will officially defect.

"The next step is how to fool Ai Ran and Sou Yousuke to kill the captain."

The brain cells are turning rapidly, and the dust is free to think about countermeasures. Aizen Soyousuke is not an idiot. If you take a look, you will definitely not blindly challenge the commander-in-chief without absolute certainty.


At the same time that Wuchen was looking for the plan of the leader of the pit dead, Ichigo Kurosaki and others on the other side were also subjected to strict training. After Kuchiki Byakuya and others left and returned to the Soul Realm, Urahara Kisuke came to Meng immediately. He promised to help Kurosaki Ichigo find the power of death. He thought he would hesitate, but the anxious Kurosaki Ichigo didn't even think about agreeing to Urahara Kisuke directly.

The fall of his parents was a huge blow to Kurosaki Ichigo. He also realized his insignificance, and he could still deal with the reluctant roadside goods, but for example, those captain-level death gods could instantly kill him at will.

If he is strong enough, Kuchiki Rukia will not be taken away by Kuchiki Byakuya. In the final analysis, his strength is too weak, all of which are the driving force for Kurosaki Ichigo to continue to become stronger.


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