"It's not."

Wuchen shook his head, and the next sentence immediately detonated the flames in Hiyo, saying: "I'm just stating a fact that I have seen."

"That's still looking down on me!"

He walked in front of Wuchen, and Saruaki Hiyori almost smashed the table, staring at the indifferent face close at hand, and said arrogantly: "If you defeat me within ten moves, I will admit defeat and accept it. your terms!"

"Ten tricks?"

His brows were lightly wrinkled, Wuchen's lips were squirming, but he fell silent again, quietly looking at Hiyori, his eyes filled with a strange light.

"Hmph, don't look at me so pitifully, it's no use begging me, although it's hard for some strong people, but this is the price you provoke me and look down on me!"

Holding his hands in front of him, Saruaki Hiyori quietly looked at Wuchen, but he also witnessed him quietly looking at himself, and said impatiently: "Then give you a chance to make thirty moves, really, you are definitely the weakest boss. Captain, shouldn't you come up through the back door!"

"I think Miss Hiyori will be wrong."

Wuchen sighed and said indifferently: "To deal with Miss Hiyori, you don't need thirty moves, you don't need ten moves, you don't even need one move, it's too embarrassing for you to fight against me, and you'll lose. Collapsing."

Hearing this, everyone was petrified, staring at Wuchen, whose face remained unchanged.

"You bastard dare to go so far!" After a while, Hiyori's screams of indignation came.

"If I lose, it's at your disposal. If you want to kill or cut, please feel free." Wuchen said indifferently.

After saying that, Wuchen's eyes have begun to change, and three deep gouyu swept out from the eye sockets, shining brightly, very mysterious, and full of power.

"Hmph, if I lose, then..."


Without waiting for Hiyori's voice to fall, Wuchen's writing wheel eye glanced at her, and Hiyori fell directly to the ground, as if his mind fainted, and he lost the ability to move.

This scene made everyone stunned and wiped their eyes one after another, thinking it was a dream, who made Wuchen not even move his hands!

"You, you actually attacked me with deceit? Damn, despicable!"

Hiyori, who was lying on the ground, had an ugly face, and cursed Wuchen for being shameless and shameless. Her eyes were blazing with flames.

"I just don't want you to lose too badly."

Taking Hiyori's abuse as a deaf ear, Wuchen said calmly to himself: "You will be one of the members of the [-]th Team of the Guardians of the Soul Society in the future, everyone will bow their heads and not look up in the future, there is no need to act like a like an enemy."


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Chapter 1168 Aizen's Trend [Second More]

Hiyori gritted his teeth and glared at Wuchen, the thunder couldn't move, a calm face fell into her eyes, which was particularly dazzling, Hiyori was trembling with anger, desperately clenching his teeth to stabilize his body.

"Ah ah ah... Your willpower is astonishing." The plain eyes enlarged a little, overflowing with surprise.

I saw Hiyori actually propped up his body dripping with sweat, his eyes were red, and he held the trembling Zanpakutō and stared at the clean and beautiful face.

"Want a trick to solve me? Dreaming!"

Hiyori was gasping for breath, and even though she had run out of fuel, she still held on.

"Although I deliberately overwhelmed Tongli, she can still stand up, which is really good, and she can be competent as a captain." Wuchen nodded secretly, and glanced at Hiyori who insisted in surprise.

"Yeah, that still won't work."

Wuchen shook his head, and then said: "I will send you to be the captain of the third division. I am afraid that it will not be long before the third division will be removed from the Soul Society, Miss Hiyori."


Hina Sen Tao blinked Shui Ling's eyes and asked curiously, "Even if Aizen Soyousuke wants to attack the Soul World, the captain will stop him."

"No, no, you misunderstood what I meant, Aizen Soyousuke is an external factor, I'm talking about an internal factor." Wuchen shook his head mysteriously.

"Then what are the internal factors you're talking about?" Hirako Mako asked puzzled.

"You don't know that?"

Wuchen said with an ignorant expression on his face: "Of course it's Miss Hiyori, she is the biggest internal factor, if the third division handed her over, it is close to collapse, and Aizen Soyousuke wants to annihilate Sanfan. The team still needs to send someone to do it, Miss Hiyori can be the captain without even moving her hands, she can directly dismember the third team!"

Wuchen said very seriously, with a very serious tone.


Hinamori Tao, Hirako Mako, and Yachomaru Liza couldn't help laughing out loud, all of them blushing and thick necks.Hiyori's character is indeed not suitable to be the captain.

"I'm going to kill you bastard."

The impatient Hijiri descended from the sky with the Zanpakutō, and the sharp edge slashed down towards Wuchen's head. Right now, Hijiri was on the verge of anger, and the condensed strength was enough to split Wuchen in two.

"There are a lot of naughty and disobedient brats these days."

Wuchen frowned with a headache, this Saruaki Hiyori was obviously a problem child.


Dai's eyebrows were raised slightly, and Hina Sen Tao immediately pulled out the Zanpakutō and resolutely stood in front of Wuchen.

"Yan Yin Yin!"

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