The people from the Soul Society who rushed over stared at Tian Bei Xiusuke indignantly, and couldn't help but scolded: "You despicable villain, the captain-in-chief has brought you a kindness like a mountain, and will give you a heavy responsibility. The team is handed over to you, that's how you repay your kindness? Shameless!!!"

Kuchiki Rukia's delicate little face was filled with suffocating energy, and the Zanpakutō was unsheathed. In a fit of anger, he slashed straight at Tian Bei Xiusuke.

Seeing this, Wuchen frowned and ordered, "Rukia, stop me, you are not his opponent."


Seeing this, Tian Beixiuzhu's eyes flashed green light, and there was a flash of coldness and cunning in the eye sockets, this is an opportunity!

"Clang clang!"

He waved the knife to catch a series of awe-inspiring attacks from Rukia, with a small-scale Reiatsu on his left arm. At the same time, he waved the knife to force Rukia back, and Tianbei Emusuke let out a stern shout.

"The Sixty-One-Six-Stand Light Prison of the Dao!"

Six huge light belts swept in and easily bound Kuchiki Rukia. Seeing this, Tianbei Emusuke hurried forward, and the Zanpakutō blocked Rukia's throat.

"Idiot, you are too self-righteous, and it is far from being able to resist the captain-level death god just by your strength!"

Smacking his lips, Tian Bei Xiusuke was full of disdain and contempt, and shouted loudly: "Get out of the way, or I'll kill this god of death called Kuchiki Rukia immediately!"

"Let go of her before I get angry."

Wuchen's tone changed obviously, some hoarse, some indifference, and some violent and boiling killing intent.

"Let her go?"

Hearing this, Tian Bei Xiuzhu glanced at Kuchiki Rukia, shook his head decisively, and said, "She is now the guarantee of my life, and if I let her go, she will surely die."

"Do you think you don't have to die if you don't let her go? Let me go if I know you, and I can leave you with a whole corpse. Otherwise...the consequences will be at your own risk!"

Wuchen said coldly, his eyes already glowing red.

"is it?"

Hearing this, Tian Bei Xiuzhu was unmoved, and the indifferent tone had no room for negotiation: "Get out of the way, or I will kill this little girl immediately, don't test my bottom line, a person who is driven to a desperate situation. You can do crazy things."

Tian Bei Xiusuke gritted his teeth and warned that the Zanpakutō was already close to Rukia, and even there were obvious blood stains on Rukia's neck.

"Heavenly Hand Power!"

The negotiation was fruitless, Wuchen directly activated the ability of Samsara to write the wheel eye, and his body suddenly disappeared. Such an exaggerated scene made everyone's eyes widen.

"Where did you run to?"

Seeing Wuchen's sudden and strange disappearance, the nervous Tianbei Embroidery muttered to himself in amazement, and at the same time looked around, looking for the trace of Wuchen.The other hand quietly grabbed the hair of Kuchiki Rukia, after all, this is his life-saving trump card.

"Behind you, idiot."

As soon as the voice fell, the knife wind passed through Tianbei Xiusuke's body, split it in two, and cut it in half!Even because of the excessive bloody speed, Tian Bei Xiusuke's heart is still beating...


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Chapter 1174 Compulsory Measures [Second More]

Tianshou's strength comes and goes without a trace, and there is nothing to check. It belongs to the space series of ninjutsu, and Tianbei Xiuzhu's tragic fall is inevitable. After all, the strength of both sides is there.

"Burying you in the ground will pollute that land, so...let's just disappear."

Staring indifferently at Tianbei Embroidery, who was divided in two, the pink light overflowed from the palm of Wuchen's hands, covering his body, and a burning smell spread along with it.

"Fifty-Four Wasted Flames of Destruction!"

The voice fell, and the flame of the disc shot out from the hand, and between the electric light and flint, it came close to Tianbei Embroidery's body, burning and annihilating his remnant.

"Boom boom boom!"

With a sound of explosion, I thought that Tian Bei Xiusuke's body would be wiped out, but who would have expected this fellow to come back to life again.

"I said, it's no wonder that you became Aizen Sousuke's subordinate for no reason, and you also accepted the power of Bengyu, no wonder it is so difficult to kill."

Wuchen was relieved, and following his line of sight, Tianbei Xiuzhu was healing strangely.

"There is no way to do this. If I can, I don't want to have anything to do with a dirty creature like Xu. This is completely prepared for you, and it works very well. If it weren't for the power of Bengyu, I You were killed long ago."

Tianbei Xiusuke said with difficulty while vomiting blood, his face spewed white liquid, and then slowly shrank, turning into a mask belonging to Daxu.

"Really? Bengyu's power is indeed powerful."

Wuchen nodded undeniably, and he knew best as the host of Bengyu.But then the conversation changed, and he smiled gloomily: "Bengyu has consciousness, and it was later obliterated by me, and now the consciousness in Bengyu is actually disguised by myself."

Hearing this, Tian Bei Xiuzhu was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed and he asked anxiously, "What did you say?"

"Jie Jie... The person who instigated Aizen Sosuke to kill the captain... After all, it's me, I'm afraid that idiot Aizen Sosuke will never know, take away the captain [Flowing Blade Ruo Huo] It's actually me!"

Approaching Tianbei Xiusuke, Wuchen said in a tone that only two people could hear.

"That is to say.... the power in my body is yours now?" Tian Bei Xiusuke asked in disbelief after a long pause.

"Tsk're smart. I know everything you do."

Wuchen chuckled and admitted that this is an indisputable fact, and immediately sneered: "I have my strength in my body, but you dare to face me with swords, do you know what a terrible thing this is?"

"Ah ah ah..."

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