
Wuchen's murderous intention exploded, and when he was about to activate his pupil power, he suddenly stopped and took out the star badge that belonged to Quincy.The corners of his mouth showed a fierce smile, and he could take this opportunity to try out the stunt of old man Yamamoto - the residual fire sword!


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Chapter 1188 At a glance, it will be [4/6]

How powerful is the residual fire sword?No one knew about this, and even if anyone knew, they were all sent to the underworld by Yamamoto Yuanliuzhai Chongguo.But the only thing that is certain is that this is a weapon that is enough to destroy the world. It is because the power is too powerful. For thousands of years, only when dealing with Yuhabach, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Shigeguo really Used once in a sense.

"This temperature? It turned out to be a residual fire sword!"

The members of the Zero Division widened their eyes, obviously they were no strangers to the remnant fire.

"I designed to take away the commander's Zanpakutō ability, so the commander who was hit by Aizen Sosuke Kyoka Suizuki was not his opponent, so he was easily killed by Aizen Sosuke.

"It turns out that you, a despicable and shameless fellow, killed Yuan Liuzhai!"

The members of Team Zero glared at each other, glaring at Wuchen.

"People are already dead, even if you kill me, it's useless, not to mention that I can't wait to peel me to the bone. Instead of missing Captain Yamamoto, it's better to imagine how you deal with me who has the [Remnant Fire Sword]."

Wuchen chuckled lightly, and at the same time gave a light drink.

"Everything in Vientiane will be reduced to ashes, and the blades are like fire!!!"

After saying that, a flame-wrapped sword flashed in Wuchen's hand, and the temperature of the entire world increased as soon as it appeared.

Everyone couldn't help but despair, feeling terrified by Wuchen's power. This pervert was enough to single out all the gods of death when he didn't have any residual fire.

"Everyone, please don't forget the responsibilities of our zero team!"

Feeling the world-destroying aura shrouded in Wuchen, Ichibei, the head of the army, had to raise his voice to wake up.

In particular, the relationship between Wuchen and Shutara Senjumaru and Hizune Kiryu made him daydream.

"Thousand-mile palms!"

The huge big hand quickly swept out and grabbed the whole person towards Wuchen.


Seeing this, Wuchen did not hide or close, and there was no sign of elementalization in his body. He wanted to try the power of the residual fire sword.

The dust-free perimeter is just a round flame.

"Fire Rejection!"

The incoming Reiatsu raised his hand and was immediately destroyed, and before he touched the dust-free body, he was dismembered and fused by the scorching high temperature.

"Damn it, this power, and this trick are absolutely indistinguishable."

Two Wu Wang Yue, who has the title of God of Swords, said that his old face was blue, and he really didn't understand that God would be so biased towards Wuchen.

"Could he be God's illegitimate child?"

It's not just that Wang Yue of the two houses has such a strange idea. At this moment, all the members of the zero team are like this. Otherwise, why does Wuchen have so many sky-defying abilities, and at the same time, there is such a sky-defying ability as Liuren Ruohuo? Cheater?

God bastard no doubt!


Zanpakutō's blade swept out dazzling brilliance, and the endless flames began to gallop, and a hundred meters away felt an unprecedented fiery heat.

As if thrown into a steamer, the whole world is extremely hot.

"As expected of the strongest fire-type Zanpakutō... This power, if it weren't for the ten-tailed trait that I could regenerate, I would have to be extremely careful when meeting Captain Yamamoto."

"He has only one person, but we are five people, occupying the advantage of numbers, don't panic, we will besiege him together!"

At this moment, a soldier in the main army shouted violently.


The five members of Team Zero were divided into five and attacked in different directions. The speed was extremely fast, and the offensive was extremely harsh.

"Two fists can't beat four hands, five of us beat you one, what qualifications do you have with us?"

The soldier's head guard roared loudly.

"Two fists can't beat four hands? It's true, but it works for ordinary people. This iron principle doesn't work for me."

His eyes moved to the toilet suddenly, and a raging smile appeared on the corner of Wuchen's mouth, and the soldier's head guard, who was rushing in quickly, was in sight.

, "Have you been beaten by your own tricks?"

The dust-free smile said, and the strange writing wheel turned around, as if he could see the tricks and tactics of the soldier's main department in an instant.

"My trick is to attack myself? If you can do it, take me and be willing to bow down immediately!"

The head guard Ichiba sneered, his face full of disbelief, as were the other members of Team Zero, full of contempt.

It would be too foolish to be imitated at random at a glance.

"is it?"

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