"Let our master out, or else..."


The ferocious knife wind blazed out, and the hot girl was cut in half before she could finish speaking, and the blood flowed nonstop.

"Fifty-Four Wasted Flames of Destruction!"

It seems that the disgusting corpse divided into two is too annoying, Wuchen directly turned it into powder, completely ignoring the hostile eyes of the other girls, like a gust of wind passing by.

"Sisters do it!"

I don't know who gave a low drink, and the girls who were made Zanpakutō drew their swords to Wuchen.

"The ignorant have no fear."

Gently turned his head and glanced at the group of impassioned Zanpakutō, Wuchen gave a light drink, and the whole world returned to peace again.

"The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction!"

The black light that fell from the sky smashed the girls, blood flowed nonstop, and fell to the ground full of scabs.

"Really, firstly, you have no strength, secondly, you have no beauty, and thirdly, you still dare to sneak attack on me, so why don't you kill you?"

After shaking his head, Wuchen continued to walk towards the Lingwang Palace without even looking at the corpse.


In the dark hall, the entire world of Lingfang Palace was reduced to rubble, only this place was safe and sound.

Of course, this is intentional.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

In the room, trembling suddenly occurred, and the cold murderous aura shattered everything.

"So it's here."

A figure walked out of the darkness, looking at the Spirit King embedded in the special seal, Wuchen couldn't help but sigh.

"The king of the god of death... You are really pitiful. Your limbs were cut off, and your heart and consciousness were taken away. You should be very complaining about this world, right? Don't worry, I will liberate you now!"

The Spirit King was silent, just quietly opening his eyes, no different from the vegetative person who Wuchen experienced in his previous life.It is completely treated as a fair offering.

"Hehe... the person who didn't expect to come is you."

In the dark space, there was a sudden feeling of vicissitudes.It seems to be a living fossil that came out of thousands of years ago, very ancient.

"Who? Get out of here!"

Wuchen was stunned for a moment, and immediately burst into a drink, looking left and right, and at the same time saw the domineering spread.

"There's no one there."

Wuchen murmured, and suddenly he felt someone watching him, and suddenly raised his head.

"It's you... You turned out to be the King of Spirits, how could you possibly speak?" With wide eyes, Wuchen said in awe, not expecting that the King of Spirits could still speak.

"Why can't I speak?" The King of Spirit frowned and said very suspiciously.

"This one……"

When asked by King Ling, Wuchen was speechless and looked at him quietly, the killing intent in his eyes flashed away.

"Are you actually a god of death?"

King Ling looked at Wuchen badly, his eyes were obviously filled with murderous intent, and shouted: "I will definitely not let you go."


Wuchen was silent, but he responded with a slash.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, the soul world and the present world trembled fiercely, including the virtual circle. Like a major earthquake of dozens of magnitudes, a huge and narrow gap appeared, stretching a distance of more than ten kilometers.

Even the Lingwang Palace in front of you is the same, the space is gradually damaged, and there are signs of collapse!

"It seems that if you kill the Spirit King, the whole world will collapse."

Sensing the vibrations in the outside world, Wuchen murmured softly, and even the "Six Path Earth Blast Stars" he released had huge holes.

"Damn, how dare you use me as a test subject?"

King Ling was furious, staring at Wuchen with brutal eyes, and roared: "Let me clarify something, I am your god of death, how dare you..."

"Shut up, you idiot!"

With a sullen look in his eyes, Wuchen directly picked up a piece of broken step to seal the mouth of the Spirit King, and sneered: "You are about to become part of my body, and I will be a brand new Spirit King!"

Without waiting for the Spirit King to speak, Wuchen's eyes changed, and the majestic spiritual power invaded his mind, shattering his memory in an instant and turning into a vegetative existence.

Anyway, as long as the Spirit King doesn't die, everything is fine.

He took out the bead that he had prepared before, azure blue, similar to Bengyu, but there was an essential difference. Wuchen planned to integrate the whole person of the Spirit King into it. After that, he fused the bead and directly plugged the Spirit King into it. Entering his own body, thinking about him getting cold, still can accept such a method without dust.


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