"Pfft! Pfft!"

In the black cavity behind him, a howl of pain suddenly came out, and Aizen Suo Yusuke turned his head unexpectedly, and the scene that caught his eye made him stunned.

Harribel took advantage of the situation to sneak attack on Aizen's subordinates, easily ending the lives of the digital broken faces, and even the ten-blade First Stark who was caught off guard was cut in half.

Ulquiorra is a little better, and has enough vigilance that even if a hand is broken, it can still grow.

"Harribel...give me an explanation!"

The flame was restrained, and Aizen Soyousuke asked hoarsely. He didn't expect that this subordinate, who was usually the most loyal, even more loyal than Ulquiorra, would be attacked by the situation.

"Look at you, this is not what you expected!"

Ignoring the blackened face of Aizen Suoyousuke, Wuchen's laughter was full of unbridled ridicule and disdain.

"Don't you understand? Harribel was originally mine!"

"Damn things!"

This sentence made Aizen Sangyoujie angry. Although he only used Halibel as a tool, if he was played around with a tool for no reason, everyone would be furious.

"Wastoad, how dare you betray me?!"

The cold eyes made people dare not look directly, and Aizen Soyousuke was full of murderous aura.

"Attention, I'm talking about them, not Halibel alone." Clean dust reminded kindly.

"Who else?" Aizen Suo Yusuke looked around for a while after hearing the words.

"And me, Captain Aizen!"

A black shadow flew quickly, and the Zanpakutō stabbed Aizen Sousuke in the back.

"Be careful behind, Aizen-sama!"

Seeing this scene, the most loyal lackey, Toxian, was about to shout, and at the same time, he shouted angrily, "Ichimaru Yin, how dare you betray Master Aizen?"


The edge of the Zanpakutō shreds Aizen Sousuke, easily disemboweling him, and because the Ichimaru Silver Zanpakutō also has the properties of venom, it melts Aizen Sousuke's cells in an instant.

A large hole is formed in the chest, much larger than a human head.

"You bastards!"

Aizen Suo Yusuke's eyes were about to split, like an angry lion, roaring loudly.

However, in Wuchen's eyes, it was extremely sad, and the fingertips glowed with a faint luster, and when he was about to completely smash Aizen Soyousuke, a mutation protruded.


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Chapter 1218 Kill them all! 【Second Update】


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On Aizen Soyousuke's chest, an azure blue sphere is clearly visible, beating with a mysterious luster, very beautiful, that mysterious beam is like a black hole, which can attract the attention of human beings, and can no longer be removed.

"Tsk tsk...It's a pity, if I still cared about you before, now...let's forget it."

Glancing at the azure-blue Bengyu, the dust-free heart was extremely quiet, without the slightest desire. After devouring the Spirit King, this kind of thing was dispensable to him, without the slightest attraction.

It is even said that there is nothing in this world that can impress Wuchen.

"You two bastards, I will never let you go. The thing I hate most in my life is the traitor. Anyone who betrays me will die!"

Aizen Soyousuke glared at Harribel and Ichimaru Gin fiercely.The final gaze was fixed on Ichimaru Gin, and there was a fire in his eyes.

"You two go and entangle that guy with me first!"

Even though there was a big hole in the abdomen that was big enough for a human head, Aizen Soyousuke was still safe and sound.He winked at Tōsen Kao and Ulquiorra.

The implication is to order the two of them to temporarily entangle Wuchen.

"You wait for me, traitor!"

Glancing at Ichimaru Gin viciously, Toxian was about to swipe straight out.

"Idiot, Ichimaru Gin has been modified by me before, and now he is my loyal lackey, and you Aizen's reversal of opinion... is his mortal enemy!"

Wuchen laughed sarcastically, looked at Shimaru Yin who had no expression on his face, and handed him a don't worry look, obviously saying, I'll be with you all the way!


Two sharp roars came, and Wuchen looked over, the speed was as fast as lightning, called the speed of light, but it was extremely clear in Wuchen's eyes.

Although the strength of Dong Xian Yao and Ulquiorra increased sharply after the strengthening of Beng Yu, they were still average.

Dongxian asked his green pupils to stare at Wuchen [after accepting the power of Bengyu and regaining the light], he pulled out his Zanpakutō, the spiritual pressure all over his body was surging, and he said in a low voice: "No matter what happened in the past, everything will be in the present. Here, the complete knot..."


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