Hearing this, Wuchen laughed dumbly and couldn't help shaking his head.

"No problem, I agree to your terms."

Sighing, Lias finally accepted the dust-free conditions, and the right to bully the children.


There was no one in the rather spacious training room, only a few figures.

"Minister, we are all demons... It's not good to bully a human..."

The handsome blond boy frowned, his tone was hesitant, and he rarely questioned Rias' decision.

"I can't help it, he probably thought the supernatural research lab was fun..."

Lias smiled wryly, looking at Wuchen who seemed to be wandering around like a curious baby in the distance, she couldn't help but said: "Forget it, Yuto and Kitten, please do the two of you, don't hurt him."

"Yes, Minister."

"Yes, Minister."

Kitten and Kiba Yuto both agreed, who made Rias their minister.

"Tsk tsk... This world seems to be very interesting, magic? Interesting." Wuchen turned around, rubbing his chin and muttering to himself.

"That Wu, Wuchen classmate is about to start."

Kiba Yuto exclaimed, I don't know that when he called Wuchen his classmate, he felt very strange and awkward.

Hearing this, Wuchen nodded, and everyone came calmly under their strange gazes. The mere humans challenged the demons, and it was definitely courting death.

"You be careful."

Kiba Yuto kindly reminded that even if Huaquan embroidered his legs and pretended, he might injure the other party.

"No problem, I have thick skin."

Wuchen raised his hand and smiled, and then the ability of the glittering fruit was activated, and a large number of photons floated from the body and disappeared instantly.

"what's going on?"

Kiba Yuto, who didn't respond, exclaimed, Wuchen was like a ghost and suddenly disappeared.

"Space magic?" The expression of the naturally dumb kitten also changed.She only saw a lot of light flashing from Wuchen's body, and then disappeared like light.

"Yudou, behind the kitten!"

Rias and Zhu Nai shouted and clenched their fists at the same time. Neither of them realized what was going on. Wuchen appeared behind them inexplicably, and the two who realized the danger came from instinctual reminders.

"It's a foul."

She glanced at Rias with a playful look in her eyes, and said innocently.

"Is this guy a ghost? How come there is no movement at all!"

While Kiba Yuto and Kitten were in a daze, the fists in their hands had already smashed over.

"Bang! Bang!"

The fists of the two smashed through the dust-free body, but he had nothing at all, and the place pierced by the fists shone brightly.

"It's really a ghost!"

Kiba Yuto and Kitten looked at each other, there was no difference between dust-free and insubstantial ghosts, and their bodies were hollow.

"It seems that this supernatural research laboratory, I have joined Ding."

Wuchen whispered, and at the same time his body erupted with a weak repulsion, "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

"Bang! Bang!"

The repulsion came and went quickly, and the two of them didn't have time to react, and they were directly thrown away.

However, Wuchen suppressed the force to the smallest extent, and did not hurt the two of them. Without looking at the monk's face and looking at the Buddha's face, Rias and Himejima Akina were good to Wuchen.

"That's enough, Miss Minister."

Turning his head, looking at Rias and Himejima Akeno who were in a daze, Wuchen smiled kindly.

"That, I..."

After a while, Lias, who came back to her senses, blushed, and looked at Wuchen with a little bewilderment. She was just talking casually, but she didn't expect Wuchen to really do it.

"It's not over yet!"

The black afterimage came galloping, and ordinary people could hardly capture his appearance.

"so slow."

But it was extremely slow to fall into Wuchen's eyes, refreshing his previous cognition!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At the moment when the sword edge slashed, Wuchen raised his arm extremely boringly.

"Clang clang!"

An even more exaggerated scene was immediately staged. Wuchen effortlessly grabbed the sword blade in Kiba Yuto's hand, just like grabbing a rough branch, and there was nothing at all.

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