With a face full of laughter, he walked to Amano Yuma, and said with a laugh, "You can be my girlfriend, but there are conditions. First of all, you must fulfill your girlfriend's responsibilities..."

Hearing this, Amano Xima's mouth twitched, looking at Wuchen's cheap smile, wishing to slap him to death, when he was about to refute, Wuchen sealed his excuse with a sentence.

"I've tried it with Zhu Nai, but she's very obedient. If you don't even listen to me, then I'm sorry, I think we will definitely not be suitable."

After speaking, Wuchen turned around and left, not afraid that Amano Yuma would not agree, but deliberately slowed down.

"This guy won't do it on purpose!"

Amano Xima's pretty face turned black, and her beautiful face was already twisted. After thinking hard, she finally gritted her teeth, and her white jade legs resolutely kept up with Wuchen's pace.

"That, that, I can promise you no matter what, what Miss Zhu Nai can do, I can do it too, even better than her."

Hearing this, the wicked smile on Wuchen's face was even more pronounced.


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Chapter 1246 Amano Yuma, who wants to cry but has no tears [first]

Hearing this, Wuchen laughed even more. After waiting for a long time, he just put the fat in his mouth because of Amano Yuma's words. It's a pity not to eat it!

Touching his chin and turning around Amano Yuma, he said playfully, "First of all, my shoulders are a little sore, you have to give me a massage."

The corners of Amano Xima's eyes twitched a few times, and she continued to force a smile, and said with a sly smile: "It doesn't seem appropriate here, after all, it's in a public place, so I can't stand and let me squeeze your waist and beat your legs for you. ?"

"How about standing? Can't you?"

Wuchen asked without answering, which made Amano Yuma speechless. Although he said that most of the massages were done on his stomach, no one said that he could not stand.

"OK then."

Amano Xima was helpless, and could only compromise and admit her fate. The delicate and pretty jade hands went to the left and right shoulders of Wuchen respectively.

"Well, although it's a bit jerky, the technique is not bad."

After experiencing it for a few times, there is a glint in his eyes, and the dust-free sigh is not bad. Some people are born to be the kind that can serve people. Some special skills do not require any training, and they are comparable to Professional master level.

"Hmph, boy, you'd better be useful, or I'll make you regret living in the world."

Amano Xima was so angry that she gritted her teeth in anger, but she could only stare helplessly. At present, she could only listen to Wuchen's words.

"How, how do you feel?"

Amano Yuma said in a whimpering voice, it sounds playful ~ cute ~ cute ~ love, there is a touch of charm in the words, a living fairy.

If Wuchen didn't have a few hot experiences in the world, he might have been fooled by Amano Xima.

"Barely good."

The dust-free enjoyment, but what he said was the exact opposite.

"You... forget it."

Enduring the resentment in his heart, the helpless Amano Yuma could only slow down...

"The pace is slow again..."

"Then I'll speed up a little bit."

"How clumsy you are, my lovely Zhu Nai, that's very slippery in this regard."

"Then I'm slowing down..."

"Oops, my feet hurt so much. I must have fallen and slapped my feet just now. Xima, help me squeeze."

"You want me to pinch your feet?"

"Yeah, that's what it takes to be my girlfriend!"


For more than ten minutes, Wuchen was making things difficult for the girl for various reasons. She simply had a good temper, and some unreasonable conditions were all endured.

"Tsk tsk, in fact, you are more suitable to be a maid than a girlfriend."

After a while, Wuchen's words made Amano Xima so angry that she couldn't bear it anymore, she suppressed her anger, and said coquettishly, "Mr. Chen, do you dislike me?"

"This name... you don't call it."

Glancing at Amano Yuma lightly, Wuchen's tone suddenly became cold. The only person who called him like that was Mao Zhihualie. That time was a good memory, and Wuchen didn't want anyone to destroy it.

"I, I know."

The corners of Amano Xima's mouth trembled unnaturally, and said docilely.In her heart, the stormy waves rolled up, and she keenly smelled the supreme taste in Wuchen's breath. For a moment just now, it seemed that there was a god close at hand, who could crush her at will.

"Ah ah ah... hurry up and rub my arm, we'll do something interesting later." Wuchen said with shining eyes.

"It really was an illusion just now, how could this guy be a god..."

Amano Xima sneered in her heart and scolded her ignorance. She didn't expect that she would have such an illusion now.

When he opened his mouth and was about to speak, he suddenly felt his lips become cold and a little hot.

"You, you guy..."

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