After saying that, the photon of Wuchen's right arm floated, and the golden Tiancong Yunjian condensed and formed.


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Chapter 1251 You are my booty [sixth more]

The dark pupils are pleated and bright, as if they can see the past of the world at a glance, Amano Yuma felt that the secrets of her life were all exposed under the dust-free pupils, and her whole body was seen at a glance, even the most secret department. ~ Bit is no exception!

"What kind of look is that?"

Aware of the abnormality of Wuchen's eyes, Amano Yuma's soul seemed to be struck by lightning, and she was going backwards.

But soon, Yuma Amano stopped her steps. Those two dark eyes were like the eyes of God entrenched above her head. Whether she ran to the ends of the earth or the extremes of the world, it seemed that as long as it was a thought without dust, she would Immediately Xiang Xiaoyu died.

"Damn, it must have been the brain that has been tossed by this guy in the past two days. How can there be such an illusion! He is not a god." illusion.

The person in front of him is nothing but a handsome man who likes to tease people and is lecherous at the same time.

"Hmph, you still want to fight to the death now, it seems that you haven't made up your mind." Amano Yuma's hand floated with light, and a spear of light was held in her jade hand.

"These ignorant is this little girl's film?"

Wuchen is also too lazy to compete. As the saying goes, you will lose if you are serious. There is no need to be angry with a little girl.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A gust of wind and waves suddenly hit from the front, Wuchen brows frivolous, and before he can even look, the cold glare suddenly stabs.

"go to hell!"

The strong body is filled with the light of Divine Accumulation that is difficult to modify, and the shot is extremely ruthless, mercilessly stabbing towards Wuchen.

"Jie you hate me so have to destroy my face."

Wuchen said helplessly, and then the Tiancong Yunjian in his hand waved, and golden ripples splashed in the air.

The incoming spear of light produced an inevitable change immediately.


The light and shadow penetrated the incoming long spear and easily divided it into two. The simple and casual appearance of Wuchen gave people the same feeling as eating.

"This, this, this..."

Amano Yuma was stunned and said three "this" in succession, her pupils dilated and she was speechless in shock.


The violent hurricane hit the face, and I saw Amano Yuma floating in the air, two black wings fanning vigorously.

"This guy really has some kind of powerful artifact in his body?"

Amano Yuma exclaimed, his intestines are all regretful, and from the current combat power of Wuchen, he has been able to completely control the "artifact" in his body.

"I have to kill him, or I'll be finished myself."

His eyes changed rapidly, and Amano Yuma sentenced Wuchen in his heart.


The jade hand vibrated, and the broken light spear on the ground began to vibrate, and then under the control of Amano Yuma, it flew back and healed again.

Looking at Wuchen, who was light and cloudless, his bottomless strength not only did not prompt Amano Yuma to stop, but instead stimulated her cruel nature.


This time, the number of falling spears of light increased sharply, causing Yuma Amano's anger to be loud.


Seeing this, Wuchen had lost his mind, and a burst of repulsion was released from his body, sending all the spears of light flying.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The perfect defensive circle formed by the repulsive force resists everything. This kind of trivial small attack is naturally nothing at all.

"Bang bang bang!"

The spears of light that wanted to smash dust-free into holes were bombarded by the absolute defense and landed weakly on the ground.


"This.... I'd better retreat!"

Aware of the gap, Amano Yuma was helpless, and her wings were swung faster.Since you can't beat it, you'll just be humiliating yourself if you stay, so it's better to run away as soon as possible.

"Did I let you go?"

When Amano Yuma fluttered her wings and left, Wuchen's indifferent voice rang out, staring at Amano Yuma, spinning back and forth, "You can go, at least leave something behind."

"Humph! Arrogance."

Amano Yuma's eyes were gloomy, she came full of confidence, but in the end she fled in embarrassment, her heart was already full of anger, and now Wuchen has stirred up the flames in her heart, screaming: "I just can't get down, what if If you can fly to the sky and catch me, you can take anything you want from me."

As soon as the voice fell, Amano Yuma suddenly felt that her body was much lighter, and when she was about to speak, her throat seemed to be blocked, making it difficult to speak.

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