"This is……"

Looking at the blond girl with some absent-mindedness, the emerald green eyes are very familiar to Wuchen.

"No wonder it feels familiar, it turns out to be Elsa."

Wuchen was stunned, then walked away and walked towards Aisha.

"Little sister... are you all right?"

Wuchen, who realized that something was wrong, immediately changed his words, and it was very rude to call the other party's little sister rashly without knowing each other.

"Church... I don't know if I really thought it was a place where literati and writers concentrated, but it was actually a group of perverts." Looking at Aisha's blatant church clothes, Wuchen said with contempt in his heart.

She then shook her head and looked at Aisha, who was still lying on the ground. She was in pain, and it was very difficult to move. After all, she was just a girl with a simple mind. Not everyone is dust-free.

"Are you okay?"

Wuchen took the initiative to stretch out his hands to support the girl, and he grabbed at Elsabe's snow-like wrist, his mind suddenly trembled, and ripples appeared in his calm eyes.

He glanced at the girl with a vague look. Although she was young, her body's development had begun to take shape. The delicate touch made Wuchen reverie.

"That, hug, sorry, did it bother you? I didn't mean to."

Aisha, who stood up, quickly bowed and apologized, and solemnly said, "Thank you for helping me."

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A breeze suddenly hit at this moment, and Aisha's dress was suddenly blown up, and all the light under the skirt was exposed in front of Wuchen.

"That, that, I..."

Seeing this scene, Aisha's face seemed to be on fire, turning fiery red, and she didn't say why for a long time.

"You are injured."

The sharp-eyed Wuchen stared at the bruise on Elsa's palm and grabbed her right arm again, who became even more embarrassed.

"Accidentally fell and hurt."

Aisha said with a blushing face, moved her arm, and was about to withdraw her arm. When she said that she was fine, she was startled to feel Wuchen restlessly touching ~come~touch~go, and her goodwill towards Wuchen disappeared instantly.

"Why are you...what is this? It feels so cool."

The anger on her face dissipated, Aisha was swallowed up by the short-lived feeling of kuai, and she was deeply trapped in it, unable to extricate herself, there was some mysterious warm current flowing around in her body, moisturizing her wound, warm like the sun Enjoy it comfortably.

Opening her eyes wide, Aisha was stunned to find that her ruptured wound healed in an instant, her clean skin was fair, and there were no blemishes or scars.

"how did you do it?"

The eyes were full of brilliance, and Aisha looked at Wuchen with deep puzzlement on her face.


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Chapter 1259 Shocked Lias [Second More]

Aisha's tone increased several decibels, her beautiful jewel eyes were full of astonishment, and the small mouth opened and closed, adding a touch of plainness to her charming appearance, which made people want to pity her.

"No surprise, just a deceiving gadget."

Wuchen smiled calmly, and his tone showed disdain.Turning back time, bringing people back to life, creating and destroying the world in the blink of an eye is just a thought for him.

Healing such trivial matters is even more trivial.

"That, that, I..."

Maybe it was because of the first contact with strangers, Aisha was especially nervous, clutching the corner of her clothes tightly, her palms were sweaty, and she didn't say anything for a long time.


Seeing this, Wuchen frowned slightly, stared at her flustered pupils, and guessed, "Aren't you lost?"

Hearing this, the hydrogen gas on Elsa's little face blushed brightly.

"That...that's the first time I've come to this city, so I don't know the way." The cute Xiu clenched her fists, and the girl gathered up her courage.

"There's no need to care about such trivial matters. When I first arrived, I was very vague."

Wuchen responded lightly, and then took the initiative to invite and said: "Looking at your dress, you should be someone from the church. I happen to be familiar with it and can take you there."


Hearing that, Aisha was overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed to Wuchen to thank him, and finally pulled the corner of his clothes, for fear that Wuchen would leave.

"Let's go."

Seeing this, Wuchen smiled and turned to leave. As for the class, it was also thrown into the clouds.


The sky was getting hotter and hotter, and it was almost noon.

"Gurefia... rare guest, what are you trying to do with me?"

From the Department of Occult Research, young women in maid outfits stood up, like glittering treasures, attracting everyone's attention.

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