Not only that, the playground where Wuchen and Rebel used to compete was also pierced...

"You bastard!"

Rias was furious, not to mention Rebel, even she was caught off guard, ate a mouthful of dirt, and immediately stared at Wuchen viciously.

"Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. It's really difficult to control the power. I have suppressed the power of [Light Speed ​​Kick] to the limit. Who would have caused such trouble..."

Wuchen's face is innocent, a look that I am very wronged.


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Chapter 1274 The Tsundere Rebel [Third]

Hearing Wuchen's "truthful" complaints, everyone turned petrified, and all of them looked down at the scorched ground as if their souls had been taken away.

The charred crater was like watching the sun up close, and their glasses stinged.

"Ah ah ah... Miss Rebel, you have already lost. Now please do the jumping. Come over and pinch my waist and beat my legs. Really, I'm very tired these days."

While Wuchen sighed with emotion, on the other hand, he did not forget to order Rebel.

It gives the impression that it is a villain.

" dream, I haven't lost yet."

Rebel gritted her teeth and stood up. Originally, she planned to admit defeat, but Wuchen's smiling appearance deeply stimulated her, especially when she mentioned "squeeze waist and beat legs", Rebel stood up as if she was electrocuted.

She can't accept this cruel fact, absolutely not!

To become a dust-free slave, all kinds of things must be promised, which makes her face as the eldest daughter of the Phoenix family?

Never compromise!

"Are you still going to resist?"

Catching the madness in Rebel's eyes, Wuchen shook his head, not because he looked down on Rebel, but because the gap between the two sides was too far.

No matter how hard the little chick works, no matter how hard they study, they can't match the eagle soaring in the sky.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At this moment, a gust of cold wind suddenly hit, and Rebel suddenly felt chilly.

"You bastard did it on purpose!"

Rebel was stunned for a moment, looked at her body subconsciously, and found that her pure white wrist had been exposed to the air.

"It's just a warning, if you're fighting, you're going to get burned all over your body."

Wuchen smiled cheerfully, and there was an undisguised threat in his words.

"Hmph, then I won't give up!"

Rebel still stubbornly refused to give up, the resting magic power in the body was greatly improved again, and it erupted fiercely, without boundaries.

The flames of her body became more and more coquettish.

"Looks good..."

Wuchen touched his chin with interest, his fingertips suddenly glowed with golden light, glanced at Rebel, and then shot out with all his strength.


A powerful and unstoppable light blazed out, penetrating Rebel's body without a doubt.

"Hmph, this kind of attack is useless, it was just a careless hit by you just now."

At the wound where Rebel was attacked, a gap the size of a thumb appeared, thanks to Wuchen's attack.

However, Rebel was unaffected, and the wound began to heal slowly in the next second.

"The Phoenix family has the body of an undead bird, and also has their characteristics - an immortal body, no matter how it is attacked, it will immediately regenerate, blood can make people immortal, and tears can heal all injuries."

Rias stood up and explained, with a sense of admiration in her words.

"Sounds powerful."

Wuchen touched his chin, his mouth was like this, but his expression was extremely frivolous. Obviously, he said it on purpose, in order to satisfy the vanity of this self-esteemed girl.

"Since you understand our strength, then surrender quickly!"

Rebel's tone was arrogant and arrogant, showing the meaning of being superior.

"Make me surrender?"

Hearing this, Wuchen couldn't help laughing, his body suddenly burst out with a special temperament, and all those affected by the influence changed their faces.

"Boom boom boom!"

The extremely oppressive temperament intimidated the sky, and there was nothing to stop it. Rebel, who was shocked by the momentum, immediately became panicked, and the calm pupil changed from the calm before and became extremely fearful.

She was surprised to find that there was an extremely domineering aura covering her body, as long as a will, or a random sneeze, would instantly kill him!

Unable to bear it, Rebel almost suffocated and fainted.

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