Wuchen glanced at Linger, then stood up, moved his body slightly, and heard the sound of "crackling" bones, his eyes ignored the void in front of him, and his clear eyes were beating with an elusive color.


Yuyin Village, in an unknown secret room.

"Wuchen, how did you do this, who can hurt you like this."

Looking at Wuchen, who was in a state of embarrassment, Otsutsuki Yuluodai frowned slightly, turned around Wuchen, and immediately pointed at his chin, and said incredulously: "Who is it that can make you into such a pair? appearance."

Although Wuchen didn't have any wounds all over his body, his face was pale and his eyes were dull, as if he was just recovering from a serious illness, and his temperament was abnormally weak.

Glancing at Wuchen angrily, Otsutsuki Yuluo then carefully helped him to the seat and sat down, with the gentle appearance of Xiaojiabiyu, without the usual indifference.

This made Wuchen feel a little flattered.

"I don't have anything to do, it's just that my pupil strength is severely overdrawn." He waved his hand and signaled Otsutsuki Yuluo not to worry, Wuchen smiled and smiled, giving people a feeling of gentleness and a lot.

After the battle with Uchiha Sasuke in the system, the pupil power of Wuchen's eyes has not recovered yet, and his physical condition is not good. The same is true in the real world where pupil power is damaged in the system.

"Where did that kid with Obito run off to again, he wouldn't let that old fellow Uchiha Madara learn ninjutsu again..."

He asked Otsutsuki Yuluo speechlessly, since Uchiha Obito has been dragged into hell by his own blackening, he has never given up his training in ninjutsu. He is very hardworking, thinking about when to attack Konoha all day long...

"It's not all your fault, the same is true for the whirlpool Nagato." Rolling his eyes, Otsutsuki Yuluo handed his big white eyes towards Wuchen.

Yahiko was also deliberately killed under Wuchen's indifference, thus making Vortex Nagato fall into the devil's way and completely despairing of the real world. Lin was also controlled by Wuchen's thinking, and then was killed, and Obito who saw with her own eyes It was completely blackened.

So Wuchen robbed Madara Uchiha and dominated everything...

"That's not good... just so they can follow my orders."

Wuchen said with a chuckle and shrugged his shoulders casually. It doesn't matter to this. People don't kill themselves for their own sake. Anyway, Uchiha Madara will do it if they don't do it.

"What are your plans next?"

Staring at Wuchen's eyes, Otsutsuki Yuluo said softly: "Obito will probably attack Konoha soon..."

Speaking of which, Otsutsuki Yuluo stopped. Although Uchiha Obito's strength has improved rapidly, especially after Uchiha Madara's teaching, he is not a "yellow~color flash" Namikaze Minato. opponent.

"Let him go, that kid won't be calm if he turns Konoha upside down without venting his anger."

His eyes became far-reaching and long, and Uchiha Obito was still useful to him now, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and Wuchen said softly: "At that time, I will go to Konoha with Obito..."

Although Uchiha Obito was safe in the end, just in case, Wuchen chose to accompany Uchiha Obito on a trip to Konoha. It was best to recover the nine tails, and now the eight tails are in his hands. , including the outsider golems as well.

"It's really a headache, I hope that little civet cat won't be killed..."

Now, the only one whose whereabouts are unknown is the one-tailed Shouhe. If it was really careless, it would have been killed. Wuchen would have nowhere to cry. He could only pray silently in his heart that this little civet cat would survive the disaster.

To resurrect the ten tails, one tail is essential.


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Chapter 131 The Eve of Attacking Konoha [Various Requests]

It is no wonder Wuchen is so worried about the safety of Yiwei. After all, it is about the resurrection of the ten tails. Although it can be put together by Chakra, but looking at the world, no one has a Chakra in the body.

"Let's be at peace..."

Shaking his head lightly, Wuchen no longer struggles with this issue. Whether he dies or not, it is not something he can manage at the moment. There are still many things for him to do at the moment. Work hard on what you know.

"Your pupil strength has not recovered yet, why don't I go to Konoha instead of you."

The watery beautiful eyes looked at Wuchen's pale face seriously, and Otsutsuki Yuluo said worriedly, Wuchen is her hope of revival of the Otsutsuki family in the future. Of course, this flower of hope cannot wither before it blooms.

"no need to worry."

Looking at Otsutsuki Yuluo with a consoling look, Wuchen chuckled lightly: "Even if my eyes are already blind, the thousand-handed pillars will regenerate, and Konoha will come and go if he wants."

When talking about Qianshou Zhujian, a contemptuous smile swept across Wuchen's mouth. Shibie should be impressed for three days, even if he was resurrected, Wuchen could easily defeat him.

Not to mention that Wuchen's pupil power is now only a temporary overdraft.

"As you like..."

Seeing Wuchen so resolute, especially his confident and radiant look, like a booster, Otsutsuki Yuluo was silent, silent, just standing quietly beside Wuchen, usually giving him She was indifferent to the impression of people, but she was so well-behaved for the first time.

At this time, Otsutsuki Yuluo was beautiful and delicious.

The elegant and natural fragrance rushed into the ears and nose, and Wuchen was stunned for a while, like poison, and his eyes were stunned.

"No dust, you..."

Aware of Wuchen's abnormality, Otsutsuki Yuluo's expression changed slightly, and it was quite embarrassing to be stared at by Wuchen, even though he was already an old husband and wife.

"Cough, cough, sorry, I lost my mind for a while!"

Wuchen's face was slightly red, and he coughed awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject: "However, don't worry about certain things. As a man, it would be too shameless for a woman to worry."


Hearing this, Yu Luo looked at Wuchen rather appetizingly, and said angrily: "A fool will care about face, just live in peace and stability, I don't have much extravagant hopes."


Wuchen did not say a word, looked at Yu Luo quietly, with a rare satisfaction in his heart, and a sincere kindness on his face, what is there to ask for in life?

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