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Chapter 1314 How about the conspiracy [sixth more]

The two girls holding holy swords were quite embarrassed, sweating, back to back, staring at the approaching enemy.

"Did this thing come from Kirkball?"

Wuchen glanced at Zhenra Chunji and asked, the photo was shot quite well, it should be a close-up shot, it is estimated that Kirkball ordered his subordinates to shoot to threaten Rias.

The atmosphere was silent and stalemate, and everyone was speechless. In the center of the photo was a close-up of Kirkball himself, fluttering his dense black wings, his expression full of pride and arrogance.

As a cadre of fallen angels, Kirkball does have the capital to despise others

"This idiot called Kirkball, with an idiot look on his face, does he despise his longevity, or does he think his strength is invincible and can despise everything?"

Wuchen was the first to speak to break the dull deadlock.

"I decided to rescue them both."

Rias followed suit, her decision was abrupt, but her unrepentant tone was unquestionable.This time, it is not only to rescue Xenovia and Wisteria Irina, but also her dependent Hyoudou Issei.

"Everyone prepared quickly, they definitely didn't expect to rescue the hostages when they sent the photos." Rias spoke cheerfully, and suddenly her heartbeat seemed unplanned, practical, and ulterior.

"You don't need to prepare? The enemy is a senior cadre of fallen angels, someone who once fought against God." Shinra Chunji's face changed greatly, and her words were full of dissuasion.

"This photo was sent by Kirkball himself. It must be a trap. Don't be fooled. They must have planned a conspiracy in advance and are waiting for us to fall into the trap."

"Of course I knew it was a conspiracy."

Without waiting for Lias to speak first, Wuchen took the lead and said: "If you are afraid of each other just because of the trap, then what is the difference between that and salted fish!"

Wuchen's words made everyone laugh, and the originally tense atmosphere eased a lot.

"You are crazy! That guy Kirkball is a fallen angel's cadre, not an ordinary pawn."

Zhenluo Chunji was unrelenting, she tried her best to dissuade Lias, and said softly: "President, I hope you can wait for about two hours for a while, and then we will all be together..."

"I have accepted Canna's kindness, but I don't need it anymore. This is the mission of the Supernatural Research Laboratory."

Lias shook her head decisively and refused. She actually wanted to take this opportunity to test herself and the strength of these patrons. There was no big problem anyway.

After all, if there is a bug like dust-free, all problems will be solved.


Under the black night sky, the whole world is bleak and bitter.

In an inaccessible suburban area, the place is sparsely populated, and the plains are everywhere you can see. There is only one inconspicuous dilapidated church, the walls are covered with thick moss, and it has been abandoned for a long time.


There were several sharp bursts and explosions, and Wuchen and the others appeared.

"Ah, ah, ah... To choose such a poor place as a cemetery for us, that guy Kirkball is really ruthless."

Lias and others wanted to sneak in quietly to find out the situation, but Wuchen's dissatisfaction and complaints spread throughout the night, and they were all exposed to the enemy's sight in an instant.

"Cough cough... I really didn't do it on purpose, I just made it out of feeling." Seeing that everyone was silently observing himself, Wuchen coughed awkwardly.

"Tap Tap!"

At the same time, leisurely footsteps and an arrogant and arrogant tone came from inside the church.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... The shit demon's teammates finally came to save the shit demon, haha... Well, this time, let this uncle chop you all into pieces and feed them to the dog."

Listening to this mad and boundless idiotic tone, Wuchen knows where it is sacred without looking at it.

"Ah, ah, ah... This time, all the trash demons are mobilized. 1, 2, 3 came all at once... Five or six people came to join us at one time, this time is enough for this uncle to show his skills."

Fried shouted while carrying the strange golden sword, completely ignoring Rias and the others, and sentenced them to death.

"There are so many self-righteous bugs, doesn't he know that it is because he has all the air around him?"

Wuchen waved his hand extremely unhappily, and found that the air he inhaled into his nostrils had a stench.

"What are you saying, you damn handsome little white face?!"

Hearing this, Fried, who twisted his cheeks, looked at Wuchen. He was not an idiot, so he naturally knew what Wuchen said.

How dare you say that I stink?No reason!

Under everyone's attention, Fried turned with his sharp-edged holy sword on his back, and turned towards Wuchen, his face was frozen three feet cold.

"Bastard devil, you seem to be different from them."

Pointing at Rias and the others, Fried frowned slightly, his condescending expression somewhat restrained, and he always felt that there was a world of difference between Wuchen and Rias and others.

"It's amazing, you can still see the difference between me and Lias and the others, tsk tsk, I didn't expect that there are such muddy and unstained rotten stones like you in this group of remote huts!"

Wuchen said with a smile, thumbs up and a complimenting expression on his face.


Rias and Akeno, as well as Tacheng Kitten and Aisha, couldn't help laughing. The analogy of Wuchen was more serious than pointing at Fried's nose and scolding.

"You are courting death, and this uncle will cut you eight pieces now!"

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