Wuchen pointed at his lower body, which was the most important place for a man!

"How dare you lie to me?"

Seeing this, Lias's face was feverish, her red glowing beauty was unbelievable, and she gave Wuchen a vicious look, but while everyone was still concentrating on the shock of Kirkball being killed, she rubbed Wuchen a few times without a trace.


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Chapter 1323 White Dragon Emperor Vali [fourth more]

The touch brought by the soft jade hand makes Wuchen unable to stop, addicted to it, as if floating in the clouds, the soul of Wuchen is silent in the warm spring water, swimming around, enjoying the extreme.

"Tsk tsk, what a natural fascination/goblin."

After a few careful experiences, Lias withdrew her jade hand with a blushing face, leaving only the unfinished dust-free.


Gently printed on Lias' jade face, Wuchen patted the dust and stood up unharmed.

"Sure enough, you lied to me, hum."

Lias saw Wuchen Chunfeng stand up proudly, and immediately understood that he was nonsense, and turned her head in dissatisfaction, with an expression that I disliked you very much.

"Cough cough..."

Seeing this, Wuchen coughed twice in embarrassment, and found that everyone's eyes changed when they looked at him, and even more, he took a few steps backwards.

"That Rias, actually I really..."


When Wuchen was about to explain the words seriously, a bright light suddenly flashed in the dark night sky, and there was a sound similar to "kakaka" space fragmentation.

A mysterious white figure came quietly, like a dragonfly in the water, only a few people saw his existence, and seemed to walk out of the broken space, and there were only a handful of people who could feel his breath.

"It's strange... I caught the breath of Kirkball just now, how did it disappear now, and where did it go? It's really troublesome, if it wasn't for Asazel's instructions, I wouldn't look for that kind of thing. Bored to the point of wasting my time... Forget it, it's just a bunch of bugs."

There was a ripple in the sky, and then the voice of self-talk fell, which sounded extremely narcissistic, arrogant, and defiant.


Through the faint bright moonlight, the mysterious existence of the void can be vaguely seen.

He is wearing silver armor, the smooth surface is extremely bright, and can even reflect light, and he also has a pair of awe-inspiring and domineering eyes, showing a touch of contempt when looking at everything, no one in this world can invade his magic eye.

"Forget it, it's too boring, let's leave, why don't you find a place to sleep."

A human voice came from the armor, and when he was about to turn around and leave, there was an unprecedented agitation in his body, as if he wanted to burn, and he suddenly stopped.

"Is that feeling just now..."

"Ehhh... What's the situation? Why do I feel like I'm dying of heat!"

Hyoudou Issei grabbed his left arm tightly, or simply held down his artifact - "Scarlet Dragon Emperor's Cage Hand". There was a scorching air flow into his body, which seemed to burn Hyoudou Issei's entire body. It made him very unhappy and uncomfortable, as if he had encountered a major natural enemy.

"No wonder I have this feeling, it turns out to be you... my old enemy."

The mysterious existence floating in the sky whispered, completely ignoring the existence of Yin and others, and ignoring them as air.

"Cough cough... This guy really knows how to pretend."

Wuchen is speechless, he naturally knows who this person is - White Dragon Emperor Vali!

"Yo, long time no see, red."

Inside the white mecha, there was a tone of vicissitudes, which was completely opposite to the tone of Valli himself before, and was much more sophisticated.

"Long time no see, white!"

Hyoudou Issei's artifact also suddenly came out with the same vicissitudes of voice. There is no doubt that the person who spoke this time was the Red Dragon Emperor himself - Ddraig!

"It seems that you are Hyoudou Issei, the host of the Red Dragon Emperor... You look like this... It's really disappointing!"

As he spoke, White Dragon Emperor Vali looked to the sky with a look of grief.

"This guy can really pretend."

Seeing this, Wuchen pouted, his affection for this narcissistic White Dragon Emperor plummeted, his eyes fell on Hyoudou Issei, and a smile that was not bad and embarrassing flashed.

"You are not worth my own hands for a fragile thing like you, so let this kid Hyoudou Issei beat you for me!"

The dust-free smile was particularly permeating, and dragged his body towards Hyoudou Issei.

"What did you say?"

Hyoudou Issei was furious when he heard this, and Vali made it clear that he was scumbag!

"We are not very different in age, but our strengths are vastly different. I can already enter the [Balong] mode, and you are... It's really horrible to watch, Hyoudou Issei, just because a small person like you is also my old enemy? This is still It's so boring!"

Wa said in a sympathetic tone, extremely arrogant and arrogant, with a sense of being too cold at a high place.

"It's necessary to create some pressure for you to catch up with me." Valli said suddenly in a gloomy tone, "If I kill your parents suddenly, your boring life will be full of rush."

"If you dare to do that, you bastard, I'll kill you with a thousand cuts!"

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