Sure enough, Wuchen stopped leisurely, with a cold killing intent in his plain eyes, "Don't try to anger me... The price is not something you can afford."

"Ha ha…"

White Dragon Emperor Vali smiled nonchalantly, and said casually: "Listen to my subordinates, you have the same goal as me, no, even more indignant than me, to catch the real Red Dragon God Emperor (the great one) Red) I don't even have the crazy idea of ​​being a means of transportation."

Hearing this, Wuchen was stunned, and seemed to understand White Dragon Emperor Vali's thoughts, and said indifferently: "If you can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it, or say..."

"You think my ideas are too far-fetched, and you want to test my strength?"

Wuchen asked with a blank face, and finally understood what Vali's purpose was. Suddenly a character more arrogant and arrogant than him appeared, and this fellow was probably unhappy and wanted to test himself.

"Yes, I just want to see who you are!"

White Dragon Emperor Vali is full of fighting spirit, not afraid that Wuchen will not agree to his conditions, he continued: "You can refuse, but I will start with your companions!"

After saying that, White Dragon Emperor Vali turned into a storm and swept in. He stared at the girls with ruthless eyes, and finally his eyes fell on Aisha's head, as if she felt that she was young and incompetent. This way, it can be better. Force Wuchen to fight him.

"It's your choice!"

His wings vibrated, White Dragon Emperor Vali reached the limit, and under the black night sky, his silver armor was particularly conspicuous.


Aisha screamed in horror and couldn't help but step back, showing fear on her face.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At the same time, a dark shadow came up quickly, like a wall blocking Aisha.

"Haha, I really fell for it."

Seeing this, the White Dragon Emperor was overjoyed, his right arm condensed majestic strength, and mercilessly smashed it towards the shadow.

White Dragon Emperor Vali is not worried at all about whether Wuchen will escape this time. Once he uses that kind of ignoring attack to avoid, then Aisha behind him will be hit hard.

If it doesn't work, it will fall, so Valli judges that Wuchen will take his fist.

"Bang bang bang!"

Sure enough, Wuchen did not avoid it in the end, but took the punch of the White Dragon Emperor with his own flesh and blood.

"Boom boom boom!"

The deafening roar resounded through the dark night sky, and everyone looked at Wuchen in astonishment, only to see that the fist of the White Dragon Emperor Wali Taishan hit Wuchen head-on.

However, as if nothing happened, he stood unharmed and stood still, standing still.

"How, how is this possible? Nothing at all?"

Vali's startled tone spread, and he retracted his fist subconsciously. When he hit Wuchen's right hand, he felt a little pain, as if hitting a meteorite. Wuchen didn't react at all, but his palm felt sore.

At the same time, the dust-free form has also changed drastically, and the whole body has turned into a dark monster. Under the illumination of the moonlight, it can also reflect a cold and cold light!

He has entered a state of domineering full-body armed color!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1327 The Bombed Wally [Second More]

White Dragon Emperor Vali showed a shocking expression, and his calm eyes rolled up with stormy waves. For some reason, facing Wuchen in such a state, he suddenly regretted it.

He doesn't know how, but in a word, it's just two words - regret!

"If I remember correctly, you should only be twenty years old this year. It stands to reason that I shouldn't have the same knowledge as you kid, but you don't seem to appreciate this problem child, and I don't know what to do."

Wuchen's eyes are dotted with monstrous killing intent. He has experienced several worlds, and he is a hundred-year-old monster, and he has no plans to bully him.

"Don't you want to witness my strength? Now I have changed my mind, open your dog eyes and show me clearly!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wuchen's body melted into the darkness, and disappeared with a "rub".

"where it goes?"

White Dragon Emperor Vali hurriedly looked around, it was the first time he had seen such a perverted movement speed when he was so old, which coincided with the fleeting speed of light.

"Idiot, behind you!"

The ridicule sounded behind him, and the White Dragon Emperor Vali turned his head quickly, and it was the pitch-black iron fist that greeted him.


The domineering fist that covered the armed color was invincible, and under the brutal and powerful attack, the White Dragon Emperor Vali disappeared immediately.

"Boom boom boom!"

On the wall [-] meters away, Valita was deeply immersed in it, and the artifact covering his face was shattered again. Not only that, but the right side of his face was still full of redness and swelling.

"Vally...I have a bad feeling that something is wrong with that guy."

White Dragon Emperor Arubion's cautious tone suddenly came, and through a series of previous observations, he came to a terrifying conclusion, "This guy is incredible, maybe this time we really opened Pandora's Box and released an incredible guy. "

"I see it."

Vali stood up with difficulty, his rather handsome face was gloomy, and he said hoarsely, "No wonder Orpheus wants to join forces with him."

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