"I have already brought everything that should be prepared."

Vinylana smiled, pinched her innocent face, and followed her guide to look on the table. A lot of sex toys had already been prepared, and she hadn't seen Wuchen for a while. She wanted tonight. All-out battle!

"Since you're here, I'm welcome!"

There is no word "restraint" in Wuchen's head. He should be free and easy to be a person. He is like a hungry wolf, and he savagely throws Vinylana down.

And Vinylana fully cooperated with Wuchen. For his request, no matter how perverted the idea was, Vinylana refused to come and accepted all of them patiently, satisfying the strange tastes of Wuchen.

"How crazy is this woman wanting to have strength, and she is probably willing to sell her soul..."

Wuchen couldn't help but be speechless, looked at Vinylana who was asleep, then walked to the balcony in her pajamas alone, stretched lazily, only to find a malicious look looking at herself quietly.

"You're not too brave. You forgot the lessons you gave before? Now you dare to take the initiative to send it to your door. Don't think that I'm in a good mood every time. Maybe when I'm upset, I'll kill you right away."

Focusing on the shadow sitting on the balcony pillar, Wuchen said coldly.

The dust-free future with excellent eyesight can see clearly, a tall woman, dressed in a very blatant manner, with a fatal attraction all over her body.

"That's why I chose you to come over after doing the kind of thing just now. How is it? You're in a good mood now!"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1351 Digging Wally's Corner [First More]

The clothes of the intruder who suddenly invaded were exposed, and a pair of stalwart and heavy meat/balls were half exposed, provoking the most primitive wild vision. The girl's eyes were like silk, full of charm.

"Tacheng Black Song... The unrealistic idea of ​​wanting to take away your sister, I advise you to give up."

The red body of the goblet was drank, and Wuchen refused indifferently: "If you want to take the kitten away, you must first achieve the consciousness of killing me."

Wuchen expressed his position in one sentence, which made Tacheng Heige frown tightly.

"She is not related to you, so why do you care about her so much?" Tacheng Heige's beautiful eyes were shining, and he really didn't understand Wuchen's plan.

Nor will he think that Wuchen is plotting something for a kitten. This aspect is completely nonsense. There is no place for a kitten to be valued by Wuchen.

"She is my fiancée's family." His eyes turned strange, and Wuchen's confidence was obviously insufficient.

"That is to say, our sisters have no hope of reuniting in this life?"

His eyes were covered with a light layer of water affairs, Tacheng Heige's eyes were a lot dim, and his tone was also desolate.

"Everyone has different positions, and some things cannot be changed."

Wuchen shrugged and said helplessly, but his eyes were beating cunningly.

"Actually, it is very simple for your sisters to meet again, it is entirely up to your will."

Wuchen woke up the dreamer with a word, Tacheng Heige was like a fledgling bird falling into the water, and quickly grabbed Wuchen's arm.

"Small hands are really slippery."

Tacheng Heige was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Wuchen's hands to be as smooth as silk and satin, and his skin was so delicate/delicate that he couldn't help rubbing it a couple more times.

"This wolves is really enough."

The corners of Wuchen's mouth twitched. He has always been the only one taking advantage of others. When has he suffered a loss?

"Giggle cluck..."

A series of light laughter resounded in the ears, Tacheng Heige's sinister spring water eyes made people confused!

"Sure enough, it's a fairy."

Wuchen nodded secretly, even though his Gujing Wubo's heart was splattered with faint ripples, ordinary people may have lost the gentle countryside of Tacheng's black song.

"As long as the relationship between our sisters is resolved, I will be yours in the future."

The fragrant sandalwood mouth opened slightly, Tacheng Heige spit out the scent of pandan, and she was very charming, and she deliberately showed her mature body, which made people bloody, and couldn't help but want to agree to her conditions.

Looking at Vinylana who was asleep, Tacheng Heige chuckled: "I can do what she and you do too!"

"Actually, this is a very simple answer. The initiative still lies with you."

Wuchen was not tempted, and brought the ball to Tacheng Heige, indicating that he would solve it by himself.

I just explained the method, "Actually, it's very simple, as long as you become Rias's family like the kitten, all these problems will be solved, and there will be no confrontation between the two of you due to different factions, and you can stay together every day. Shou."

Wuchen chuckled lightly, leaning against the wall in peace, not afraid of her rejection at all with a calm look.

"You want to dig Wally's corner?" His eyes narrowed slightly, and Tacheng Heige suddenly felt in his heart.

If she jumped to Rias's side, no one could stop her from meeting Kitten.

"Dig the wall? This is too ugly. I'm guiding you on the right path! Do you think I'm inferior to that arrogant lizard boy?"

When Wuchen mentioned himself, he was in high spirits, and when he talked about Vali, his face was full of sneer, and he ruthlessly attacked and retaliated: "His vision is too small, so he wants to defeat the great red just by his strength? That kid will always give it to me. A kind of feeling that kindergarten hasn't graduated yet!"

"You insult my boss in front of me, is it really okay?"

Tacheng Heige asked silently, Wuchen really did not see anything outside, and completely treated her as his own.

"This is a fact." Wuchen reiterated: "Not to mention that the lizard boy is still my enemy."

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