Chapter 1357 Don't be sad, at least you hit my clothes [Chapter Three]

Roseweather was extremely shocked, with a feeling of dazzling old eyes, and her chest was up and down. If I read it correctly, Wuchen seemed to just use a random move to kill this notorious wolf.

Looking at his half-dead appearance, whether he can survive or not is the question!

"Lord Loki, please don't be obsessed, or you will..."

His eyes fell on Fenrir's head, and the corners of Roseweather's wriggling mouth suddenly stopped. If he hurt Loki's self-confidence as a god, it would be counterproductive.

However, Loki just glanced at Roseweather and understood what she meant.

His expression was gloomy, as if he had eaten ten pounds of flies, and he roared in a low voice: "You mean to say that if I don't know the fun, I will end up like Fenrir in the end?"

This is naked/naked slander!

"You guys did a great job, I've never been as angry as I am today!"

Loki's expression was ferocious, and his protruding eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, as if they were about to fall out.


Wuchen shook his head gently, he killed countless people who claimed to be gods, and Loki could only be regarded as an ordinary existence among them, and it was difficult to wait for the elegant hall.


At this moment, Wuchen suddenly realized that the sky had undergone a slight change, and a lot of crystal ice cubes fell, and ice slag appeared strangely.

"Did you do it?" Wuchen asked with a frown.

"Of course!"

The evil god Loki said majestically, and at the same time he snapped his fingers, and the sky immediately froze.

"By the way, this guy seems to be able to control ice..."

Wuchen was stunned, and there was a little interest in his words, and then he hooked his fingers provocatively to Loki and said, "Show your strongest tricks, this is your last chance!"


The corner of Loki's mouth twitched when he heard the words, and the ice slag that fell from the sky became several times larger, like the scope of a villa, and the number was dazzling.

"You want to kill me?!"

In an instant, he penetrated Loki's intentions, and Wuchen stepped on the void to avoid the edge of the attack.

However this is useless.

"Idiot, it's me Loki who manipulates them."

With a wave of Loki's hand, the ice meteorite that Wuchen avoided moved its orbit, and they chased wherever Wuchen ran.


Inadvertently, the dust-free clothes were cut into tiny cracks.


Seeing this, Loki looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. Although the trivial attack had no effect on Wuchen, Loki himself was very useful. In the previous battle, he tried his best to not even touch Wuchen's hair.

"Evil God Loki? I take back my underestimation... Let's deal with you a little more seriously."

With the photon floating in his hand, Wuchen gave up running away, and turned to face it hard. The golden light turned into a sharp cold light, slicing the ice meteorite that hit him in one fell swoop.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

However, just after one was destroyed, another group appeared.

"Fight me? I'm a god!"

There is no doubt that God does have the capital to despise mortals, and it is even more lethal to "diaosi" who have no identity and no background like Wuchen.

However, if Loki knew that Wuchen was a visitor from another world, and that after trampling three worlds in succession, there were countless gods who died in his hands, he might not think so!


A large vortex suddenly appeared in the sky surrounded by meteorites, and a crimson spiral sword appeared in Wuchen's hand, with a crimson monster light around the sword. .

At that moment, the whole world seemed to stand still.

"What it is..."

Loki's old face became gloomy, and even he had a bad premonition.

"It's called the Deviance Sword..."

Wuchen explained lightly, and then raised the strange spiral sword high, "It is said that he can destroy the world and shred space. Let's experiment with you now, Loki."

After that, the Deviance Sword waving in Wuchen's hand slashed out, and a huge red sword light roared out.


The floating meteorite is like encountering a natural enemy, contacting the giant red light, all disintegrating and collapsing, the sky is clear again, and the warm sunshine is shooting down again.

"How could it be possible... How could I be so fragile with my exhausted tricks?" The evil god Loki said in a demented way, and Wuchen crushed his self-confidence in one fell swoop.

"There's no need to be sad."

Putting away the obedient sword, Wuchen picked up the damaged corner of his clothes, and persuaded: "Look a little bit, at least you didn't get nothing, at least your attack also tore my clothes corner, which is a good record."

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