
Unexpectedly, the great red, regardless of Wuchen's speech, came up with another punch.

"Bang bang bang!"

The force used this time was even more ferocious. Wuchen's body was broken up again, even dismembered, and the torn body was blasted dozens of meters away.

"It's useless. I'm a flash man. A simple fist can kill me. I may have died hundreds of years ago."

The sound of Wuchen came from the void, and then he saw his dismembered body all explode, turning into densely packed photons, flying in one direction again as before, and it seemed that he was about to heal again!

"What kind of monster is this guy? Immortal?" Crystal pupils were full of doubts. Great Red said it was the first time he had encountered this incredible ability.

"what is your purpose?"

The raised fist in his hand fell, and the Great Red asked in a flat tone.

"Me? It's actually quite simple."

After the recombination, Wuchen said seriously: "I want to be a dragon knight, just grab you as my mount, it's that simple."

"Catch me as a mount?!"

The great red was obviously so angry at these words that her body trembled.

"It's fine if you want some sweetness... but your condition exceeds the limit I can tolerate. Instead of letting you continue to be arrogant and arrogant, I think it's better for you to see what my strength is talking about first!"

The great red, who could not talk about it, unfolded her strong side, her sandalwood mouth opened gently, and the boundless sea of ​​fire erupted.

"Sure enough, dragons have the habit of breathing fire."

Witnessing the incoming Hokage, Wuchen couldn't help frowning. He looked around. This exaggerated flame seemed to occupy the entire space between the dimensions. Even the dead world was peeling off layer by layer, as if it was melted.

"No wonder she is invincible, and she has unlimited power that she can easily squander." Wuchen nodded slightly, infinite power is the biggest advantage.

"Humph... It's useless if you're afraid now."

The great red eyes that were as still as still water splashed with turbulent waves, turning into a sea of ​​​​fire, and the eruption of the fire was even more ferocious and brutal. However, his deity did not feel the slightest discomfort.

"This guy...."

Seeing this, the great red brows were deeply furrowed, and she secretly scolded Wuchen for her intractable ability against the sky. Even though she has the power to destroy the world, but her opponent is an existence like air, what's the use?Can't hit at all!

"Be my mount, I can take you to a higher world and set foot in a higher realm."

Wandering three worlds one after another, counting the world in front of them is already four, Wuchen's knowledge is definitely not comparable to them, and their vision and mentality are higher.

"Boy, if someone said to you, become my mount, what would you think? Hug each other?"

Great Red forcibly suppressed the rampant anger, waiting for Wuchen to be unkind, almost biting out every word.


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Chapter 1360 Taming the Great Red by Force (Part [-]) [Sixth More]

Wuchen was at a loss when he heard the words, and looked at the great red a little overwhelmed. He was embarrassed to find that he was speechless.

If someone dared to say that to him, Wuchen would guarantee that his parents would not know him.

"Anyway, the negotiation is hopeless, so...sorry."

Having said that, Wuchen's pupils burst into a biting cold light. Since there is no hope for peaceful negotiations, there is only one way left to solve it by force.

"I'm not afraid of the infinite dragon god Orpheus, could I be afraid of you?!" Great Red raised his beautiful fists and protested without fear.

"This little female dragon looks the same as Orpheus. They belong to the kind of people who are not familiar with the world. The only difference is that the great red has a lot more hearts than the simple Orpheus."

Wuchen mused to himself, and has no plans to hurt the great red.

"Boom boom boom!"

Determined to awaken the force of force to tame the great red dust, naturally mercilessly burst out the strength of the whole body, the boundless chakra and spiritual pressure all spurted out.

As a ten-tailed orthodox Wuchen, his chakra is infinite. Similarly, the death god world devours the Wuchen of the Spirit King, and his spiritual pressure is still infinite!

The greatest advantage of the Great Red is her infinite energy, and Wuchen also has it, not only that, but also gathers various abilities against the sky, reincarnation, reincarnation, and immortal body, including elementalization. The sky-defying ability to be immune to 99% of physical attacks in the world.

In addition, Wuchen also has a large number of heaven-defying weapons that destroy the sky and destroy the earth, such as the Deviance Sword, and the residual fire sword of Yamamoto Yuanliu Saijue.

They are all weapons that can destroy the whole world. There are countless dust-free, so the great red has no advantage in front of him. This is the case in all aspects, so it is doomed to fail and become a mount for dust-free!

And Wuchen himself gloriously sublimated into a dragon knight!

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Wuchen has only hands, like the hands of the sky, shooting out invisible gravitational fluctuations.


Great Red/Mumbling, frowning, for some reason, she felt extremely uncomfortable looking at those purple eyes.It's like encountering Orpheus... No, it's like encountering an old enemy stronger than Orpheus, making it difficult for her to calm down.

"I wanted to defeat me with such a weak gravitational force and hated my enemy, who was killed by me countless years ago."

The great red is not afraid to advance, using the inertia of gravity to come to Wuchen at once, but Bai Nen's small fist is condensed with explosive power.

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