"It turns out that you are from anthropology..."

Hearing this, the corners of Wuchen's mouth twitched, and he couldn't laugh or cry. Orpheus was really pure to the extreme.



Unusual power fluctuations and crisp sounds came, Wuchen raised his brows slightly, and followed the source to look at the past, unparalleled power fluctuations broke out in the greatness, and even shattered the suppression of "Ming Shenmen".

"When any creature is angry, it will explode with more powerful power than usual... You really angered her, the Great Red really wants to show her brutal side."

The huge red dragon fluttered its wings and flew high, and the great red released the body without hesitation, revealing her true posture as a dragon again.

The huge body covers the sky and the earth, no matter who is in front of her, there is only one feeling in front of her - small!

"You help me deal with her, I'll lend you strength, and then hit her together." Orpheus said in a serious tone, as if the spanking was unpleasant just now, and he wanted to do it again.

Wuchen’s forehead was black, and Orpheus was obviously afraid that the world would not be in chaos. Great Red, as the strongest person in the whole world, was spanked by Orpheus who had been expelled from the dimensional gap. This is the biggest thing for her. humiliation.


Another burst of hysterical dragon roar, violent energy fluctuations oncoming, Wuchen and Orpheus's hair were blown upside down.

"It seems that there is no way to negotiate."

Staring at the scarlet eyes of the great red, the dust-free pupils are rapidly twisting, and it can be guessed that due to the stimulation of Orpheus, she is currently in a rage.

The dust-free body erupted with high-density chakra, a monster more terrifying than the greatness appeared, and the golden evil light illuminated the entire dimension.

The mighty Tengu helmet, the thick and simple armor filled with the vicissitudes of life, even if the two long knives were not sheathed, they already made people feel a sense of fear on their backs.

The breath that this giant seeps out is purer than that of the great red. There is only complete despair, the devilish breath that wants to destroy the whole world, even the ignorant Orpheus treats it differently.

"It's so strong." Orpheus opened his mouth lightly. At this moment, she and Wuchen were standing together, and they were both in the complete body of Susanoo, so she had a clear perception of the power of Susanoo.

"No wonder he disdains my strength. With such strength, I can also defeat that evil dragon." Turning his head to stare at Wuchen, Orpheus blinked and said to himself.

"Chakra is my exclusive possession, and I can't lend it to you." Wuchen shook his head when he heard the words. He didn't have the ability of Orpheus, and he would lend his power to anyone he wanted.

Orpheus nodded and didn't say much. The black onyx jewel eyes flashed a strange color, as if he was determined to make a certain decision, and he showed a serious expression.


At the same time, the great red, who did not believe in evil, fluttered high, and her wings were vigorously instigating, and a storm that could be called world-destroying suddenly erupted from her body.

Blown by the howling wind, any creature may be dismembered!

"Such a vulnerable attack is useless against the full body Susanoo."

Faced with the angered attack of the Great Red, Wuchen responded calmly, and Susanoo calmly pulled out the golden sword of light.


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Chapter 1362 Taming the Great Red by Force (Part [-]) [Second More]

The strength or weakness of ninjutsu depends entirely on personal reasons. He has experienced the dust-free of several worlds one after another. His complete body is Susanoo, not to mention Uchiha Madara, the ancestor of Kaguya, the chakra, dust-free. Today's strength has even exploded her more than a dozen streets.

Therefore, any technique is destined to be different from ordinary people in Wuchen's hands, and even has a dimensional improvement.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Complete body Susanoo controlled by Wuchen's will, raised the terrifying long sword, and with a light wave, immediately suppressed the storm easily.


The front section of the Great Sword of Light swept a touch of golden cold light, pierced through the wind and waves unstoppably, smashed it with a stab, and smashed the storm effortlessly, and the deadly dimensional cracks returned to normal again.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Not only that, the golden cold light swept away thousands of miles, rushing towards the huge body of the great red.

"What a terrifying edge!"

Seeing this, the giant red dragon's eye shrank abruptly, a rare flash of fear, and immediately his wings vibrated, he turned his head decisively and left.

This perversion is too dangerous!

However, as if Wuchen could predict the future, he came to the great queen ahead of time, and a violent chakra erupted in his body.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Several long black rods were shot in six different directions, and a dark red transparent enchantment suddenly appeared around the perimeter of Clean and Great Red.

"So you won't be able to escape, my lovely mount!"

Wuchen smiled and immediately shouted, "Six Scarlet Sun Formation!"

In a small space, the dust-free complete body Susanoo confronted the great red, and both he and the great red were sealed within a certain space.

"He... has strong strength, and all kinds of strange and powerful tricks are stronger. I don't even have advantages in all aspects."

The great red dragon's eyes are low, and her aura is obviously not as broad as Wuchen's. Even though the strength of the two is also unlimited, Wuchen has an overwhelming advantage in terms of strength and power.

"Let Orpheus out, it's okay for me to be your mount..."

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