"This guy is so insidious, he even made a sneak attack first, despicable!"

Zhu Nai and others stomped their feet in popularity, and they all fought for Wuchen, and launched a sneak attack without saying a word. This is too shameless. Even Lias, who is Sairaog's cousin, is also dissatisfied with him.

"So slow..."

In the eyes of others, it may only be a flash of light and flint, but in the eyes of Wuchen, it is full of tortoises, and the speed is not as fast.

"Just let me test how hard your body is."

Sairaog shouted loudly. When his fist, which was enough to flatten a mountain, was about to fall on Wuchen's face, his seemingly weak arm easily grabbed him.

"Stop fooling around... brat!"

The small hand, which is only a quarter of the size of Sairaog, indifferently blocked the edge of the fist, and the fist pressed by Tarzan was unable to move forward at all.

"This, this, this... Gulu, how is that possible?!"

Sairaog was stunned, his internal organs jumped fiercely, and his eyes subconsciously looked at Wuchen, which was as white as snow, and the little hand that was comparable to a woman belonged to him.

Gujing Wubo looked directly at Sairaorg, and Wuchen explained in a soft voice: "You can just play the game of bickering, but if you go beyond this limit, the taste will change."

"Especially when you raise your fist...I can kill you anytime."

The dark eyes were as bright as the moon, and the clear confidence in the light tone made Tacheng Heige's eyes light up, and there was a sense of trance just waking up from a big dream.

"Tsk tsk...I didn't expect this kid to care about me so much, and it's really good to make people with him."

Tacheng Heige pursed her lips. She has no prejudice against who she chooses as a mate, as long as she is strong enough, the dust-free in front of her is very suitable.

Far more in line than anyone I've seen before.

"Are you looking down on me? Why don't you fight back." Serragel retracted his fist with an ugly face, his old face was hot/hot, and Wuchen's words hurt more than beating him.

"You understand that right, the gap is really too far, you should try it out just now."

Wuchen casually said, the so-called strongest young demons are just average, and it is estimated that whether they can close the White Dragon Emperor Vali is a problem.


Hearing this, the scarlet raging color flashed across Sairaog's eyes. The arm he put down was raised again, and the blue veins burst out. This time, he gathered a larger force and smashed it towards Wuchen.

"Stubborn little devil."

Seeing this, Wuchen gave a hopeless look, and this time, he did even more, just raising a thumb at will.

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge vibration spread, the whole villa trembled, and the power was extremely powerful. Lias and others thought that the dust-free thumb would be broken, but the result was shocking.

Wuchen blocked Sairaorg's attack with just one finger.

"This is my full attack? And this time with one finger?!"

Sairaorg was extremely shocked, his lips trembling, and he looked at Wuchen suspiciously, suddenly suspecting that he was using some mysterious prop to weaken his power, so there was no response at all.

"What are you surprised, do you still need to think about this kind of thing? The result is clear at a glance. You didn't show your full strength just now, and I also didn't show your full strength, so it's not surprising to have such a result."

Shrugging his shoulders, Wuchen explained as he should.

At the same time, his eyes have been focused on the figure in the corner, and his brows are wrinkled after a careful perception, this guy is like a poisonous snake wearing a human coat.

The surface is warm and sunny, but the inside is cold and vicious.

"I seem to have seen this guy before. I remember it's called Theodora Astaroth. I heard that he is a relative of the current Demon King. His background and origin are very scary."

Wuchen said to himself, deliberately raising his tone, and focusing everyone's eyes on Theodora's head.

"Everyone, Gui'an."

Aware of the swept sight, Theodora also knew that she could no longer hide, so she took the initiative to stand up to say hello, showing a warm smile.

"A poisonous snake in human skin... This is very similar to Aizen Sousuke, but your strength is a thousand miles worse than the others."


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1379 Propose to a wall! 【Third Update】

Knowing the domineering cultivation to the limit, he can also see through the other party's mind, just like the current Wuchen, he has vaguely peeped into Theodora's purpose.

"I actually want to hit Aisha's attention, you pervert are a little weaker, but you're not too brave."

Sen Leng's cold light flashed away, and Wuchen's eyes shifted to Theodora's head, with a playful ridicule hanging on his face, his lips squirming gently, just when he was about to make a mockery, someone spoke in advance.

"This place is not suitable for you, Theodora." Rias' cousin Theraorg said coldly.

Seeing this, Wuchen narrowed his eyes slightly, rubbed his chin and said, "It seems that the relationship between these two people is normal, maybe they can clean him up for me."

"It doesn't seem to concern you."

Theodora always kept a smile on his face, which gave people a very warm feeling. Those who didn't know, really thought he was a true gentleman, but he was actually a black man!

"Yinggen is her..."

Theodora secretly glanced at Elsa, cleared her throat, and was about to strike up a conversation, but Theraorg's impatient tone stopped him.

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