"You, you, you...&"

Seeing this, Theodora's face became even more distorted, almost turning into a twist.

Theodora stared at Rias fiercely. He could ignore everyone's feelings, but Rias was the only exception. Her brother was also one of the four major demon kings, and his strength was unfathomable. There are rumors that Sazex The strength is ten times that of the previous generation of Demon Kings!

Just thinking about Theodora makes me shudder.

"Bastard, do you only dare to hide behind a woman and stand up!" Theodora pointed at Wuchen and roared in anger, her teeth seemed to be shattered when she touched her teeth.

"I stand up? I'm not going to stand up, are you going to bite me?" Wuchen shrugged and said very provocatively: "Of course, if you have the ability, you can just jump over and hit me!"


Hearing this, Theodora ran rampant on the spot, groaning with anger. The most tragic thing in the world is this. The enemy is right in front of you, but you are unable to move him.

Raising the backstage, Riasko was much stronger than Theodora.

"I don't know you!"

Theodora comforted herself with a smile that didn't smile. As the descendant of the Demon King, there was no need to meet a small person, and her eyes finally fell on Aisha.

"Miss Elsa..."

Theodora didn't know where to get the bright roses, and said sincerely: "From the day I met you, I knew this life...&"

Speaking of this, Theodora couldn't help but stop for some reason, and looked at Wuchen subconsciously. Seeing him look at himself with a wicked smile, he suddenly sighed inwardly and sighed.

Then Theodora realized that her hands were empty, and all the roses in her palms had disappeared!

"Oh...you are so considerate. I dare say that you can buy roses for me if I need them. I am very grateful, Your Excellency Theodora."

Dust-free handle/play with the crimson roses/roses in your hands, and you can smell the faint fragrance.

"Aisha, I gave it to you. I have never had anything good for you. I just sent Theodora to buy two blooming roses for you. If you like it, accept it."

Wuchen gracefully handed the rose to Aisha with a gentle smile.

"Really? Classmate Wuchen!"

Aisha's eyes widened instantly, and she took the initiative to rub on Wuchen's shoulder, and then she lay down like a cat.

"This... this kind of plot is wrong!"

Theodora petrified on the spot, staring at Wuchen incredulously, her eyes that almost vomited blood, and said, why are you showing favor with Lao Tzu's flowers? ? ?Who allowed you to do this!

The most important thing is that Elsa actually believed it!Even an idiot can see that Wuchen is making up, but she believes without hesitation, how dull are you?

Thinking of Theodora made her mind dizzy, her body swaying uncontrollably.

"I am going to kill you!"

The insane Theodora roared, and with a wave of his hand, dense magic bullets roared out.

"You bastard!!!"

Theodora glared angrily, scolding Wuchen, insidious, incompetent and useless in her heart. She didn't even have the courage to fight one-on-one. She would only live behind women, a man without seeds.

"There is a kind of you who bites me!"

Wuchen shrugged his shoulders indifferently. If this can make this guy mad, he will be very happy.

"You forced me!"

Putting his hands together, a huge magic circle suddenly appeared, glaring at Wuchen viciously, and then he injected the majestic magic power angrily, and the magic circle suddenly shone.

"You dare to beat me?!" Rias asked angrily, she was still standing in front of Wuchen.


Hearing this, Theodora just smiled indifferently and said, "Miss Rias, it is so urgent to calculate a person's true inner thoughts, if he really likes you and loves you, he must not It will hurt you!"

Theodora simply acted as a rogue, thinking of a perfect plan to get the best of both worlds, and looked at the dust-free clothes with a smug expression.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

With a cold expression, countless dense rays of light flashed out of the magic circle, and the dense light bombs blasted towards Lias one after another.

If Lias wants to avoid it, then it is equivalent to calling Theodora's will, and she can hit Wuchen. If Lias insists on holding on, she must be hit by herself, and she can also face Wuchen at that time. He was half-hearted and perfunctory towards her.

"Boom boom boom!"

The light burst open, setting off a violent explosion, and even a hole was smashed out of the house!

"It doesn't seem right... what happened?"

There is no doubt that Rias is safe and sound, and all the magic bullets landed on Wuchen, but there was no reaction at all, as if nothing had happened.

Not only that, Theodora also felt extremely stinging, watching his body change, he was instantly stunned.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1381 The only way to provoke deep-sea beasts is to die [fifth more]

I saw two bloody holes in his knees/legs!

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