Chapter 1383 Ranking Game [First Update]

Seraph was grumbling with anger, her face was flushed, and due to excessive anger, she gasped and accelerated, and her proud career line was swaying up and down, and the thrilling arc made Wuchen secretly praised.

"Well-meaning to inform you, you bastard is so ignorant, your conscience was eaten by a dog?" Seraph glared, suddenly realizing that this guy should die quickly to purify the world.

"Hey...don't worry about it, eat something to cool off."

Wuchen carefully selected a cake with beautiful colors and fragrances and handed it to Seraph. He asked, "What if the underworld died as a demon king?"


Perhaps the explosive news was too sudden, or the reason was too shocking. After hearing these words, the pastry that Seraph had just swallowed was about to spit out again, stuck in her throat and couldn't catch her breath. Rising face flushed.

"Really, if the dignified Demon King choked to death, Sazex and the others would definitely cry and faint in the toilet." Seeing this, Wuchen hurriedly tapped Seraph on the back, and was speechless to this wonderful Demon King. , and handed her the water glass.


After drinking the water, Seraph's blushing complexion recovered. He gritted his teeth and stared at Wuchen. If it weren't for the huge disparity in strength, he would definitely perish with him.

This guy is so disgusting!

"If you have such thoughts, I advise you to dispel it quickly. If the demon loses a demon, the balance between all forces will be broken, and our demons may also become a meal in the mouth of others!"

Seraph's tone was very serious. There was no doubt that this matter was as she said. It might not matter if a Demon King died, but the series of consequences could not be imagined.

There are not a few enemies of the devil, and suddenly a demon king is killed, maybe he will be remembered by some wicked people, and the tragic war like a few hundred years ago may start again.

"It's too alarmist."

Wuchen smacked his tongue secretly, a mere demon king, who is not strong, but has a lot of shit, and it doesn't make people restless after death.

"Hmph, idiot, if you don't believe in this kind of thing, you can ask Sazex!" Seraph pouted, seemingly dissatisfied with Wuchen and not believing in himself.

After giving him a vicious glance, he left angrily.

"Women are indeed difficult masters to serve."

Sighing lightly, Wuchen sat down with all kinds of boredom. At the same time, a figure quickly approached Wuchen. When he looked up, his face instantly became cold.

"Theodora... didn't die before, do you want to die now?"

Chilled air blows out of the dust-free mouth, and the air is chilly.The idiot in front of him was Theodora who was rescued by Sera Ogbaali before.

"You... you are cruel!"

Theodora was obviously poked in pain, hatred flashed across her face, and she gritted her teeth and roared: "The ranking game will be played in a few days, I will definitely make you look good, Aisha is mine, just wait and see!"

After the harsh words, Theodora was full of anger. Due to the dust-free, all his plans were collapsed and destroyed, and the previous glorious image was completely ruined, especially when he knelt down and proposed to a wall. He became the laughing stock of the underworld.

Theodora doesn't even dare to leave the house now!

As for Wuchen, the initiator, he naturally gritted his teeth with hatred. In his dreams, he wanted Wuchen to experience how sad it is to propose to the wall like an idiot in front of countless people and lovers.

The image is completely destroyed!

"Idiot, your so-called ranking game has nothing to do with me. I'm not Lias's family. I forgot to tell you. I'm still a human body, so you should give up."

Wuchen is unceremoniously sneering, sometimes the blows on the mouth are more effective than physical attacks, and the lethality is higher, especially the seeds of infatuation like Theodora, causing fatal damage to him.

Sure enough, Theodora's face suddenly became ugly after hearing Wuchen's words. If Wuchen didn't participate in this ranking game, his last hope would also disappear.

"You have to participate."

The eye sockets were locked on Wuchen, Theodora had an expression of worrying about you if you didn't join me, and looking at Wuchen's little face where everything was under control, he felt a stomachache.

There is a feeling of suffocation for dustlessness!

"Hmph, are you scared of a little guy? You are greedy for life and fear of death. Rias values ​​a man of no quality like you. I really don't know what he thinks!"

Theodora sneered and deliberately raised her tone so that everyone could hear it, and they all looked at Wuchen in surprise.

"Even if I'm useless and useless, I'm not much stronger than some people, and I actually knelt down to a wall to propose marriage. Lord Theodora's interest is really unique."

Wuchen also sneered at the same yin and yang, and gave a thumbs up, "As expected of the next head of the Estalote family, no one can match his hobbies!"


Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter and couldn't close their mouths, proposing to the wall alone. Are you so hungry? !

"you you!"

Theodora's face turned green. The people gathering here are all the famous families in the demon world. They don't slap people in the face, and they don't reveal their scars. How will he get in in the future?

"Ah ah ah... If I don't participate, you might have a chance to win. If I participate, you may not be able to protect your own life. Do you want to die that much?"

Wuchen said lazily, followed by contemptuous shaking his head, why was Theodora so confident?To put it bluntly, it is to obtain the power of the infinite dragon god Orpheus.

"However, since you begged me so much, I will reluctantly agree to your conditions. I will accompany you to the end in this ranking game."


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1384 The scene about to go berserk [Second]

When Theodora heard the words, the scene was violent. Since he met Wuchen, the broom star, his "brilliant" life has gradually entered a low point, and this unfortunate ghost is still haunted. No matter where he is, he will be with him. Opposite.

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