Wuchen stared at Beast King 666 carefully, waved his hand after half a sound, and said with disgust: "This ugly guy is Beast King 666? What a disappointment! At first glance, he looks like a stupid idiot! He is not fit to be my passer. Spirit beast! Orpheus quickly destroys him, and when he comes out to fight, I will definitely be isolated by others and treated as the same alien!"


The naturally cute Orpheus moved the corners of her mouth, her expressionless face showed a touch of helplessness, and she was also deeply entangled with Wuchen's occasionally secondary character.


In the dark, Beast King 666 seemed to understand Wuchen's ridicule. One of his heads roared a few times, and then he grinned at Wuchen, and then he opened his mouth and a huge rolling flame slammed down.

"Idiot, take the initiative to provoke me, you will only die faster."

Passing a hopeless look, Wuchen also offered a powerful attack to fight back.

"I just came out, and I'm going to die before I have time to take a few breaths. It's really embarrassing for you. Even a cold-hearted person like me can't help but sympathize with you!"

The Samsara Writing Wheel Eye was exposed to the air, staring at the falling fire ball lightly, and Wuchen responded lightly.

"Round Grave Border Prison!"

The sky was quiet, but the falling fire group exploded in an instant without the slightest sign. Everyone was dumbfounded, including the heads of Beast King 666, who were all dumbfounded.

Others didn't understand what was going on. The dust-free eyes of Samsara witnessed everything happened with their own eyes. The flame attack was scattered and destroyed by his shadow.

In the invisible world, the dust-free shadow drove his full body Susanoo to confront Beast King 666. With an ignorant expression on his face, he couldn't even notice who did it.

"Full of flaws, good opportunity!"

The cute little face caught the flaw of Beast King 666, and Orpheus raised her harmless fist, aiming at the many heads of Beast King 666 with a punch.

"Boom boom boom!"

A large amount of ripples swayed in the void, spreading at a speed beyond the naked eye, giving people the feeling that it was like the sky of the whole world, which was shaken/shaken by Orpheus' punch.

At the same time, Wuchen increased the output of pupil power, and his shadow control complete body Susano almost drew his sword up, and under the double blow, Beast King 666 instantly fell bloody mildew.

Especially the dust-free shadow is hard to guard against, and he is simply unable to deal with it.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1396 Ending Articles ([-]) [Third]

Attacks that can be seen or felt can still be reluctantly defended, but attacks that cannot be seen or felt will definitely not be able to return.

Facing the shadow of the "Round Grave Prison", Beast King 666 was instantly tragic.


The dust-free shadow, controlling the complete body Susanoo's long sword, raised his sword to the extreme, and slashed at the body of Beast King 666, and was instantly divided into two.

"Bang bang bang!"

The body hundreds of meters high was mercilessly cut in the waist, and the limbs of the mountain were smashed to the ground, the ground shook and the mountains shook, chaos.

"Bang bang bang! Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

At the same time, the attack of the infinite dragon god Orpheus also suddenly came. This Lolita dragon looks harmless to humans and animals, and is often very cute, but it is not ambiguous when it starts.

Beast King 666's severed lower body was smashed to pieces by her!


Seeing such a scene, Lezevim's throat suddenly choked up, looking at the horrific Beast King 666, his own soul had been burnt out, and he suddenly realized that he was at a loss.

"Is this really the Beastmaster 666 that is comparable to the great red?" Rezevim was full of doubts, if it was the Beastmaster 666, it would be too weak, and was beaten by Wuchen and Orpheus.

Even the enemy didn't know who it was, and his body was cut off inexplicably.

"Not dead yet?!"

Realizing that Lezevim's soul has not been burnt out, Wuchen intends to help him, and when he waved his hand, a pink streak flew out.

"Fifty-Four Wasted Flames of Destruction!"

At this moment, Lezevim was completely a piece of fish on the chopping block, staring helplessly at the incoming attack, he had no time to fight back, and his expression was very weak and fragile.

"Boom boom boom!"

The burning Lezevim exploded, completely covering the fire.


Beast King 666, who had been beaten and scrapped, roared in the sky, and his collapse wounds healed miraculously.

"This guy...the ability is somewhat similar to my super speed regeneration."

Wuchen frowned and said, perhaps the most powerful thing about Beast Emperor 666 is not his attack power, but the healing ability recovered in an instant.

Energy consumption kills anyone.

"No wonder it can only be sealed... This kind of ability is a headache for the native gods of this world." Wuchen has some understanding of the gods of this world, and the attack tactics are slightly monotonous, and they are used for all purposes. Those tricks.

"It's a little tricky."

Orpheus moved around Wuchen, and it was difficult to destroy the Beastmaster 666. This repair ability was too abnormal, and it could be repaired in an instant after finishing it.

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