
Chapter 1401 and the daily life of Luo Haoruo leader ([-]) [third more]

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a day has passed.

In Luo Hao's small nunnery, there is no luxury home that belongs to the modern world, and it is still decorated with retro decorations.

"It's barely her boudoir."

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Wuchen's mouth, his eyes focused on Luo Hao, who was sitting in front of him, and asked an important question: "Is there any chance for me to become a godslayer?"

The rest are trivial matters, and this is the most important issue. It does not mean that you can become a god-killer by killing a certain god. At most, you will have the title of god-killer, but you will not be able to gain their power.

Killing a god is meaningless.

"No." Luo Hao replied briefly and simply: "I understand your desire for revenge, but cultivation is a day-to-day thing...Becoming a godslayer is even more illusory to you, and requires a special medium. "

Hearing this, Wuchen was refreshed and looked forward to asking: "That is to say, as long as I find the medium, I can become a godslayer?"


Luo Hao nodded earnestly and explained, "I can give you martial arts. With long-term training, your strength can also be improved in a dimensional way. This is the case with my apprentice Lu Yinghua."

Wuchen nodded lightly. It is a fact that martial arts can strengthen the body. Taking Luo Hao's apprentice Lu Yinghua as an example, some godslayers are not as powerful as him.

"Then learn martial arts."

The helpless Wuchen could only compromise and agree. Although martial arts was superfluous to him, it was not bad to deal with Luo Hao, and he needed to get other news from her mouth.

And Wuchen already has a plan to become a god-killer in his heart. The "Prometheus Cheats" of Godou Kusanagi is the best medium, just rob it!

"Come with me."

Luo Hao said, turning around and leaving the nunnery.It is definitely not possible to teach Wuchen Wushu here, the space is too small, and her home may be demolished if she is not careful.

Luo Hao and Wuchen stood side by side on the spacious meadow, and in front of them were countless mountains...

"Show me well!"

Luo Hao raised her palm again, only to see her raising her palm lightly, and immediately slapped it with a seemingly weak and powerless palm!

"Boom boom boom!"

The mountain that was the target in the distance was instantly blown away and razed to the ground.

"You try now." Luo Hao ordered.

"You haven't taught me yet, how can I try?"Although breaking a mountain is a trivial matter for him, you won't teach me how to do it?


Luo Hao was stunned, he didn't expect such a big event to be forgotten, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, both eyes became a slit, and smiled slyly: "Then I will teach you knowledge seriously, first of all you need a strong body, otherwise Practice doesn't do anything."

"It makes sense."

Wuchen nodded undeniably, the body is the capital of everything, no matter which world it is, there is no iron body, maybe it will be KO by the enemy.

"Then I'll train you now!"

Luo Hao disappeared in the blink of an eye, only a black shadow could be seen. When he reappeared, he was already close to Wuchen and her fist.


Luo Hao thought that he could easily hit Wuchen, but when it was a close call, Wuchen escaped unbelievably, and even Luo Hao was stunned by the quick response.

"Fight if you say it? And what does this have to do with exercising?" Wuchen asked silently.

"My direct disciples are trained like this, and you are no exception!"

Demonstration raised his fist, Luo Hao had a serious expression on his face, and said in surprise: "But then again, it's amazing that you were able to dodge just now."

Wuchen's expression was unavoidable, and he quickly explained: "My mother is a witch, she has given me basic fighting skills, and my reaction ability is still very good!"

"I see."

Hearing this, Luo Hao nodded slowly. If he were an ordinary person just now, he might have been blown away by her punch, and Wuchen was able to grab it, which is really not bad.

"It's not over yet."

Luo Haojiao shouted, only to see her gently lift her toes, her body completely ignoring the existence of gravity, and floating in front of Wuchen like the wind.

"Qinggong? Not bad."

Wuchen sighed and stared calmly at Luo Hao's fist smashed at him. It was inevitable that he had some sympathy for Lu Yinghua. It was indeed a tragedy for such a violent master.


Turning his head indifferently, Wuchen dodged Luo Hao's punch again, not only that, but his right leg swept out.


Luo Hao was immediately repelled by Wuchen's kick. Although the strength of the two of them was reduced to the limit, Luo Hao still felt a little sore in her arms.

"The power is unexpectedly large, and the reaction is like a monster. You are not bad." Luo Hao commented, standing with her hands behind her back, she was immortal and had the demeanor of a peerless grandmaster.

"Of course, I will have to take revenge in the future. Maybe the small universe is, no, my dantian exploded!"

Wuchen hurriedly changed his words, but unexpectedly Luo Hao pursed his lips and smiled, which made him feel a little dazed.

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