Curacao Zola swung his long straight legs and deliberately opened some hidden parts to expose the dust-free blindness, his tone was warm, not to mention a man, even Erica blushed embarrassedly.

"It's nasty!"

As if seeing something filthy, Erica quickly turned her head to cover up her embarrassment, and looked at Wuchen subconsciously, but this guy was as calm as a steel mask.

"Wellers Lana... That guy is really arrogant, he dares to give me his ability on his own initiative."

After a while, Wuchen's sentence made Erica and Kuraziazzola all stunned, and they asked in unison, "You have obtained the power of God without killing God?"

"It's true, that self-righteous god kid gave me away for nothing."

Wuchen shrugged and said truthfully, "But it doesn't matter anymore. Anyway, it won't be long before Welleslana will be reduced to the past tense."

"Your charm is really great. Even the gods are willing to give you their abilities on their own initiative. This is really unfair to those godslayers who have worked so hard!"

Others rely on their strength to eat, and when it is Wuchen’s turn, others take the initiative to bring them to the door. Is it possible that they eat by brushing their faces?


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription will be passed! ! !


Chapter 1409 The beginning of killing gods [fifth more]

Brush your face?Wuchen sneered, this was clearly the dead child of Welleslana who liked to die, and deliberately gave him the privilege of [White Horse], hoping that Wuchen could counterattack and defeat him.

"All in all, this magic book belongs to you in the future." Luculazizola waved his hand, as if the "Prometheus Cheats" were as terrifying as a hapless evil star.

"Could it be that you thought you could snatch it back?" Wuchen rolled his eyes and asked, this kind of thing doesn't require the consent of others.

"Ah, ah, ah... You really don't know the rules, and I don't know how to be polite." Luculazia stood up, and regardless of her hot body, she pointed to the room deep in the corridor and said: " It seems very late, you two will sleep in that room tonight."

"no problem."

Wuchen nodded, and then walked away holding the magic book.

"No, how can I sleep in the same room with him?!" Erica apologized with both hands, and vented her dissatisfaction: "Let a lady and someone who doesn't understand..."

"Then you can sleep on the sofa, Miss Erica." Glancing at the arrogant Erica, Wuchen interrupted him rudely, then shrugged and said, "I like to sleep by myself, Farewell."


Erica stomped her feet indignantly. She didn't expect Wuchen to be so unreasonable and barbaric, without even the most basic gentleman's demeanor. In the end, she had no choice but to keep up with Wuchen.

"Your head is made of stone, right?" After catching up with Wuchen, Erica muttered, "Like me..."

"I'm such a snobby person, you will definitely be kicked out for being a gentleman." Wuchen said very rudely, if you have a good bed and don't sleep, you have to go out to sleep on the floor. Only an idiot would do that.

"Tomorrow, Welleslaner will duel with another god, so he can keep his spirits up..." Staying here is nothing more than waiting for Welleslaner to come to die.

After all, the chances of finding these gods are slim, and the only way is to wait for them to come to the door.


Gently pushing aside the bedroom, the room that comes into view is quite simple. There seems to be nothing else besides a bed and a necessary dresser.

"You can go to sleep."

Pointing to the soft mattress, Wuchen turned around and left.

"Are you going to sleep on the sofa?"

Erica asked after being taken aback for a moment, she was even ready to lay the floor, after all, there was only one spare room here.

"Do you believe what that witch said?"

Wuchen pouted and asked disdainfully, how could there be only one bed in such a big castle?

"Go to sleep, if there is no place to sleep, I will take Luculazia's room as my own." Wuchen said casually.


Hearing this, Erica pursed her lips and smiled, couldn't help but smile. After glaring at Wuchen, her face turned red and said, "After all, we are outsiders, guests are free, let's rest together today!"

Wuchen was stunned for a while, and then asked maliciously: "Aren't you afraid that I will make..."

"Before you do some more perverted actions to me, I will definitely kill you!"

Erica warned viciously, with a little embarrassment in her words. Although she said it freely and easily, she couldn't calm down for a long time. Who can let go of a lonely man and a widow in the same room?

Especially now that she has only one relationship with Wuchen, and it is difficult to accept other people.

"I'm going to take a shower."

Stretching his waist, Wuchen said lazily. When he was about to open the door, he found that the lock was locked, "That witch's character is almost like a witch, and it's so quick to start."

"Mr. Godslayer, don't talk to me in this complaining tone, I'm doing it for your own good, that little girl has a great background, but you are the best knight, you have no conscience, you have to thank me. ." Luculazia said in a resentful tone, like a little daughter-in-law who was angry, Wuchen was chilled all over.

"You mean I want to thank you?!" Resisting the urge to rush out the door, Wuchen said in a low voice, "Your kindness is really uncomplimentable!"

It might be misunderstood as a pervert or a pervert!

"Ah ah ah... That's not something I can manage, so do it yourself, boy, in my opinion, you and Ichiro Kusanagi have the same potential as playboys, come on."

Twisting her water snake-like waist, Luculazia left with a smile on her face.

"Cough cough cough..."

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