With a light glance, the void vibrated slightly, and a strange, spiral-shaped sword swept out of it, the color was deep red, and the void was solemn the moment it came out.

"Being able to die under this [Deviated Sword EA] is not a disgrace to the name of your god." Wuchen stared at Mercator coldly. Such a big man doesn't seem to have any bright spots and powers. , out of sight and out of mind.

"This is the Deviance Sword EA? How could you have that kind of thing?!" Erica asked several times with a sharp tone.

"Do you know?" Wuchen revealed an unexpected look, "Explain to me."

"Of course I do. How could I not recognize such a famous artifact, and I should stop looking down on me."

Erica rolled her eyes and said in detail: "The stray sword EA is believed to originate from Ea (Enki), the god of Mesopotamian mythology and Babylonian mythology. The EnumaElish of the Genesis epic. There are even rumors that this sword has the power to sever the world!"

At the end of the sentence, Erica was already messed up, and her eyes changed to look at Wuchen beforehand, which was a look at a super monster.First, he took out the lock of heaven that can bind all gods, and then he took out the EA, the stray sword that destroys the world. How can other godslayers survive?

"What is the origin of this kid? Are these powers usurped?" Erica asked suspiciously, curious about Wuchen's mysterious identity.Those unblinking eyes, as if discovering a new continent, made Wuchen feel uncomfortable.

"It can really cut the world."

As the host of King's Treasure, Wuchen naturally knows the power of the Deviance Sword EA. He has also used it before, and it can easily cut through the whole world. Moreover, the stronger the host itself, the stronger the Deviance Sword's power will be.

"Now you can die with peace of mind, my lord." Wuchen raised the deviation sword and smiled.

A "Lord God" is full of endless ridicule and ridicule, as if deliberately saying that even if you are a god, what can you do, you are still like a clown who has no resistance.

A Heavenly Lock and an extra Deviance Sword will solve it.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1412 The God of War of the East, Welleslana [fourth more]

It's not that Wuchen looks down on Mercator, but that the "Deviated Sword EA" and "Sky Lock" are enough to suppress God's weapons, and other weapons are simply superfluous.


After saying that, the deviation sword in Wuchen's hand swept out, and the crimson violent air wave in the front of the big sword raged and rolled, and in a blink of an eye, it swept away thousands of miles.


This extremely discordant sound came from the void. The crisp sound made people feel depressed. The vast sky was fragile like vegetables and fruits, and obvious cracks could be seen.

"damn it!"

Mercato was unable to repent and tried his best to escape the absolute shackles of the Heavenly Chain. However, this chain was only the thickness of his finger. It was stronger than anything he had ever seen in his life and could not be shaken.


Can't move his body to avoid it? Mercato was severely injured in an instant. His abdomen was directly penetrated, and the huge wound of five or six meters long shattered his internal organs. Even through the place where his belly was cut, he could see the opposite world. .

"So strong, just one simple move killed Mercator, one of the strongest gods in the Mediterranean."

Erica's mind was shaking, and the stormy waves rolled up in her mind. Looking at Mercator who was killed by the lore, she suddenly had the illusion that God just knew her.

You can easily crush the opponent with your hands!

"Did it work?" After a sluggish sound, Erica floated to Wuchen and asked excitedly.


Hearing this, Wuchen just shook his head indifferently. Mercator's body didn't even look at it, it was worthless and had no bright spot.

"Have you been hiding for so long, haven't you come out yet?" The sky rippled, and the voice of Wuchen spread far into the distance.


Erica immediately picked up the western sword to guard, and stood in front of Wuchen with full alertness, looking left and right, like a full bodyguard. In Erica's words, the duty of a knight is to protect the king.

"He has been observing for a while. He thought that when I shot to kill Mercato, he would come out to stop it. After all, it was his gift."

Between the words, a purple-haired, cape-clad youth also floated in the sky, his calm eyes met Wuchen's eyes, and even if it was well concealed, the twitching corners of his eyes could still see the youth's restlessness.

"The war god of the east - Veleslana!"

His eyes narrowed slightly, and his brows flashed with joy as he was a young boy everywhere.

Subconsciously, he touched the slate in his arms. For Wuchen, Welleslana's temptation is far more than Mercator's. In Wuchen's eyes, the two sides are not even comparable.

"You are really surprising."

Welleslaner lowered his head and said, just now he witnessed the battle of Wuchen VS Mercator, it was not so much a fight, it was as simple and casual as bullying elementary school students!

"But I'm really sorry, I'm not that stupid. If you want to kill me, you can't do it, boy!"

Welleslaner's tone gradually became colder, and the last time he met, his tone was obviously much heavier this time, a little more solemn.

"Boom boom boom!"

Lightning suddenly swept across the sky, and the incomparably thick thunder slashed mercilessly towards Wuchen and Erika.

"Tricks of carving insects, just use your own power to clean up yourself." Wuchenyin smiled, and at the same time he picked up the slate and aimed it at Welleslana in the sky.

"You can't be fooled. If you use that magic book without authorization, you may even put your life in it. I definitely won't allow you to do that, absolutely!"

Erica said solemnly in front of Wuchen, the human body will die after running out of slate.

"Do you still think I'm human? Erica."

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