"My name is Wuchen, a man who is about to become a godslayer."

Glancing at Pandora lightly, Wuchen continued to lie in an unfamiliar world, always feeling a little familiar, perhaps not necessarily his dream.

"Humph! Since you know that I am Pandora, you probably also know my abilities. Since you know that I am a woman who can give you everything, just be obedient to me, darling, and call your mother to listen to me!"

With her hands on her hips, Pandora said very seriously, she was in charge of the Godslayer Reincarnation Technique, and it was Pandora who created all the Godslayers.

"No, no, no... I won't listen to you. There are some things that I don't have a choice. If you dare to appear here, you must help me become a godslayer." Shaking his fingers gently, Wuchen smiled mysteriously.

As a transmigrator, he knows the hidden inside story.

"You seem to know a lot about this kid." Pandora frowned slightly, and she was also a little low-key when she was lively and active.

The man in front of him was different from all the godslayers in the past. Those bright eyes seemed to be able to see through a person's thoughts, which made Pandora feel a little guilty.

"Even if God helps mankind, he actually has his own purpose, and you are no exception."

Glancing at Pandora lightly, Wuchen explained: "Although I don't know what you are doing, you should have checked my body just now. In fact, my body doesn't need your transformation, and I don't need the so-called power. There are so many abilities that I can't use them up in a lifetime, and the pursuit of those abilities is just to pass the time for me to chat."

Wuchen gave an answer that made Pandora vomit blood, and my body trembled. My abilities are so many that I can't use them up in a lifetime. How crazy is this sentence!

"This little brat has a lot of puzzles." Wuchen's thoughts were flying, and he had heard a lot of rumors about Pandora in his previous life, and some of the descriptions were quite appropriate.

It was taught that Pandora was created by Zeus, the king of the gods, and the gods. The gods gave her perfection, but at the same time gave her the mission of bringing disaster to mankind, carrying Pandora's Box to punish mankind for the sin of using fire (civilization) privately. Pandora is also human, and the gods are betraying human beings to do so.The god of disobedience is also one of the disasters, but the bottom of Pandora's box is the last hope, and the god-killer should be the hope at the bottom of Pandora's box.

Similar to the above version of the rumors, Wuchen has heard too many, but he does not know the specific truth. All in all, it is certain that Pandora and the gods are not dealing with each other, otherwise she will not help humans to kill gods.

Of course, none of these matters, it has nothing to do with Wuchen, and even if you don't perform the godslayer's reincarnation ritual for yourself, Wuchen doesn't matter. Anyway, you can use the Wheel of Samsara to control Pandora to hold a reincarnation warlock. The power of the gods, as for changing the body, forget it, Wuchen doesn't think that the body of the gods is more against the sky than his ten-tailed body.

"Although you are very strong, the power of God is optional for you, but you at least respect me a little bit!" Pandora said, blinking her eyes, her tone was full of helplessness, and she felt a headache.

Wuchen is the most perverted existence she has ever seen. After an ordinary god-killer kills a god, he will also be severely injured.

Even if he killed two gods one after another, he was not injured at all, alive and well, and extremely healthy.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1417 Two female sex demons [fourth more]

Pandora admitted that, compared with other godslayers, the dust-free qualifications as a transcendence are almost perfect in all aspects, and he is qualified to negotiate. Who would have expected his strength to be stronger, and dust-free was not harmed at all, no Body needs to be changed.

"You're a little weird."

After staring at Wuchen for a while, Pandora finally gave a strange answer.

There is only one end for ordinary humans to use the "Prometheus" cheat book, the whole body collapsed and died, and Wuchen used it without any adverse reactions.

"Although you don't have to change your body, you still need to make some changes to your body."

Taking a look at Wuchen, Pandora explained patiently: "If you don't do basic transformation, even if you kill the gods, it's impossible to get their powers. Of course, if you don't care about those powers, you can don't."

"No? That's the reward for my hard work, how could I not?" Hearing this, Wuchen refuted.

"Then take off your clothes." Pandora said very abruptly, Wuchen immediately seemed to be electrocuted, and the whole body was rigid.


Looking at her suspiciously, Wuchen always felt that he was looking for a guinea pig for an experiment. He had never heard that the reincarnation warlock wanted to take off his clothes.

"You are special, and special characters must be treated with corresponding special methods, do you understand? To use the simplest example, you are different from other godslayers. After they kill gods, almost all of them are in a dying state. If you put yourself into a near-death state, I can treat you the same as they do."

Pandora shrugged and said, nodding her head in such a tone as it should have been.

"You'd better not act strangely."

A warning glance at Pandora, Wuchen is full of threats, no matter what world or the world of what kind of person, Wuchen is sure to kill a person, even if the other party is an unfathomable god.

"Of course, I'm your mother, you..."

"If you mention those two words again, don't blame me for being rude."

Wuchen said with a livid face, inexplicably having an extra mother, it hurts so much.

"Okay, take off/dress/dress, don't waste my precious time." With a wave of his hand, Pandora knew that the joke was over.


After saying that, a burst of energy surged out of the dust-free body, and the clothes instantly collapsed into pieces, slowly falling like goose feathers.

"It's very strong, and the muscles are well-proportioned." Pandora commented lightly, and then said: "Okay, please close your eyes next."

Wuchen nodded slightly and closed his eyes seriously. Pandora's expression was serious and solemn.


Wuchen closed his eyes and frowned, suddenly realizing that his mouth/lips were always surrounded by a refreshing fragrance, he opened his eyes subconsciously, and the scene reflected in his pupils made him sluggish and speechless.

Pandora took advantage of his time to force/kiss herself!

"Depend on!"

In Wuchen's heart, an army of [-] grass and mud horses galloped past, and they have been in love for many years. I didn't expect to be calculated by a little girl, and they were also forced/kissed by the other party!

"The ceremony is complete." Pandora said suddenly with a serious expression.

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