Hearing this, the grass pheasant Jinghua wailed again and threw herself into Wuchen's arms. After all, she was also a helpless girl of cardamom age.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Erica was speechless, but looked helplessly at Shizuka Kusanagi, remembering that her brother had just passed away, it was not easy to continue to attack her, so she could only complain in her heart: "Even if your brother dies, you can't take advantage of it, and Does this guy really know Kusanagi Godou?"

Looking suspiciously at Wuchen, who was full of indignation, Erica always felt that something was wrong. At this moment, Wuchen gave her a smile on her face.

"Go in peace, I'll take care of your sister in the future."

Wuchen stared at the portrait for a while, and decided in his heart to support the grass pheasant Jinghua, but he couldn't help but ask: "How did Godou die? I haven't heard any news before."

Before rushing to Italy, Godou Kusanagi also brought the "Prometheus" cheat book, and some mysterious people may have been eyeing the return journey. After all, the "Prometheus cheat book" is too precious.

"When my brother returned to Japan, he was hijacked by terrorists, and then... woo woo woo!" Said to hit here, the grass pheasant Jinghua cried even more sadly.

Depend on!

It turned out to be a terrorist, is there a mistake?Although it is said that a certain country in the Middle East set fire to kill people every day, leading to terrorists sweeping the Eurasian continent, but Godou was hijacked, which is really tragic!

"Cough cough, Jinghua, you mourn and change, people can't be resurrected, and you have to look forward. This is the legacy left by your brother. He participated in a reality show during his lifetime and won a reward of 100 billion yen!"

Handing Caozhi Jinghua a bank card, Wuchen secretly said: "It's just the room fee for staying here."

"[-] billion? So many!" Grass Pheasant Jinghua said stunned.

"Don't worry, Godou is my best friend, you will be taken care of by me in the future." With a warm smile on his face, Wuchen smiled gently.

"This guy..."

Erica was speechless, she couldn't bear to see Wuchen continue acting, this guy was obviously desperate to take refuge in others, and now he has such a righteous and awe-inspiring expression, shameless!Just as he was about to dismantle him, he suddenly felt a soreness in his butt, with a particularly loud snap.

"Keep your mouth shut for me!" He slapped Erica on the bottom very rudely, and said in a cold voice that only the two of them could hear.

"You are still shameless." Erica was speechless, realizing that it was wrong to be in the same room with dust-free, and that she would be polluted sooner or later.


With a groan, Wuchen turned his head to comfort the crying pheasant Jinghua in his arms.

"I will live here in the future."

Wuchen secretly decided that maybe it was the reason for being too tired and sad. After crying for a while, the grass pheasant Jinghua fell asleep.

Carefully put her on the bed, and after covering the quilt, Wuchen found a malicious look.

"I'm not a thief, don't stare at me like that."

Wuchendan said in a painful entanglement, since she just posted, she found that Erica was observing her every move, even when she went to the toilet, she was guarding the door at the door.

"Your character is very questionable, that pheasant Godou and you should only be one-on-one." Erica said righteously.

"You all know this kind of news, and he is indeed a well-known genius."

Wuchen smiled noncommittally, the relationship between the two sides is more than just a one-sided relationship?Even the relationship is very bad. After all, Wuchen robbed Godou of Kusanagi Godou's "Prometheus" cheat book, and forced to modify Godou's memory, leaving him the impression of a robber!

"So, now, in order to atone for my sin, I have to personally support Kusakagogodo's sister, he should thank me, under Jiuquan, Kusanagi Godou can also smile and close his eyes, the people who kill him are those idiots. Terrorist, it has nothing to do with me, on the other hand, I adopted his sister and gave him [-] billion yen, so what if it is not a living Buddha!"

Wuchen said with a serious expression, and the look of Kusakagogodou hurriedly came out to thank me.

"Sure enough, getting ahead also means countless troubles."

Frowning lightly, Wuchen suddenly realized that there were a few secretly peeping eyes, even though the cover was extremely perfect, it was still difficult to escape Wuchen's fiery eyes.

In a trance, Wuchen seemed to feel a silver-haired girl with a good figure.

"Do you need to drive them away?"

Erica had a headache. In fact, when she and Wuchen came to Japan, the only thing she didn't expect was that it came so quickly.As soon as they got off the plane, some magic society will come to the door in the next second!

"Let them go." Wuchen waved his hand decisively, this kind of people came in batches after batches, and there was no need to meet them.

"Eh...there will be another one in the future..."

With a hint of melancholy tone, he stopped abruptly, and observed the sleeping Pheasant Jinghua in the room through the tiny crack of the door. Wuchen could only sigh that the world was impermanent. Said that he still wants to support his sister!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1424 Health teacher! 【First Update】

Erica's eyes narrowed into crescent moons, her smile was like a sweet smile, and her eyes were rolling with malicious intent, unceremoniously exposing the dust-free lie.

"I'm afraid you can't get what you want. Godou's sister is a beautiful woman." Erica said with a light snort.

"Beauty? Indeed. But I've seen too many beauties, and I'm already immune."

Wuchen's expression is calm and there are no false words. There are thousands of beautiful women he has seen?There are countless confidantes in the system alone, Yan thin and fat, all kinds of beautiful beauties of natural beauty and national beauty.

Only the unexpected, the unseen.

"Speaking of which, even though I am now at Godou's house, I still have to find a job and be supported by a girl who looks like a flower. I can't help myself."

Wuchen Lao Laotou said that he had already thought about a suitable job for him, and said in deep thought, "I plan to go to Jinghua's place to study as a physical education teacher. This fresh career should be very suitable for me."


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