Wuchen sighed lightly, the sudden appearance of Dongma Gankao, and even the words he said to himself, all fell into his ears word for word.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, about ten minutes passed. Wuchen and Wanligu Yuri also came to a special courtyard, surrounded by flowers and plants, and the scenery was pleasant, especially the elegant shrine has a retro flavor.

"Is this your home? The scenery is very good, it's really a pleasure to live here." Wuchen nodded secretly, looking at the figure running fast from the left, the only uninvited guest was probably him.

"Sorry about that, my name is Touma Amakasu, and I am the representative of the official compilation committee of this country." The uncle with eyes bowed slightly, which was quite polite.

"I hope Miss Wanligu invited you. If I offend you, please forgive me." Touma Amakasu continued to explain, and he was barely responsible.

"I've seen this long ago." Wuchen replied calmly: "I went to Chengjia to be a teacher, and you fainted, which is too coincidental."

Hearing this, Wanli Gu Yuli's face was slightly red, and a strange feeling rose in his heart.

"Since Mr. Wuchen knows this is a conspiracy, or she came over without any excuse, it means that she deliberately helped me out of the siege." Wanli Gu Yuli poured two cups of tea very obediently, with a gentle appearance of Xiaojiabiyu. Human impressions are very intellectual.

"Let's talk about it directly, I just hope you don't engage in those boring surveillance in the future, otherwise..." Unleashing a ray of his own killing intent, the surrounding air instantly condensed, and the hot day filled with a biting chill, which was especially terrifying.

"This, of course!"

Touma Gankao wiped his cold sweat and nodded, sighing inwardly that the king is really moody. One second he can make friends with you, and the next second he can put a knife on your neck.

"I hope you can join..."

"If you want me to join your organization, save it, I'm not interested in those at all." Wuchen refused politely after taking the tea from Wanli Gu Yuli.

"of course not."

Dongma Gankao immediately changed, and was not surprised by Wuchen's rejection. If he were the king, he would have refused without hesitation. It is very good for a person to be free, so why should he be someone else's pawn?

"However, I still hope that when the god of disobedience appears, your Excellency can protect our country." Touma Amakasu said with sincerity: "In return, our country can agree to all your conditions!"

Wuchen's performance was mediocre, and he had long guessed that this was the case.

"Okay, if you know that I am in this country, and you dare to come out and be arrogant, that is a kind of blasphemy to me!"

Touching his chin, Wuchen waved his hand and said, and then he stretched leisurely, remembering Erica's instructions, and when he was about to retreat home, he suddenly smelled a strange smell.

Sounds like a boa constrictor!

"Ah ah ah... It didn't take long for my words to fall, you came to make up the knife, on purpose... This makes me feel bad, Miss Athena."

Looking up at the sky, Wuchen happened to find an indifferent gaze looking at him.

It was Athena who met in Sardinia, Italy a few days ago. At this moment, her expression was stern, her icy temperament seemed to be isolated from the world, and her eyes were vaguely hostile.

"This guy is not ordinary, and he can maintain such composure in the face of God." Touma Amakasu sighed secretly. When he heard that the other party was Athena, his body seemed to be fixed.

After all, they are gods. In front of them, human beings are just ants-like grains of sand, not worth mentioning pawns, and killing them is a trivial matter.

"You have my scent on you."

Staring at Wuchen for a while, Athena finally came up with an inexplicable word.

"Uh... No, is there something wrong with my ears!"

When these words fell, Wanli Gu Yuri and Gan Kao Dongma were stunned, the former was full of embarrassment, and vaguely understood what Athena meant, she suddenly scolded Wuchen for messing with flowers, not even God Let go!On the other hand, Dongma Gankao secretly gave Wuchen a thumbs up. He was shocked and said that even the gods dared to attack. He is indeed a lawless king.

Seeing this, the corners of Wuchen's mouth twitched, and found that Yuri Wanligu and Dongma Gankao had changed their eyes, and scolded Athena angrily: "Pay attention to the wording of your words, it's good to cause others to misunderstand. It's gone!"

Wuchen couldn't help being annoyed, and scolded Athena in his heart for deliberately provoking right and wrong.

"As transcenders in different fields, why should we care about the feelings of ordinary mortals? They can think what they want, it has nothing to do with the concubine."

From the beginning to the end, Athena's tone remained calm and calm enough that even Yuri Wanligu and Touma Amakasu didn't even take a look.

In her eyes, perhaps apart from Wuchen, others are just insignificant human beings.

"Miss Athena has something to do with me?" Wuchen asked, not bothering to talk to her about trivial matters, and said, "If you still want to challenge me, I advise you to give up, the gap is too big."

"Hang! Hang! Hang!"

Hearing this, the five-body body that Amakusa Dongma admired fell to the ground, and wished to immediately go over to report the dust-free thick legs.Dare to tell a god that the gap between us is too big. Those who say this are either super strong with the power to destroy the world, or a lunatic who sneaked out of the mental hospital when it was on holiday!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! !


Chapter 1428 Problem Child Athena [fifth more]

Yuri Wanligu and Touma Amakasu were both tense, thinking that the runaway Athena would make a scene, but the latter was rarely silent.

It's just a peaceful floating sky, looking down at Wuchen without saying a word, blinking his eyes smartly, looking around Wuchen, as if thinking about something.

"You can't be wrong, you do have the smell of a concubine." Athena repeated again, her light tone was much heavier than before, and her firm tone was extremely confirmed.

"This guy..."

Hearing this, Wuchen frowned and looked at Athena with a slightly dissatisfied expression. In terms of performance, she didn't seem to be lying.

"Does that mean..."

Suddenly remembering a possibility, Wuchen secretly guessed: "Could it be the Gorgon Stone? Speaking of which, I just met Erica just now, and Athena doesn't seem like someone who caused trouble for no reason."

If Erica has the Gorgon Stone on her body and Wuchen touches her, then everything can be explained very well.

"It's useless for what you want, but..."

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