"Kill her."

Athena said plainly, the purple-black light floated in her hand, and the gleaming sickle seemed to have emerged, targeting Liliana badly, and the killing intent was undisguised.

Liliana's face changed suddenly, and she immediately felt that her body was disobedient. Knowing that this was the effect of Athena's murderous aura, she was unable to cope.

No matter what kind of genius is facing God's strength, he is stretched thin.

Especially now that there is a god, plus a godslayer with unfathomable strength, Liliana doesn't even have the courage to resist.Said mercilessly, once she wanted to hurt someone, she would definitely be instantly killed.

The mere human delusions of challenging the king and the gods are too ridiculous.

"The Marquis of Vauban sent you here, the old guy didn't stop at all." Liliana was delusional to pass the test, but Wuchen replied for her: "I want to pass the [God of Disobedience] Summoning Ceremony of the witches. Hunting more gods, the ambition is not small, has the desire for power reached the point of getting carried away, a few godslayers seem to have the most power."

"How does this guy know so clearly?" Liliana was unmoved on the surface, but her tightly closed mouth was almost clenching her teeth.

"I've heard of that god-killer." Athena spoke suddenly, her thoughts turned and recalled: "He took pleasure in hunting gods, and he was implicated in the summoning ceremony of [God of Disobedience] in the past."

"However, he is not too timid, he dares to pay attention to my head." Wuchen sneered, and the air was suddenly freezing cold.

"But I really can't figure it out. I have no communication with him, and there is no grievance. What do you want to enter the Chengga School? It was yesterday that I tamed Athena, and the Marquis of Vauban is well informed and does not know Athena. It's mine." Wuchen asked in confusion.

"It's not tame, it's submission!" Athena's tone was full of gunpowder, she was not a beast, she didn't need to be tamed!

Athena was only obedient and clean yesterday, and it was obviously impossible for the Marquis of Vauban to come to him, nor could it be Erica or Shizuka.

For an arrogant king like the Marquis of Vauban, human beings are nothing worth mentioning.Therefore, Wuchen was the only one left, but he was sure that he had not offended Marquis Vauban.

Now Liliana came to the door inexplicably, and he expressed his incomprehension.


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Chapter 1437 The Grand Sect Master Luo Haoruo who likes pit disciples [First Update]

Wuchen said that he really didn't understand, if it wasn't for helplessness, the godslayers didn't want to offend each other, but now the Marquis of Vauban came to the door inexplicably, and Wuchen was confused.

"There is no comment on this!" Liliana gritted her teeth and refused Wuchen's expectations.

In fact, she was also helpless. If she told Wuchen the truth, Liliana could be sure that Marquis Vauban would kill her, and her future would be as miserable as his army of dead servants.

Instead, it is better to be beheaded by Wuchen.

"Tsk tsk..."

Hearing this, Wuchen smiled, the corners of his mouth slightly raised a strange arc, not to mention Liliana's heartbeat, even Athena was slightly discolored.

Wang disdains to use despicable methods, but Wuchen is different. What kind of method is the quickest, what kind of method he will use, it doesn't matter if he is despicable or not.

can be successful.

"Jie Jie... Now Erica is still in class. It's not appropriate to ask her to come over and interrogate you for me. It seems that I have to find a way to solve it myself."

Wuchen knew that Erica had the handle of Liliana in her hand, but the only pity was that the time was not coincidental and Erica was still in class.

Only the dust-free figure out a way.

"Athena prepares me a photo with the clearest pixels!" Wuchen suddenly said intriguingly: "The task of the photographer will be handed over to you, Miss Athena."

"What do you want to do?"

Liliana and Athena asked at the same time, looking at Wuchen's wincing smile, and bad thoughts arose in their hearts.


Glancing at Athena angrily, Wuchen scolded her without winking, and said righteously, "Didn't Miss Liliana say she was ill just now! I observed it, she has a gynecological disease!"

"Woman, gynecological disease?!"

One hundred million crows flew over Liliana's forehead, her whole face was twitching, and she locked her eyes on Wuchen, she had already vaguely guessed what this guy would say.

"Our school lacks teachers in the health care room, plus you and I are only two people, how sad! So when I treat Miss Liliana's gynecological disease, you have to film the whole process, and we will use it to promote it later. Tell the world about the greatness of our school's doctors, just to make free advertisements to attract some students!" Wuchen said with a serious expression.

"This guy..."

Looking at the innocent face with a serious face, Athena was speechless in anger, looked at Liliana with pity, and gave a sympathetic look.

Then I went to prepare the camera, but fortunately there was one left in the health room!

"Death to me!"

Unbearable Liliana broke out and slashed across with her sword.


The blade of the sword cut through the dust-free body and severed it in two. Before Liliana had time to be pleasantly surprised, a warm light emerged from the wound, and the split wound was instantly repaired and restored.

"Too fragile."

Wuchen shook his head, his expression stunned, and he strode through Liliana's feet, covering the armed and domineering left and right, and simply grabbed the long sword that was sharp as iron.

"Release me!"

Liliana shouted angrily, at the same time using all her strength to increase her strength, but sadly, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake Wuchen.

"Let go of answering my question."

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