"It's just a mere beast, and it dares to go wild with humans. Now the world is getting worse." The frivolous and harsh tone came from a distance, and it was accompanied by a large flash of light.

kilometers, hundred meters.Ten meters, one meter... The rays of light approached at an unbelievable rate, and almost instantly appeared above Marquis Vauban's head.

"Light speed kick!"

While Marquis Vauban was sluggish, Wuchen kicked his straight line of sight.

"Boom boom boom!"

The speed of light came and went quickly, but the heavy damage to Marquis Vauban was indelible, and there were burn marks on his right eye.


Affected by the powerful force, his body more than [-] meters tall lost his balance, and it was difficult for Marquis Vauban's body to continue to stabilize, and he was about to fall to the ground.


In the end, Marquis Vauban chose to give up his abstention and restore his body during the free period. Although his body looked powerful, it was actually not very good for dealing with.

"Think this is over?"

The light floating in the sky asked indifferently, and he dropped his arms at the same time, and a rain of golden light bullets fell from the sky.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

A large piece of light poured down, and the sharp sound of breaking the air was terrifying, full of despair and coldness, and there was absolutely no suitable power to try to stop Wuchen.

"Hmph, I'm here to see how awesome it is!"

Forced to a dead end, Marquis Vauban once again opened up his wolf body that covered the sky and earth, trying to take over the devastation of this move with the strength of his body.

"This guy is really an idiot, just relying on his physical hardness to resist [Bachi Qionggou Yu], I hope not to be beaten into a sieve." Wuchen sneered, using other powers at such a critical moment, The Marquis of Vauban will only be attacked in more places!

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

A bloody massacre immediately kicked off.

With the slow passage of time, it was fine at first. With his strong body hardness, Marquis Vauban did resist many attacks, but it was only a part of the light bullet after all.

And a lot of flashes are waiting for him!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Marquis Vauban became bloody, and more and more scorched holes appeared on the surface of his body. The light penetrated through the surface of Marquis Vauban's skin, almost poking him into a hornet's nest, with loopholes everywhere. .

"Drip drip!"

Blood kept dripping from Marquis Vauban's body. Looking closely, his whole body was full of holes, and there were mutilated wounds on his abdomen, arms and even his head.

"You bastard..."

Marquis Vauban raised his head and locked onto Wuchen. He had never found that a person could be hated so much. He wished his flesh would drink his blood!

"You haven't given up yet?"

Hearing this, Wuchen frowned and said softly: "Well, since you want to die so much, I will reluctantly fulfill your super scum!"

"Just because you want to kill me???"

As if hearing the biggest joke in the world, Marquis Vauban burst into laughter and said with contempt, "Your master Luo Hao can't do it, let alone your apprentice? You want to kill me in the next life!"

"Stupid thing, repent for your crimes!"

A large amount of high-density power has been gathered in the body, and Wuchen has made a real move this time. His eyes are staring at the horrified Marquis of Woban, and the smile on Wuchen's face is even more intense.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1441 Rolling [First More]

The Marquis of Vauban showed disdain. Although he was seriously injured, it was still very difficult for him to die, so even if he was ill now, he was not afraid of Wuchen.

At most, it's a life-and-death situation, and both sides suffer.

"Just because you want to hurt me..."

Wuchen glanced at Marquis Vauban lightly, his eyes flashed with thick contempt, all the spiritual pressure condensed all over his body erupted, looking at the miserable Marquis Vauban, Wuchen murmured softly, "The Ninety Blacks of Breaking the Way. coffin!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The shrill sound of breaking the air came out of nothing, and the Marquis of Vauban was vigilant and followed the source of the explosion, but it was too late!

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The already unbearable body left bloody traces again, and the shocking damage made people shudder, and Marquis Vauban grinned in pain.

Still, the Marquis of Vauban stood tall.

"This guy... has a tough body."

Wuchen whispered, it is a miracle to be able to stand up after such a heavy injury. Of course, it can be seen that this old boy has extraordinary strength and is familiar with all the powers.

"Now it's my turn to fight back!"

Marquis Vauban gave a loud shout, and his eyes shot out bursts of oily green light, tightly locking on the dust-free head, and a grim smile appeared on his face.

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