"If you don't leave, you'll be late, or you'll have to deduct your salary!" Athena, regardless of the frolic, left Wuchen with a beautiful back.

"You don't mind your back pain when you sit and talk. It's not you who was framed and framed. You have to help Lao Tzu, but you are the murderer." He glanced at Athena, who was jumping away, and Wuchen swallowed her alive. heart has.


Meanwhile, in the other direction.

Marquis Vauban made a comeback shortly after leaving Japan. Of course, this time, he brought a strong enough to drive alongside her.

Another Godslayer - Salvatore Redtoni!

According to the previously agreed plan, the two of them will work together to deal with Wuchen, and Marquis Vauban also swears to guarantee that this time he will be able to defeat Wuchen and wash away the shame.


As soon as he walked out of the airport, Marquis Vauban said heavily: "I still need to prepare some props, you can deal with Wuchen yourself first."

"Prepare something? Such a coincidence?"

Salvatore Redtoni suspected that he still had scruples about the Marquis of Vauban. This old guy was mysterious, sinister and powerful, and his personality was as cunning and changeable as a wolf.

"Are you afraid of Wuchen and him?" The Marquis of Vauban sneered at the opportunity.


Hearing this, Salvatore Redtoni pouted and said domineeringly: "Maybe my strength is really not as good as him, but the word "fear" has never been in my life dictionary, even if you don't say it, I plan to know it myself. he."

"Wuchen is the teacher of Chengjia Academy, right? I'll go first!"

Salvatore Redtoni left with the wrapped sword. For Wuchen, he was full of fighting spirit, especially the mocking tone of Marquis Vauban just now made him quite unhappy.

Although he has only been a godslayer for a few years, his strength may not be that strong, but he will definitely not be weaker than a person who has just become a godslayer!

"Young people are really easy to deceive."

Marquis Vauban laughed dumbly, looking at Salvatore Redtoni's disappearing back, his hidden cunning smile was completely exposed.

"Idiot, Wuchen's strength is unfathomable, you go and I will end up the same." Touching the footprint scars on his face, the already terrifying Marquis of Vauban was even more frightening.

What's more, aside from the powerful factor of Wuchen, do you still remember that there is another Athena named Battle Goddess next to Wuchen?

Therefore, the Marquis of Vauban felt that there was no chance of winning at first. Even if he and Salvatore Redtoni teamed up to abandon their previous suspicions, he did not think that he would have a chance of winning when he met Wuchen, so he deliberately made an excuse to fool Salvatore Redtoni goes to deal with Wuchen and Athena, hoping to help him hold on for some time.

The Marquis of Vauban said that he had found a way to defeat Wuchen, and that he was not yet able to fight back.

"Jie Jie... Salvatore Redtoni, don't you want to die before I finish my plan!" Marquis Vauban smiled grimly, revealing dazzling white teeth.

This alliance is actually just the helpless Marquis of Vauban taking advantage of Salvatore Redtoni!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1446 Are you a godslayer? 【First Update】

The Marquis of Vauban is hundreds of years old, and a novice godslayer like Salvatore Redtoni is always simpler than him. In his world, there is only fighting, and he is not good at conspiracy and tricks.

"Idiot, such a strong camp as Wuchen, the two of us are begging for hardship when we join forces. It's okay to fail once. I don't want to have two somersaults in one person's hands."

The Marquis of Vauban had a stern expression, exuding a resolute temperament, and then followed Salvatore Redtoni without turning his head.

He can carry out the plan secretly behind his own back.


City Gar College Health Room.

"Hmph, Miss Athena, although I am very good at it, I absolutely cannot tolerate others throwing dirty water on me for no reason."

The health room, oh, maybe it can't be called the health room. The huge room is filled with a transparent barrier, and the dust-free and Athens are trapped in it.

"Dirty water?"

Athena showed a blank expression when she heard the words, and said innocently: "My concubine is not that kind of person, you won't be fooled by Erica and Liliana in the head!"

"Hmph, stop pretending to be garlic!"

Wuchen snorted rudely and said loudly, "When did I let you have a baby? You falsely accused me and made me fall for the sake of being hunted down by Erica and Liliana, you should not be responsible. !"

After all, Wuchen is an unlucky expression on his face, and he is deeply saddened by Athena's irrelevant expression.

"It was because of this."

Athena showed a stunned expression, and immediately nodded indifferently.

"Fuck, you can't be so natural!" Wuchen complained in his heart, Athena pitted him but he didn't show any signs of awakening, but his face was frivolous and indifferent.

So much so that Wuchen really had an idea to do it.

"Do you dare to deny that you have no idea about your concubine?" Athena asked calmly as she stretched lazily.

Men are possessive towards beautiful women, and 99% of men are like this, not to mention Athena's confidence in her appearance and her status as a god, which can turn people into beasts.

"I have an idea, I have an idea, but I didn't do it!"

Wuchen is extremely speechless. What kind of bullshit logic is this? Is it to say that someone else lusts after you, which is equivalent to forcing you to have a child?This is too shameless!

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