Wuchen glanced at Salvatore Redtoni in astonishment. After this blow, he only took a few steps backwards, and Yin's right foot was numb.

At the same time, Athena also noticed the abnormality of Salvatore Redtoni, and looked at him like a torch.

"It should be his power." Athena guessed, a strange light flashed from the bottom of her eyes.The tone was full of admiration. She understood Wuchen's strength and could resist this feeling. Salvatore Redtoni was not bad.

"Hmph, you will pay the price for underestimating me soon!" Salvatore Redtoni was like a proud eagle, and his broken self-esteem finally recovered.

"Of course I know it's his power."

Wuchen rolled her eyes and glanced at Athena angrily. Do you still need her to say such a simple question?Make yourself feel like a newbie.

"This should be the power you usurped from the Nordic hero Siegfried - the protection of steel, turning yourself into steel, which is unmatched in terms of weight and hardness, greatly increasing its own weight, It can be easily blown away, and it is also very effective to strike the enemy and defend with such a body."

Wuchen explained lightly, with an expression that you can't hide from me.

"Gulu.... What a joke, what kind of pervert is this guy, how can he recognize my power all of a sudden?" Salvatore Redtoni's mouth twitched wildly, his eyes widened and he looked at Wuchen in disbelief.

This is simply cheating, and it's okay to be rude!

"This guy without dust..."

Not only Salvatore Redtoni was stunned, but Athena also looked at Wuchen in shock. Judging from Tony's almost shocked expression, what Wuchen said was obviously true.

"It seems that victory and defeat have been decided."

Athena was deeply troubled by the dust-free, and at the same time gave Salvatore Redoni a look of pity. As long as he took out Veleslana's golden sword to solve him, this power would be considered useless.

"Hmph, the blind cat met the dead mouse, and it's because of your luck that you can tell the source of my power!"

Salvatore Redtoni refuted with a blushing face. There seems to be no other reason to explain it except for guessing it. It can't be said that Wuchen can predict the future!


After the conversation changed, Salvatore Redtoni sneered: "What if you can understand my power? You can't crack it anyway, I want to see how you can beat me!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

There was a violent explosion in the air, and a black shadow could be vaguely captured towards Wuchen.

"Too self-righteous."

Athena sighed softly, having seen the miserable appearance of Salvatore Redtoni's brutal beating. If he understood Wuchen's power, he might not be so embarrassed.

Shui Ling's eyes moved to Wuchen with interest. Athena originally thought that he would take out the golden sword to defeat the enemy, but Wuchen's sudden action subverted Athena's cognition.

"Ehhh...want to be my opponent? I said that you look down on yourself too much!" Wuchen did not evade, and that rude face was still trying to humiliate Salvatore Redtoni.

"Death to me!"

Salvatore Redtoni was furious, and a powerful fist slammed into the dust-free face.

"Bang bang bang!"

The dust-free body was like sea water, which was torn apart in an instant.

"what's going on?"

Salvatore Redtoni was stunned. It was the first time he had seen such an unexpected scene. Shouldn't people be torn apart when they were knocked down!

"So what, anyway, I'm Iron Man, he can't hurt me."

Although he didn't understand what conspiracy and tricks Wuchen used, he was relieved after thinking of his own abilities. Iron Man was able to defend against most attacks.


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Chapter 1449 Kill Salvatore Redtoni [First More]

His "Blessing of Steel" is quite special, and can be called King Kong's imperviousness.

But this time it was doomed to fail.

"Do you think your power is invincible?"

Salvatore Redtoni was about to turn his head to attack, and the contempt that contained endless ridicule approached him, and he couldn't afford to despise his self-control.

Who made the strength gap between the two sides too far!

"Light speed kick!"

Wuchen's eyes became colder and colder, and the big feet covered with glitter kicked out mercilessly.

"Cut... I'm so nervous, it turns out to be a repeat of the old trick."

Salvatore understands your disdainful sneer, but he had nothing to do with this trick just now, and it was just wishful thinking for Wuchen to use this trick to defeat him.

"Ignorance child, do you really think it was all my strength just now?"

Witnessing Salvatore Redtoni's arrogance, Wuchen smiled without saying a word. When encountering such an idiot, there is no need to explain more, just let the fist explain the truth.

"Boom boom boom!"

The speed of light kick greeted Salvatore mercilessly, and the next second he realized that the previous idea was completely wrong, even a little pediatric.


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