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Chapter 1452 Go to Italy [First More]

"Will there be danger?"

Wanli Gu Yuri asked nervously, how can he say that the other party is also one of the godslayers, and his strength is beyond doubt.

"In danger? Your worries are unnecessary."

Hearing the words, Wuchen pouted. Although Salvatore Redtoni is said to be an out-and-out god-killer, God is also divided into three, six, and nine levels, such as Athena, a trinity of gods who want to Killing her was no easy task.

"I also don't think Athena will lose to that God Killer... Even if she can't beat it, it should be enough to deal with it with all her strength. After all, not everyone is him."

The verdant jade pointed to Wuchen, Erica said with a serious expression.

"What's up with me..."

Wuchen couldn't help feeling speechless. He felt like he was being shot while lying down, but his heart was quite high. Although Athena was the god of disobedience, she was now clearly integrated into the group.

While talking, Wuchen and the others had already returned to Caozhi Jinghua's home.

Sure enough, as Wuchen guessed, the lights in the house were on, and the aroma of the cooking could still be smelled. It is estimated that the pheasant Jinghua was preparing dinner.

"You guys are really annoying, you are nothing more than a godslayer, and you have been delayed for so long."

As soon as the dust-free people entered the room, dissatisfied complaints followed. Looking at the source of the voice, the person who spoke was the angry Athena.

The table was also full of exquisite food. Athena opened her index finger wide, but she couldn't put down her chopsticks for a long time. It was estimated that the grass pheasant Jinghua had to wait for Wuchen to eat together.

"Speaking of which, what about the last Salvatore Redoni?" Wuchen asked with a smile.

Although it was certain that Athena would not be killed, Wuchen was inevitably relieved when he saw Athena, and was quite worried about this proud woman.


Athena frowned lightly, and answered bluntly: "The boy's strength is average, and his running strength is very powerful, and he escaped."

Hearing this, Wuchen frowned, always feeling that Athena's explanation was a bit far-fetched.

"Forget it, let him go. Anyway, it's just a harmless little pawn, a small role used by the Marquis of Vauban. It's good that the culprit is already dead."

Wuchen was too lazy to ask, so he took a bite of the food of the grass pheasant Jinghua.


Thumbs up towards the grass pheasant Jinghua, Wuchen secretly sighed that Jinghua's cooking skills have improved a lot.

"Speaking of the future, it's going to be a holiday soon. Do we need to go to Italy to play? If I always stay in Japan, my body will rust."

Wei Wei moved his body, and suddenly there was a crackling sound.

"I agree." Erica said with her eyes shining.

"I would too."

Shizuka Kusanagi, Yuri Banrigani, and Liliana looked at each other and nodded in unison. It seemed good to go to Italy.

The holidays are long anyway.

"I'll go as well."

Athena spoke suddenly, her face flashing a strange color.

"Is it for that [Hera Stone Pillar]? It shouldn't be..." Looking at Athens with great interest, Wuchen touched his chin subconsciously and smiled without saying a word.

"do you have any opinion?"

Athena's complexion changed suddenly when she noticed Wuchen's playful eyes.

"How dare I? You are the God of the Trinity, I'm afraid to die!" Shrugging, Wuchen said in a yin and yang tone of fear.


Glancing at Wuchen viciously, Athena could naturally hear Wuchen's ridicule.

"However, that Metis is really sad..."

Thinking of Metis' past, that is, Athena's current past, there was a rare touch of sympathy in the dust-free and cold heart, which was swallowed up by her husband, which was indeed extremely tragic.

"I'm going to rest first."

After eating quickly, Wuchen planned to go to bed directly after taking a bath. He sweated a lot in the battle with Marquis Vauban, and Wuchen could even smell the faint odor from his body.

"The water has been put in, and your pajamas are also in the bathroom/room." Grass Pheasant Jinghua said with a very considerate smile, every time she would help Wuchen put the bath water in advance.

"Thank you, Jinghua, just leave this kind of trivial matter to me."

Wuchen thanked him earnestly, Kusanagi Jinghua is very kind-hearted, and although he occasionally loses his temper, this is his most lovely and lively side.



Lying comfortably in the water, Wuchen squinted his eyes, and was about to take a nap when he suddenly heard an unusual movement, and his closed eyes suddenly opened.


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