"What do you want to do?!" Perseus shivered. He was really afraid of such a pervert who had no bottom line.

"There's no need to worry, I just want to invite you to participate in an experiment for the benefit of mankind!" The dust-free face still kept a smile as he strolled close to Perseus without revealing the key content, which was very mysterious.

"Wouldn't he want to..." I thought of a terrible idea in a trance. Athena looked at Wuchen with a very strange look, not to mention Perseus who was scared and panicked and retreated again and again, that is Athens. Na also took a few steps back.

"There are many men who can't enjoy a normal married life. Let me observe and study your eunuch [-] times. Anyway, you have the ability of the sun, you can repair it!"


The dark ground was filled with blood red, and Perseus, who was out of breath, spat out a mouthful of old blood, and looked at Wuchen with resentment. The resentful eyes were clearly saying, who is going to be your guinea pig?You bastard, go to hell!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1463 The Forced Suicide God (Part [-]) [First Update]

Wuchen approached slowly, and Perseus became more and more nervous. He knew that if he did not come up with a defense method, he would definitely be severely damaged by Wuchen again after recovery.

His self-esteem would never allow himself to do that!


Time was coming, and the flash was dazzling. Perseus was shocked. He knew that Wuchen was cheating with the speed of opening and hanging, and quickly picked up the big sword to defend.

"Clang clang!"

This time, Perseus received Wuchen's slash as before, but the situation was even more serious and terrifying than last time. Perseus's strength was not as good as Wuchen's, and he was forced to retreat again and again.

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge energy ripples generated by the slashing confrontation destroyed the sky and the earth, and one leveled the ground, and a deep pit similar to the meteorite smashed appeared.

The most terrifying thing is that the dustless makes Perseus finally realize what it means to surpass the power of God.

"Clang clang!"

In an instant, they slashed at each other hundreds of times. Each time, Perseus was at a serious disadvantage. Compared with the dust-free sword swinging with one hand, he had to control it with both hands.

"Light speed kick!"

When Perseus couldn't resist, Wuchen raised his leg with a heavy kick.

"Boom boom boom!"

His face was severely attacked again, and the huge flash scorched Perseus's whole body, filled with a disgusting odor.


The harsh roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and every time he heard the loud noise that was about to shatter his ears, Perseus felt a thousand depression and tragedy in his heart.

This is the clarion call for a clean attack!


Perseus looked up and saw a golden sword slashed straight at him. He quickly took out his precious saber to block it, but it was useless.


Perseus's precious accessories were directly cut off, and the flash ran through his body, from the top of his head to his belly, and was filled with a long and narrow scar.


The deliberately evil dust-free cut off an important part of Perseus, and the place where he just recovered, once again felt the fatal pain.

"I @#¥%#%..."

Contorting his face, Perseus cursed at Wuchen.The army of a million grass-mud horses screamed in the sky, Nima, this bastard is not a thing!

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. It's my goal to make you a eunuch 100 times. How many times is it only now? Plus it's not [-] times before."

Wuchen said meaningfully, showing an expression that he had to step up his work.


Perseus shivered with anger, his face was flushed, and he cursed: "If you experience what it's like to be a eunuch yourself, I'm afraid you will hate it once!"

"Come on, let's continue working." With a slight smile, Wuchen forced Perseus into a corner, revealing a smile that was even more sinister than a demon.

"Go away, you lunatic!"

Perseus roared, his tone was full of powerlessness, and he really wanted to die. Compared with Wuchen, demons are as kind as angels!

"Get out of here!"

Picking up the surrounding stones, Perseus smashed it with all his strength.

"Tsk tsk... If I knew now, why bother in the beginning."

The stone that escaped the attack, Wuchen was full of ridicule, he had no interest in fighting Perseus, but this idiot died with a theory that the godslayer and the god of disobedience were heaven and earth, and he had to challenge the temptation. The strength of the dust, the result is now down to such a tragedy, no one can blame others.

Looking at the evil dust-free, Perseus shouted: "I will die..."


Eyes gleamed thickly, Perseus's head flashed, and he suddenly remembered a perfect escape plan. He was so excited that he was finally able to escape the control of this demon.

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