Subconsciously, he opened his eyes and looked left and looked again, for fear that Wuchen, the broom star, would come to him again.

"We must get revenge on him!"

After confirming that Wuchen disappeared, Perseus gritted his teeth. In his long life, he had the darkest fear and pain during the battle with Wuchen, no one.

"It's best to team up with other gods of disobedience to deal with him. I can't deal with Wuchen with my strength alone. That guy can easily crush me without showing all his strength... Moreover, there are also people around him. A god of disobedience - Athena, this matter needs to be considered in the long run."

Perseus sighed softly. Although he was a little disappointed, he was not in despair. The time in the future was still long, and the mountains did not turn water.

"Perseus, you seem to be in trouble... Do you need help from your concubine?" A ghostly voice suddenly came from the long dark night, as if it suddenly appeared from the bottom of my heart, without any warning.

"Who is it, get out of here quickly!"

After being sluggish for a while, Perseus hurriedly shouted loudly, and at the same time swept his murderous eyes, his sharp eyes were sharper than knives.

"Ah ah ah... It's really scary."

About three or four meters in front of Perseus, a black light appeared, showing the outline of a girl of about thirteen or four years old.


The mysterious girl raised her hand to summon with a smile. The first impression was very gentle, but if she could capture the ruthlessness deep in her eyes, she might not think so.

"Are you... Lord Athena?"

Perseus frowned deeply, looked at the girl a few times, then shook his head, and affirmed in a deep voice: "No, although you look exactly the same, but I can be sure that it is definitely two people."

"Who are you?" Perseus asked cautiously. There was a long sword in his hand, and there were obvious sweat beads on his forehead, which made people feel powerless. The price of the resurrection just now should not be small.

"It doesn't matter who the concubine is."

Stretching out a light-white finger, the mysterious girl shook it extremely mischievously, "But one thing is certain, you... will definitely die in this place today!"


As soon as the voice fell, a sickle similar to Athena appeared in the hands of the mysterious girl. It was extremely fast, and she came to Perseus in a flash.

After a battle with Wuchen just now, he was severely damaged, and now he has to face this mysterious girl again, Perseus is doomed to die.


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Chapter 1465 Rolling [First More]

Perseus was shocked. He didn't expect this fake Athena to be so ruthless. He didn't even give him a chance to say a few words, and directly killed him indiscriminately!

"Clang clang!!!"

Even if this fake Athena, Metis, is not as terrifying as Wuchen, Perseus can't stand it. He worked hard just now with Wuchen, especially he was severely damaged in his heart, so that he is now seriously at a disadvantage. , wanting to fight with Metis is as difficult as the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

Perseus was beaten back and forth again and again, and it was extremely sad. He was bullied and crushed by Wuchen before, but now a bastard has appeared out of nowhere to bully him.

"Only such a fragile strength?"

Metis grinned, with deep disdain in his words. His tender arms looked weak as willow branches, but that explosive force made Perseus hard to resist.


Perseus' face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. A conspicuous scar appeared on his abdomen. The tragic appearance of the skin and flesh was chilling, and even the bones in it could be seen.

"Clang clang!"

Seeing such a scene, Metis held on to Perseus tightly, and the series of offensives became more ferocious.

"Damn, this crazy woman!" Perseus roared sharply, finding that the situation was getting worse and worse.

As time gradually stretched, there were more and more conspicuous cracks in Perseus' body, and it became more obvious that he was about to fail.

Even though Perseus is still insisting, there is no doubt that his life will not be guaranteed in the end... There is no doubt that Metis is the person who Wuchen said, who can help him clean up all the mess!


"Speaking of which, is it really appropriate for us to be so leisurely?" Athena, who had just taken a bath at Luculazia's home, asked Wuchen.

Wuchen on the sofa quietly read the newspaper, as if he hadn't heard Athena's words.

"Isn't this what you want to see?" After a while, Athena was stunned by Wuchen's inexplicable words.

"That guy Perseus should have been killed." Wuchen added another sentence, his expression was still so leisurely, his eyes looked at Athena, and the bright eyes had other meanings faintly.

Hearing this, Athena's eyes flashed an unnatural look, and she naturally understood the meaning of Wuchen, "I didn't expect you to notice her existence..."

The one Athena spoke of was naturally Metis!

"You underestimate me too much." Wuchen rolled his eyes, gave Athena an angry look, and said, "But... Athena, you are doing yourself a harm, she will come in the morning sooner or later... Ah ah ah, your circle is really messed up, your gods are really heartbreaking."

Of course, Wuchen can also understand Athena's helplessness, after all, Metis is her mother.People are not plants and trees, and who can be ruthless, who can kill their own mother?What's more, Wuchen has also heard a little about the matter between Metis and Zeus. According to his understanding, this was originally caused by Zeus' selfishness. In the final analysis, Metis is also the innocent person.

"What are you going to do? Shouldn't she really be swallowed?" Wuchen asked with a frown, his eyes on Athena also changed.

After all, that's what Athena in the original did. When this guy met Metis, he deliberately released water, which made Godou meet a deadly enemy.

"Are you afraid?" With her eyes rolling, Athena looked very cunning and insidious at the moment.

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