"How did you get in? Where's the barrier I set up?" Susano, who had come to his senses, ran out of the door with a stunned expression on his face.

If Wuchen wants to come in, he must break through the barrier of the outside world. Susanoo has confidence in his own strength, and the barrier he set is sure to be strong enough. Originally, it was expected that Wuchen would have to spend a lot of effort to invade. Unexpectedly, this guy has no physical body like a ghost, and just floated in.

There was no movement at all.

"How, how is this possible?"

Going out of the door, he stared at the barrier in a stunned manner. Susanoo's eyes widened. He saw that the barrier was intact, but a circular hole appeared inexplicably.

No doubt it was clean.

"How did you do it?" Susanoo asked in disbelief.

"How did you get in? It's simple, nothing to be shocked by."

Unceremoniously, he picked up Susanoko's jug and took a sip, the pungent meaning immediately spread throughout his internal organs, and Wuchen sighed secretly for a good wine.

"My pupil technique - [Shenwei] can easily tear apart this kind of enchantment, it's normal that you can't detect it." Wuchen explained in a leisurely manner.

The method is very simple. Use "Shenwei" to focus on a certain spot, and then forcefully activate the pupil power to tear it apart, just like Kakashi in Hokage can tear apart Uchiha Madara's Gouda.

The defensive technique of enchantment is completely superfluous for "Kamiki".

"Okay, long story short."

Putting down the jug, Wuchen rationalized his thoughts, and said indifferently: "This is the end of the children's play, and it's okay to play the children's game like Kaoyan occasionally. It's not an example."

Hearing this, the corners of Susanono's mouth twitched. The tone of Wuchen's words made him quite unhappy. It was like a relationship between superiors and subordinates. He was a god after all, but he felt more like Wuchen's younger brother!

"I can't control this, I just follow Ena's arrangement!" Shrugging, Susanoo put on an expression like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Gods of disobedience are really guys who don't understand etiquette, don't you think you should thank me?" He glanced at Susanoo lightly, and Wuchen said sternly.

"Thank u?"

Hearing this, the corners of Susano's mouth twitched wildly, and he cursed inwardly: "You kid broke into my territory and blamed me indiscriminately, even if you let me thank you, inexplicable!"

"What do I want to thank you for?" Susanoo asked strangely.

"You're still alive." Wuchen gave a foolish answer everywhere.


Hearing this, Susanono was sluggish for a while, and then he looked like a provoked lion, the hair all over his body trembled, and he finally understood what Wuchen meant.

"You mean, I'm still alive to talk to you, so I should thank you?" Susano asked in a meaningful way, "That means you're keeping me alive because of Ena's sake? Otherwise, I'd already be dead. Now... the old man understands the meaning right."

Hearing this, Wuchen glanced at Susanoo in surprise, then nodded undeniably, and said softly, "Correct answer, otherwise your head would have been cut off."

Susanoo almost spit out the wine he just drank when he heard the words. This guy is so irritating. I am a serious god after all. Are you a godslayer?You need to look down on people like that!

"To be honest... I also want to see how strong the legendary godslayer is!"

Susanoo asked in a deep voice.On the surface of his body, a large area of ​​purple-black light appeared, and the quiet hut suddenly swayed with a "kakaka", and there were obvious cracks around it.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1478 Tian Congyun [Second More]

In Susanono's heart, ten billion divine beasts danced wildly, and Wuchen's arrogance made him very embarrassed.

"How can I say that I'm also a god, and you're just a human. Although it is said that you are a godslayer, at least take care of the old man and the boy who doesn't know how to behave!" Susano said in his heart, but he was helpless on the surface.

Release his huge momentum, but Wuchen is nothing at all, drinking a small wine with a leisurely expression, and silently mocking his powerlessness.

"Speak directly."

Seeing the gloomy face of this rough-faced uncle, Wuchen found it quite amusing and playful: "You are a god, but I am a godslayer. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, you will be unlucky here today!"

"You... forget it."

Although he was very upset, Susanoo chose to swallow his breath. .

Maybe he will capsize in the gutter this time.

"I'm looking for you, it's about Metis..."


On the other side, Seiqiuyuan Ena and Erika, and Liliana and other three started a war again.

In this unfamiliar world, even if Liliana and Erika join forces to deal with Kiyomizuin Ena, they have no advantage, or even an absolute disadvantage.


The three figures clashed, releasing powerful energy ripples, and wave after wave of destruction air spread out from the center of the confrontation between the three, and the matter they touched vanished into ashes.

"Boom boom boom!"

Two of the figures were blasted out, and their bodies slammed into the mountain, hitting a bottomless pit. Looking closely, they looked like Liliana and Erica.

"Our swordsmanship is comparable, but that guy's sword should be some kind of divine weapon." Erica said unwillingly, feeling that Qingqiuyuan Ena was incompetent.

"Someone threw your sword away!"

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