Human beings live a breath of life, Buddha lives a stick of incense, anyway, destroying Tiancong Yunjian is harmless, and its power is insignificant. For example, a dust-free glittering fruit can also be compressed into Tiancong Yunjian.

"How dare this guy..."

Not only Tian Congyun was stunned, Liliana and Erica were also petrified. Although they didn't know the consequences of Wuchen's actions, the mentality that Wuchen did not care about artifacts and powers really shocked the two women.

For example, the Marquis of Vauban, he has a fanatical pursuit of power, and even summons the god of disobedience with rituals. The same is true for other godslayers, who have a morbid obsession with power.

And Wuchen is now going to destroy Tiancong Yunjian!Tian Congyun said that he had already ripped off his heart alive. This is blatant contempt and slap in the face!

"I do not believe!"

Tian Cong Yun gritted his teeth and said, always feeling that Wu Chen was fooling him, as long as his consciousness dissipated, this guy must shamelessly put away Tian Cong Yun sword.

"Then I'll let you open your eyes now, it's just a broken sword, an artifact!" Wuchen pouted.

Several people were speechless. This guy's head was caught in the door. After the so-called artifact came out of his mouth, it became worthless and turned into garbage.

Under the gaze of Amazumi Yun and Liliana including Erika, Gu Daoyu's edge gradually approached the Amazumi Yun sword.


The dark and sharp blade could not bear the edge of the Daoyu jade. After a little stalemate, it began to peel off gradually, and the ground was full of slag.

"Really broken?"

The three pairs of eyes stared unblinkingly, and they couldn't help but exclaimed in shock.

"This guy lacks discipline. Such a prodigal behavior must be locked up. This is not money. If you lose, you can earn it back. What does he think of power?"

Erica, who woke up from the shock, stomped her feet. She was just staring in a daze. When Tiancong Yunjian all collapsed and disappeared, she just woke up from a big dream.

But it was too late, Tiancong Yunjian would never come back.

"It's really necessary to discipline, that's an artifact, not a piece of scrap metal." Liliana nodded in agreement. The destruction of Tiancong Yunjian also means that Wuchen abandoned this power.

"It's nothing to worry about, power is optional to me."

Wuchen smiled, and when he had no power, he still killed Welleslana and Mekarto, as well as the Marquis of Vauban.

All in all, killing a god does not require the so-called power!

"Why haven't you woken up yet?"

Looking at Qingqiuyuan Ena who fell to the ground, Wuchen frowned slightly, and walked over quickly, the girl who came into view had a pale expression.

"Do I need artificial respiration?!"

Looking at the delicate, red lips like roses in full bloom, the dust-free index finger moved a lot, and there is no cheap but no bastard, not to mention Qingqiuyuan Ena fainted.

Aiming at the sandalwood mouth of Ena Qingqiuyuan, when Wuchen was about to print it, Erika's harsh voice came like a deep grievance.

"Are you going to turn into a weirdo?"

One sentence made Wuchen stop like an electric shock, and gave Erica an angry look, and finally gave up the idea of ​​taking advantage of the fire.

Just as she was about to let Erica do artificial respiration instead of herself, Wuchen suddenly felt that her lips/lips were cold and hot, soft, and blocked by something.

Opening his eyes wide, he saw Qingqiuyuan Ena with a shy face.

"King, thank you for saving me."

Qingqiuyuanhui had two cute little dimples on her face, and her cheeks were flushed as if she was drunk.

"How are you going to compensate others for the Tiancong Yunjian, it's an artifact." Erica was so angry when she saw Wuchen and Qingqiuyuan Hui who were like glue and honey, she deliberately emphasized the word "artifact" when she mentioned it.

Liliana also looked like a good show, and the value of the Tiancong Yunjian was self-evident.

"This is indeed a headache." Wuchen frowned, making it difficult for a while.

He has countless abilities, and it is almost impossible to use it, but it is impossible to give it to others, and he does not have the skills to create weapons. As a knight, how can Qingqiuyuan Huina do without a sword?


His eyes lit up and fell on the slender sword of the first generation Guiche, and Wuchen smiled and said: "If you don't dislike it, this sword of mine will be yours in the future."

"King, are you sure?"

Qingqiuyuan Hui Na was dizzy and shocked, and the ancient vicissitudes of this long knife were obviously not ordinary street goods.

The sword has not been unsheathed yet, and the evil intentions it emits have made people's scalp tingle and tremble.

"of course."

Wuchen handed the first generation Guiche to Qingqiuyuan Ena, embarrassed and embarrassed: "I used too much force just now and accidentally broke Tiancong Yunjian, sorry!"

Erica and Liliana scolded the big flicker, they both saw Wuchen destroy the Tiancong Cloud Sword with their own eyes, but the two girls were slightly moved by their generous attitude, and ordinary godslayers regarded their subordinates as pawns.Liliana has a deep understanding. She used to be the chess piece of the Marquis of Vauban. If there is a super artifact like the first generation of ghosts, the Marquis of Vorban will probably sleep with it, let alone give it away.

"However, it's a bit difficult to control the first generation of Guitou, this weapon is very evil." Wuchen said solemnly, the first generation of Guitou's previous hosts all died unexpectedly.

"We can all see that this is a powerful demon knife, but it suits me very well."

Qing Qiuyuan Hui's eyes are like torches, and the first generation Guiche's strong and outrageous evil spirit is daunting. It takes great courage to face this long sword, and it is even more difficult to tame it.

But Qingqiuyuan Ena is very interested. As a swordsman, isn't it the sword that interests him most.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !

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