Athena had no sorrow or joy, her face was as usual, as if she was talking about such a trivial matter, but deep disappointment and loneliness flashed in the corner of her eyes.

"Threats? Joke! As a god, I will threaten you with mere humans? Don't compare me with those scumbags!"

Metis looked disapproving. Although her heart was distorted by the flame of revenge, some things still had their own limits. This time, she was just looking for Athena to compete.

After solving Athena's restoration of its heyday, go to Wuchen to settle accounts.

As for the matter of swallowing the sky and destroying the world, I suddenly feel that it is of little importance, and I must wipe away the dust as soon as possible, or she will leave a psychological shadow sooner or later!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1483 There is something for you to hit me! 【Second Update】

Athena stared at Metis with complicated eyes. In all fairness, she really didn't want to do anything with Metis. How to say the relationship between the two is very understandable.

"After becoming one, I will find your lover to settle the account!" Metis gritted his teeth, he had no good feelings for Wuchen, and only complained.

A good plan was all messed up by that opener!

"You want to deal with him?" Hearing this, Athena's eyebrows stretched, and when she heard Metis' true intentions, Athena calmed down.

Anyway, the situation is one-sided!

"It doesn't matter if I swallow it for you." Athena smiled suddenly: "Although it is a little more troublesome, the result is the same, I am still the same me."

"You guy..."

Hearing this, the corners of Metis' mouth twitched wildly. Athena's words didn't mean to say: Even if you devour me, you will be turned over without dust!

"Let them go first." Pointing at Yuri Wanligu and Shizuka Kusanagi, Athena said softly, "If you let them go, I will be willing to be swallowed by you!"


Metis roared with murderous intent in her eyes, and when she heard these words of Athena, not only did she not feel happy, but the flames soared.

This is naked/naked looking down on her. What Athena wants to express is that no matter what happens in the end, the winner is dust-free, even if she is swallowed up now.

"Give me away before I change my mind!"

Glancing coldly at Yuri Wanligu and Jinghua Grass Pheasant, Metis looked so vicious, she was quite uncomfortable being hit by Athena.

The twisted face is even more terrifying, and the deadly oppression is filled with it.

"But what do you do?" Wanli Gu Yuri looked at Athena worriedly.

She was a little bit better, the grass pheasant Jinghua had already fainted from fright, and when she got close to God, Yuri Wanli Gu was barely better, but the grass pheasant Jinghua had already fainted to death.

"Don't you believe that guy?" Athena asked calmly, her eyes shining with strange light.

At first, Athena did not intend to be swallowed by Metis. When the two fought, Athena was naturally not afraid of Metis, but she soon changed her mind.

"To be honest, I also want to see how strong he is. That guy is very powerful. He is not a god, but it is a fantasy to say that he is a human being. When did human beings become so powerful? He is obviously a godslayer, but he never uses The power of God, and the gods he has defeated so far, almost all rely on his own strength."

Athena said expectantly.

"So you're trying to use me?"

Metis felt as uncomfortable as eating flies. Although Athena was willing to be devoured, she was very happy, but you can't hit people like this!

It is completely using Metis as a gunner and fighting against dust-free. According to dust-free temperament, Athena will definitely be rescued in the end. She has nothing to do.

On the other hand, Metis is doomed to tragedy.

"You don't regret it!"

Glancing at Athena viciously, Metis finally rushed over and blocked Athena's mouth arrogantly, no doubt, this was to devour her.


"Damn, you can't mess around like this!"

The dust-free in the dark was extremely speechless, and the every move of Athena and Metis was under his watch. For these two embarrassed mother-daughter combinations, an unrealistic idea in his heart became more and more impulsive.

"Wait and see!"

Wuchen leaned against the wall leisurely, quietly waiting for the fusion of the two.

"It would be too cheap for you two to kill Metis. Athena is my servant, and her mother should also be my servant. Such a mother-daughter flower combination is very good."

The corners of the mouth swept a three-point evil arc, and Wuchen was secretly proud.

"Two idiots, in fact, I wish you would do this."

Glancing back at Metis, who was gradually becoming one, the unbelievably huge divine power swept the world, and the cloudless blue sky was also dimmed.

replaced by bleak darkness.

Athena is gradually disappearing, and the new Metis is slowly taking shape. Although it is possible to disturb their good things, Wuchen is a wise choice to turn a blind eye.

"I wanted to add Metis to my servant team before... I didn't have a good chance. This time, you have fulfilled me, Athena..."

Wuchen's evil smile is even worse. There is no reason to leave Metis as a robber. It is obviously not good to be a servant who can do all kinds of things at will. There is no suitable excuse!

But now it is different. Metis will return to its heyday, and she will definitely come to take revenge on Wuchen. After defeating her, Athena will be speechless and stay by her side.

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