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Strike the blood

Chapter 1492 Blood-devouring maddening attack [first more]

In the spacious Pacific Ocean, an island is particularly conspicuous.

The island's name is Itogami Island. It is an artificial island floating in the Pacific Ocean made of resin, metal, and organic matter through magic. A city where humans and monsters coexist.


In the quiet park, the young man with clear eyebrows sighed and looked up at the sky. The bright eyes were dull at the moment, as if they were covered by a layer of water mist, very blurry.

"At least let me prepare for it before sending me into this world."

Without waiting for Wuchen to ask for some news about time-travel, Linger, the incarnation of system consciousness, hurriedly threw him into this strange world.

Of course, it's not too unfamiliar, at least Wuchen still knows something.

"Xiangami Island? Isn't this the site of Xiao Gucheng!"

Looking around, Wuchen secretly said: "But that kid doesn't seem to be in power yet, and the so-called [Empire of Dawn] hasn't been born yet."


Ling Wuchen's rather painful voice came, his stomach growled, and he hadn't eaten for about a whole day. The saddest thing was that he didn't have a penny in his pocket.

"Let's find something to eat first."

He got up and stretched, just when Wuchen was about to leave, a burst of hurried footsteps came from afar, and a few black shadows swarmed around him.

"Boy, call me your money!" The blond young man with an arrogant expression shouted: "You are really bold, dare to come out alone, especially in such an inaccessible place!"

"Hurry up and call out the money, or I'll kill you!"

"This kid is white and beautiful, shouldn't he be a poor ghost?"

"It doesn't matter, he is so handsome that he can sell him, haha..."


This group of social hooligans made the water in Wuchenwei stagnant, and all laughed unscrupulously. In the eyes of several of them, Wuchen was shining gold.

"By the way, I forgot my old job, it's really stupid!"

Wuchen scolded secretly, and immediately shouted at several people: "I'm in a bad mood now, and my stomach is very hungry. If you don't want to be beaten, give me the money quickly!"


Hearing this, the cheeks of the laughing people suddenly solidified, and they looked at Wuchen in amazement.

"Is this guy crazy? There are six of us, and this kid still wants to rob us?" The blond young man who spoke before waved his hand, pointing to Wuchen and ordering the younger brothers: "Kill me to death this kid. , teach him how to behave."

As soon as the voice fell, a group of puppies of the blond young man rushed up!

"Light speed kick!"

For the next minute, the sound of punching and kicking did not stop.

"Really, these poor bastards, you don't even have money to eat by yourself, how can you support your parents? They are all scumbags."

Wuchen scolded as he walked, and flipped through the wallets of several people with glowing eyes. It was estimated that it was only enough for one meal. Maybe he would sleep on the street tonight.

As for the group of social scumbags that I met before, the eyes that have been beaten by dustless stars are shining.

"Cuckoo cuckoo..."

When counting the money, Wuchen's stomach growled again.

"It doesn't matter, let's go have a meal first."

Wuchen quickened his pace. Just as he walked out of the park gate and was about to find a restaurant, a familiar figure blocked him.

"Get out of the way, little girl."

Staring at the black-haired girl, Wuchen frowned.

"Don't say it's small!" The beautiful girl/girl raised her eyebrows slightly, her hands on her hips, and there was an inexplicable sense of majesty on her body, which made people feel awe.

"She seems to be... Nangong that month? No wonder I feel familiar..."

The eyes flashed across the eyes, the girl was wearing a Gothic Lolita outfit, carrying an umbrella and a lace fan with her.

"I'm unlucky..."

With a murmur, Wuchen chose to take a detour.

"Stop for me." Nangong obviously didn't intend to let Wuchen go that month, and asked: "Did you hear who did that huge explosion just now?"

"Sorry, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, but..."

Thinking of his huge appetite, Wuchen understood that the small money for the robbery was not enough, and immediately took the opportunity to rob and said: "If you are willing to invite me to dinner, I don't mind telling you who did it."

Hearing this, Nangong was stunned that month, and looked at Wuchen in surprise, and immediately said with interest: "You are very courageous, you dare to bargain with me?"

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