"Then it's self-defense when I demolish your prison." Wuchen looked forced to defend.

"These people..."

Ji Hiiragi Shelley's eyes jumped around, staring at the three of them, and finally his eyes fell on Wuchen.

"This guy's kick just now is extraordinary, such a person should not be unknown." Ji Hiirah Shelley lowered his head and thought, involuntarily becoming curious about Wuchen's identity.

Able to kick the curly beast with one kick, she couldn't do that casual look like she did, and she didn't use any weapons.

"I all blame this guy." Staring at Wuchen with a gloomy expression, Xiao Gucheng looked like a deep boudoir resentful woman.

He was caught inexplicably. Although he was responsible, he would put the biggest responsibility on Wuchen. Wouldn't it be enough for this guy to teach others a little lesson, he had to make such a big move!

What made Xiao Gucheng vomit blood the most is that Wuchen clearly made such a big move by himself, not to mention his arrest, but to compensate him for his mental damage, which is really deceiving!

"Look at what!"

In a trance, seeing Xiao Gucheng's fire-breathing eyes, Wuchen said with contempt, "If I were you, I would find a piece of tofu and kill me. A weak vampire is really pitiful."

"That's because I don't want to clean them up." Xiao Gucheng pouted and countered.

As the true ancestor, he has arrogant capital. Although he is still half-baked, the true ancestor is the true ancestor, and there are only four in the world.

Therefore, the existence of the true ancestor is almost deified, and is crowned as invincible by the world.

"is it?"

Hearing this, Wuchen jokingly looked at Xiao Gucheng, playing with his taste: "Then I don't know who will become someone else's prisoner, or even threaten this young lady."

The lady Wuchen said was naturally Ji Hiiragi Shelley.

"But then again..." At this time, Nangong Yuena suddenly spoke up and interjected, "How do you know that Xiao Gucheng is a vampire?"

After all, Nangong stared at Wuchen suspiciously that month. Xiao Gucheng would definitely not reveal his identity as a vampire. Where did Wuchen know about it?

"This one……"

Hearing this, Wuchen was stunned, but he opened his mouth but was speechless. He knew that Xiao Gucheng was a vampire, and he was also the Fourth Primogenitor, of course, because of the relationship.

After being silent for a few seconds, Wuchen explained very far-fetchedly: "I saw this guy a few times before, he was shy, always staring at women's buttocks, and often bleeding from his nose, which is very similar to a vampire. Ah, they get excited when they see a woman's butt."

"You fart!" Xiao Gucheng roared in anger.


Ji Hiiragi Shelley heard the words with a look of disgust on her face, and then decisively left the side of Xiao Gucheng, so that she could occupy the vacant seats on Wuchen and Nangong Nayue's side.

Then, thinking of the task of his surveillance, a touch of pain flashed in his eyes.

Ji Hiiragi Shelley's actions made Xiao Gucheng's face turn green!

"Although the explanation is far-fetched, vampires have such characteristics..." Nangong Nayue's eyes were also full of suspicion.

In fact, Ji Hiiragi Shelley also discovered Xiao Gucheng's special hobby. Although it is a force majeure factor in some cases, anyone will hate it by staring at other people's buttocks or chest at will.

"It's here, get out of the car."

The car stopped, and Nangong got out of the car first that month, and took Wuchen and others into a special building with the words "Special Zone Guards".

"Do you really want to bring interrogation?"

Wuchen frowned secretly, and then walked in.

But soon he regretted it. Xiao Gucheng was worthy of being the Fourth Primogenitor. He casually said some innocuous questions, and then left safely.

The same is true of Ji Hiiragi Shelley.

Therefore, there is only one dust-free interrogation room, and Nangong Nayue.

"This is not fair!"

Through the tempered glass, Wuchen can clearly see the back of Xiao Gucheng leaving, and he is not angry. Isn't this kid a fourth real!

"Do you know why the two of them left so quickly?" Nangong drank the black tea calmly that month.

"Privilege dog!" He glanced at Xiao Gucheng with his eyes like a knife, and Wuchen hummed.

"Privilege dog?" The black tea put to his mouth stopped, Nangong Nayue nodded gracefully, and said softly, "Yes, they both do have privileges. After all, their identities are different from ordinary people, and some privileges are necessary."

"Pedantism, mere true ancestor."

Wuchen secretly despises, for others, the true ancestor is far away, but for him, the true ancestor is nothing special.There are countless enemies who are fighting without dust, and whose strength exceeds that of the True Ancestor.

"Then do you want some privileges?" Nangong Nayue asked with narrowed eyes, like a cunning fox.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1498 Roommate Ji Hiiragi Shelley [fifth more]

Wuchen glanced at Nangong Nayue in surprise, and naturally understood what she meant.What kind of people can have the privilege?Of course my own.In other words——to join the force of Itogamijima.

"Being Xiao Gucheng's younger brother?"

The body trembled uncontrollably, and Wuchen came through, but he understood that Xianjin Island was the base camp of the Xiaozhi Empire, and the area would also expand hundreds of times in the future.

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