Ji Hiiragi Shelley's eyes widened, shocked by the news of Wuchen, and immediately said in a rage, "I'm going to kill that scum!"


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Chapter 1500 The calamity appears [Second]

Looking at the murderous Ji Hiragan Shelley, Wuchen was shocked. This guy had a very oppressive aura all over his body. Obviously, it was not as simple as saying it casually.

This is a real move!

"Cough cough... Slow down!"

The sharp-eyed Ji Hiiragi Shelley carried Xuexia Wolf out of the room, and Wuchen quickly pulled him back, although he also hated Xiao Gucheng, but this guy's death date has not yet come.

As long as the water is muddy, the relationship between Ji Hiirah Shelley and Xiao Gucheng can be broken.

"What are you holding me for?" Ji Qi Shelley asked dissatisfied.

"You don't have evidence, you just kill innocent people, you know? This is a waste of life! As the saying goes, a thief takes stolen goods. When his true identity is revealed, you are not too late to teach him a lesson. Kill Xiao Gucheng inexplicably and return to the Lion King. Organs are not easy to explain, are you willing to sacrifice your youth for a scumbag?"

There is a saying that listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books.Ji Hiiragi Shelley suddenly became enlightened when she heard the words, and nodded immediately. She paid herself for a scum, but she lost a lot.

"What's your purpose? Why are you encouraging me to kill Xiao Gucheng?"

After a while, she stared at Wuchen suspiciously. Ji Hirigao Shelley was not a three-year-old child, and she was only indignant when she wanted to kill Xiao Gucheng just now. Now that she is thinking about it, she has a keen sense of conspiracy.

"It's hard to fool this girl and liar."

Wuchen was puzzled, glanced at Ji Hii Shelley's clear eyes, and continued to flicker: "Instigation? It's completely nonsense. Don't forget that I am also the watcher of Xiao Gucheng, this guy should never have appeared in the world. He The appearance of "Sanctuary Treaty" may break the balance of the [Sanctuary Treaty], and human beings are likely to fall into dire straits again. If Xiao Gucheng is a crooked way, then we don't need to protect him, we can just get rid of him. Now he is a lecher, and he has been with me. The expected True Ancestor runs the opposite way... Maybe he will do something more outrageous in the future!"

"This guy..."

Hearing this, Ji Hiiragi and Shelley frowned. She also felt that Wuchen's words made sense, but these words came out of Wuchen's mouth, as if they were thinking of the human beings all over the world, which sounded particularly awkward.

"All in all, Miss Ji Hiragana should be careful about Xiao Gucheng." Wuchen reminded again: "He is the true ancestor, the top existence on this planet."

"Of course, once I judge that he is not suitable for the true ancestor, or there is a threat to human survival, I will kill him without hesitation!"

Ji Hiiragi Shelley said with eyes like torches, that's what her mission is.


Hearing this, Wuchen shook his head silently. In fact, what Ji Hiiragi Shelley gave to Xiao Gucheng was not a so-called surveillance. The essence of the Lion King agency was to hope that she would become Xiao Gucheng's partner.

I'm afraid Ji Hiiragi Shelley didn't realize this, and the real watcher of Xiao Gucheng is not her, but Yase Kiki.

"It's really sad."

Recalling the experience of Ji Hiirah Shelley a little, Wuchen couldn't help feeling pity and was sent out like a cargo, but Ji Hiirah Shelley didn't know it at all.At least in Wuchen's eyes, her life was extraordinarily miserable.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

A fiery ball of fire suddenly rose in the distant sky, and the violent vibration could be clearly perceived from a few hundred meters away, as if it was an earthquake, and the huge Xiangami Island trembled a few times.

"It's incredible."

Through the window, looking at the sky where the raging fire was burning in the distance, there was a flash of surprise in Wuchen's eyes.

"Could it be that idiot from Western Europe, the purpose seems to be to win the [winner's right arm], but in the end, he was defeated by Xiao Gucheng who opened up."

The corners of Wuchen's mouth murmured to himself, although the voice was very small, Ji Hiiragi Shelley could vaguely hear a few words.

"You know who it is? Come with me!"

Ji Hiiragi Shelley didn't care whether Wuchen agreed or refused, grabbed his collar and jumped out of the window.

"You are crazy!"

Wuchen stared at Ji Hierai Shelley in great confusion. Sometimes this guy is like a bandit, and he doesn't care about other people's feelings at all. This is a few floors high.


The two finally fell, but to Ji Hiragan Shelley's surprise, she and Wuchen did not fall to the ground, but inexplicably floated in the void.

"You can still fly?" Looking at Wuchen in surprise, Ji Hai Shelley blushed slightly, and she was actually hugged by Wuchen. Because the two were too close, Ji Hai Shelley could even smell Wuchen. the taste of.

"Is this guy a man or a woman? It's the first time I heard that men have body fragrance." Ji Hiiragi Shelley's face turned redder, and the range of struggle became even greater.

"You don't want to fall by yourself, do you?" Pointing to the ground, Wuchen said in a flat tone: "If you are moving around, I will definitely throw you into the water!"


Glancing at Wuchen in annoyance, Ji Hirigao Shelley turned her head angrily.

"If you want to get there as soon as possible, don't move around. If you go slowly, it will delay the fighter." Wuchen explained softly, she could clearly feel that Ji Hiiragi Shelley's resistance became smaller.


Immediately afterwards, a burst of light pierced the sky, advancing at an incredible speed. The speed was so fast that it was difficult for the human eye to detect it. Many people thought it was a meteor.

Of course, there are not some sharp-eyed people.

"No dust... You can actually fly?"

It was also a voice that was as surprised as Ji Hiirah Shelley's voice. Yin lowered his head slightly, and it was Nangong Nayue and Xiao Gucheng who caught his eye.

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