The twelfth volume beast - Cang Bing of the enchantress, felt Agulola's anger, and suddenly opened her mouth wide and let out a heart-piercing roar.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Not only that, but the sky is strangely floating with ice slag!

"Ah ah ah... so scary."

Wuchen pretended to be afraid and said, but on the surface he was indifferent, let alone fear, that frivolous tone was full of contempt, and his face was smiling, as if he had encountered a fun toy!

"Then let me show my strength a little bit." Wuchen said lazily.

"Just because you look like this? You still want to defeat my curly beast? You have both hands occupied, so what are you using to duel with [The Demon Girl's Cang Bing]? Is it enough to be more handsome? Although you are really good looking, but The curly beast is not a nympho! Or do you want to repel the curly beast with those contemptuous eyes? This joke is really vulgar!"

Agulola sneered, Wuchen subdued himself with his hands, what else did he use to fight the beast?

"Tsk tsk tsk... You are really smart, girl, I like you a little bit, but mine can kill this monster in seconds with my eyes."

Wuchen stared at Agulola with surprise, then calmly stared at "Cang Bing of the Enchantress", his eyes changed obviously.

"Show me clearly, the miracle will be staged at this moment, even the true ancestor will be far behind." The pupil power stretched to the limit, Wuchen whispered softly, "The Tomb of the Wheel Prison!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Two or three seconds after the voice fell, there was an inexplicable sound of fighting, and the painful scream of "Cang Bing of the Enchantress".

The mighty scroll beast was extremely miserable, and was beaten violently by the dust-free shadows.

"How is this possible!" Agulola was stunned. Who the hell attacked "The Demon Girl's Cang Bing"?Kind of stand up!

"Hey... let's continue!"

With a malicious smile, Wuchen lifted Xiao Nagisa's skirt again.

"Ah, get out of here!"

Agulola screamed in panic. She couldn't help Wuchen, so she could only stop controlling Xiao Nagisa's body, and the "Cang Bing of the Enchantress" also disappeared.

Although it wasn't Agulola's own ass/butt, but she controlled Xiao Nagisa's body at the moment, and could clearly feel the special stinging pain.


Xiao Nagisa fell to the ground as if asleep, only her skirt remained lifted, her fair skin was clearly visible, and Xiao Nagisa, who fell into the ice slag, was particularly pitiful.

"Really, Agulola is too irresponsible."

Wuchen shook his head and took the initiative to help Xiao Nagisa tidy up the skirt, his eyes were calm, and he did not make any outrageous actions, and his expression remained calm and calm.

I just made fun of Agulola, who made her so arrogant.

"Bastard, what do you want to do?!"

The shivering voice of anger suddenly came, and I was shocked to see Wuchen squatting next to Xiao Nagisa to tidy up her skirt. The voice was full of endless anger, increased several times, and shouted angrily: "You damn it. You bastard, how dare you insult my sister in front of me?"

In Xiao Gucheng's head, a million grass and mud horses are raging!You say you bastard, bully me, my sister provoked you to mess with you?You can't be so shameless!


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Chapter 1508 Xiao Gucheng, don't commit suicide [fifth more]

Xiao Gucheng almost fainted, his eyes began to roll, his breathing speeded up several times, and his flushed cheeks were even harder to hide.

Anger, anger, anger... The fire in my heart has burned to an unprecedented level,

"You bastard, you actually want to take advantage of my sister..." Xiao Gucheng's eyes were spitting fire, and he was like a barrel of flames that could explode at any moment, wanting to drag anyone to bury him.

Especially dust free!

"Shut up, your sister was attacked, I saved her!"

Wuchen's face changed, and he scolded very sternly: "How old is your sister, a kid who is in junior high school, would I attack this kind of child?"


Glancing at Wuchen viciously, Xiao Gucheng swept in front of Wuchen with a single step, pushed him away rudely, and looked at Xiao Nagisa with nervous eyes.

"It doesn't seem to be alright... Maybe I'm over-hearted." Staring at Xiao Nagisa for a few times, Xiao Gucheng breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to stand up, his face suddenly stiffened.

"Could it be..."

Wuchen, who had been staring at Xiao Gucheng's cheek all the time, froze for a while, and when he found Xiao Gucheng's darkened face, he had already realized that it was not good.

Just as he was about to leave early, Xiao Gucheng's angry voice rang out first.

"You said that you didn't do anything out of the ordinary, why is Nagisa's clothes so messy?" Fierce looked at Wuchen, and there were blue veins floating on Xiao Gucheng's forehead.

"Why the mess, of course, it's because I hit her ass, so it's messy!" Wuchen complained in his heart, but on the surface, he had the expression of a gentleman on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about. If it's all right, I'll leave first." Wuchen said calmly.

"Don't think about leaving!"

Xiao Gucheng grabbed Wuchen's arm and said, "Let me see if Nagisa has something to do with you leaving. If she has something to do... Hmph, I'll take you to the funeral even if I try my best!"

After speaking, Xiao Gucheng helped Xiao Nagisa, and then began to carefully observe Xiao Nagisa's expression and the traces on the ground, trying to find evidence that Wuchen had been molested.

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