Gothic loli outfit, always holding a parasol and a fan made of black lace/silk... But what makes Xian Guyong quite dissatisfied is that there is still a figure standing beside Nangong Nayue .


Wuchen turned around and waved, showing a polite smile.

"It's you?"

Xian Guyong's expression was rigid, and a flash of fire flashed in his eyes. He didn't say that other people would join in before, and he felt cheated.

"That's uncomfortable? But it's a hundred times more uncomfortable for you to send an undercover agent to watch me!"

As soon as Wuchen came up, he didn't give Xian Guyong a good face. This guy said that he was monitoring himself. He really thought that the "Lion King Agency" was a local snake!

"To tell the truth, I came here to slap you in the face!"


PS: 3000 bright red plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1514 Overlord is domineering [sixth more]

"This bastard did it on purpose!"

Hearing this, Nangong's perfect little face that looked like a beautiful jade that month, beat violently a few times, and her heart was churning.

"Calling you here is to slap you in the face!" Thinking back on Wuchen's arrogant speech, Nangong could not laugh or cry, "I'd better not get involved in this matter, sooner or later I will be killed by this guy, and I will be unlucky for being so arrogant. ."

When she came before, she discussed with Wuchen during the period, and she had to act according to her plan. Who would have expected that when Xian Guyong came across, Wuchen would turn his face!

"Teach me?"

Rao Yixian Guyong's calm personality, at this moment his expression also collapsed.

First of all, as one of the "Three Saints" in the "Lion King Agency", Xian Guyong's strength is beyond doubt, and even the true ancestor is very afraid of her.Under the prestigious reputation, there is no false person, and now Wuchen is so careless that she wants to slap her face, how can she bear it?No way!What's more, Nangong was in front of him that month, and the relationship between the two was not very harmonious.

"If you are cowardly, she will definitely be ridiculed by her!"

Xian Guyong stabilized his mind, stared at Wuchen with cold eyes, and asked politely, "You can hit someone if you want, but do you want to give me a reason to convince me first?"

Wuchen heard the words but was unmoved, and said in a perfunctory manner: "There is no reason to trouble you, I just see that you are an old maid unhappy. Is this reason okay?"


This time, Nangong finally couldn't hold back that month. All the black tea was sprayed out, and he secretly gave Wuchen a thumbs up, but he didn't move his expression and took the initiative to distance himself from Wuchen, for fear of bringing disaster to Chiyu.

"You brought it on yourself!"

Xian Gu Yong couldn't bear it any longer, and her beautiful eyes shot out a bleak cold light.


Afterwards, Xian Guyong flashed and came to Wuchen, clenched his hands into fists, and slammed into his face mercilessly. The explosive force was enough to disintegrate a building. Xian Guyong's physical skills even surpassed Ji Hiragusue. Lay.

On the other hand, Wuchen remained calm, his expression did not change, and he seemed to be unaware of all this.

"Hmph, I thought you were so strong, but it turned out to be nothing more than a vase. I have to teach you a lesson to relieve my anger."

Xian Guyong didn't show any mercy, just didn't kill Wuchen.

At this moment, she was furious in her heart, like a fiery volcano erupting. As one of the "Three Saints" of the Lion King organization, she was called an old maid. What a shame!

"Ask yourself."

Wuchen shook his head slowly, and when he saw the punching fist, he murmured softly at the corner of his mouth: "The armed color is hardened."

"Bang bang bang!"

A violent wave erupted, the entire roof shook violently, a violent shock wave spread, and even Nangong retreated again and again that month.

"He defended?"

The corners of Nangong Nayue's mouth trembled, looking directly at Wuchen and Xian Guyong, his eyes widened.

I saw Wuchen put his hands in/in his trouser pockets, without making the slightest defense, and received a punch from Xian Gu Yong in his chest without defense, but nothing happened.

"how can that be?!"

Not only Nangong was stunned that month, Xian Guyong almost dislocated his jaw in surprise, looked at Wuchen absently, and finally understood why this guy dared to call him an old maid!

He is an uncompromising strength!

"Although this guy's own strength is average, her ability is very troublesome. It must be resolved quickly. It is best to hit her hard without killing Xian Guyong."

With a decision in his heart, Wuchen no longer hides and exposes his true face.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the cloudless sky, there was an explosion, as if the end of the world had arrived in an instant, the soft sky was torn apart, and a dark ravine stretching for dozens of kilometers appeared in the void, not to mention the mere Xianshen Island, the ever-growing crack Devour the whole world.


Xian Guyong's expression also changed drastically, a terrifying aura gathered around her, her body involuntarily knelt down, and the initiator was this seemingly harmless young man in front of her.

"So I'm qualified to call you an old maid?"

He squatted down, grabbed Xian Guyong's chin playfully, and Wuchen poked out his ears, and asked with a smile, "By the way, I've always held grudges. Who said I would teach me a lesson just now?"

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