Witnessing such a bloody scene, Lan Yu Shallow began to vomit.

"Before coming to Itogami Island. I have investigated your daily life. Are you and this little girl a close friend?" Pointing at the fainted Xiao Nagisa, Christopher Judexiu sneered: "I will give you an hour's Time, after an hour, can't help me do it, they will definitely die!"

The terrorists of the Black Death Emperor faction not only captured Xiao Nagisa, but also captured other students, including Ji Hiirah Shelley.

However, these terrorists are numerous, and if she forces her to act, she cannot solve all the terrorists at once. The unfortunate ones are this group of innocent students, so Ji Hiiragi Shelley chose to endure for a while.

"I'll do it as soon as possible." Clenching his fist tightly, Lan Yu Shallow could only compromise.

On the other side, Wuchen wandered around like a headless fly, and he didn't find any trace of the terrorists for a long time. He turned Caihai Academy upside down, and he didn't find a few strongholds.

Just when Wuchen had a headache, an unexpected figure came into view.

"It's you?"

The pace stopped, and he stared at the visitor in surprise. This person was Xian Gu Yong, who had been offended by Wuchen before, and one of the "Three Saints" of the "Lion King Agency".

"At a time like this, aren't you here to make trouble?" Wuchen muttered.

"of course not."

Xian Guyong shook his head and said his intentions: "Lan Yu Shallow, Ji Qi Shelley, and Xiao Nagisa have all been kidnapped by the remnants of the [Black Death Emperor Sect], and the fleeing direction is the west side of Xianjin Island. The port, where they have a lot of companions in ambush, be careful when you go."

"It turned out to be a whistleblower." Wuchen was stunned, and the hostility he released was withdrawn, and he immediately asked in confusion: "This kind of news, your Lion King agency should notify Xiao Gucheng, he is the [fourth primogenitor], and he My sister was also kidnapped."

"Although he is the true ancestor, but in some respects, our Lion King agency can't compliment him, and he has already been blacklisted!" The delicate face showed dissatisfaction, and Xian Guyong's face was full of disgust.

"Hey...I didn't think that stealing/filming would be so useful. Next time I encounter this situation, I should shoot it as a video."

Wuchen laughed dryly without any trace of the words. The last time Xiao Gucheng sucked the blood of Yase Jishu was filmed by himself with a camera, which made the two people become the target of everyone shouting and beating.

"Your information is very valuable to me. I will write down this favor, and leave."

When he was about to leave, he peeked at Xian Gu Yong's slender legs, which were as white as crown jade and flawless.It is comparable to Ji Hiirah Shelley's beautiful legs at all, especially the gentle and leisurely ancient chant gives an alternative light inspiration.

The Lion King agency gave up Xiao Gucheng out of frustration. He originally expected Ji Hiirah Shelley to be his princess. In the future, it would be better to use Ji Hiirai Shelley to control Xiao Gucheng. Who would have guessed that the kid was gay and a comrade!

It's no wonder that the relationship between Akatsuki and Shihirai Shelley is not good, and it is impossible for Yaase Kiki to attract the ancient city.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1524 Yase Xia Yin [fourth more]

Since Xiao Gucheng's investment here has lost money, it is necessary to find a suitable stock with more potential.Naturally, the Lion King agency took aim at Wuchen.The strength is strong and visionary, and the most shocking thing is that although it is not the true ancestor, as a human being clean, the combat power may surpass the true ancestor!

As the saying goes, people who are not my race will have different hearts, the true ancestors are vampires, and humans are humans from beginning to end... There is also the most crucial factor, Wuchen is not gay!

"Although there is little hope, but it's time to give it a try. Love will grow over time!" Xian Guyong comforted himself in his heart.

Hwangsaka Sayaka and Jihiraishi Shelley both live under the same roof as Wuchen, and someone will definitely win!


"Boom boom boom!"

Due to the invasion of the Black Death Emperor faction, the entire Itogami Island became smoky, and gunshots could be heard everywhere.

"It really picks places."

According to the location that Xian Guyong said before, Wuchen did not spend much effort to find the stronghold of the Black Death Emperor faction. At this point, almost all special forces were armed to the teeth. Everyone was armed with submachine guns. Wuchen even saw Helicopters and missiles.

"Da da da da da..."

The moment Wuchen just appeared, it immediately attracted the care of countless submachine guns. Almost twenty or thirty submachine guns came ruthlessly, and his body was instantly beaten into a sieve.

"Bastard, what's the matter with this guy?"

"Is there a mistake, this is not dead?"

"Open it!"

"There must be a problem, go and report back to the boss!"


However, even if Wuchen's body was shattered, his steps could not be stopped. It was still like a walk in the afternoon, very lazy.

"You can't blame me for looking for death."

Wuchen murmured in a low voice, a huge flash of light flashed all over his body, and then disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared, it was already floating in the sky.

There is still a large piece of light in hand!

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

Dense golden light bullets fell from the sky and piled up the sky. The terrorists who had just shot and intended to murder the dust-free terrorists were beaten with holes all over their bodies, and the blood flowed nonstop.

"What kind of monster is this guy?"

Christopher Judd, who saw this scene through the monitor, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. All his men have participated in wars and are veterans with hundreds of battles. Now they have been cut down by the dust in a single thought. Painful.

"Go pull all the hostages out, warn that guy to take a step forward, and we'll kill all the hostages!" Christopher Juddho said coldly.

"Understood, boss!"

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