In this case, the senior officials of Konoha will completely tear their faces away and attack the Uchiha family. In order to avoid the outbreak of civil war, Uchiha Itachi will definitely take the initiative to ask Ying to destroy Uchiha and enter the Akatsuki organization.

Uchiha Itachi also set foot on the script that Wuchen designed for him!

"What a poisonous scheming!"

Hearing that the old face of the nine tails changed dramatically, and he took a deep breath. Although he hated the Uchiha family very much, he couldn't help sweating because of the madness of Uchiha mirror. According to the current situation, Konoha and Uchiha will sooner or later. There will be a war, but now the whereabouts of Uchiha Shisui, the strongest clan, is unknown, and many Uchiha family members have already begun to retreat and do not want to go to war with Konoha executives.

Now Uchiha mirror is doing this, and controlling the tailed beasts that can only be controlled by Sharinyan re-attacks Konoha, it can be said that Uchiha is completely pushed to the cusp of the storm and let them completely perish!


Hearing this, Uchiha Kyou sneered again and again, showing half of his face, looking at the nine tails with one eye, and said with a gloomy smile: "It is God's greatest grace for them that people who are obscure like them can sacrifice for my plan! "


Ask for a reward and ask for an automatic full order... At least five changes a day! !

Chapter 160 Unblocking the Nine Tails [Various requests]

Anyway, the final end of the Uchiha clan is also the extermination of the clan, and being able to become a crucial part of their own plan is also the supreme glory of their clan!

"You lunatic—"

"Shut up, beast."

Uchiha Mirror looked at Kyuubi's eyes coldly, the writing wheel in the pupil turned sharply, and the huge pupil power invaded into Kyuubi's mind, and immediately controlled him easily, and now Kyuubi is in front of Uchiha Kyou. It is just a fat sheep to be slaughtered, and there is absolutely no room for backhand.

The nine tails seemed to have been taken away by someone, and became unusually well-behaved, lying on the ground consciously and motionless. The scarlet pupils had turned into three-hooked jade writing round eyes, and it was obvious that they had been completely controlled by Uchiha mirror.

"Now it's time to use pupil power to control that kid."

In the empty world, Uchiha Mirror sounded a long sigh, and then a golden light appeared all over his body. In less than a short time, Uchiha Mirror completely disappeared, leaving only the calm face of Nine Tails.

His eyes changed suddenly, and he changed back to the room where Naruto Uzumaki was asleep.

"Get up kid."

As Uchiha Kyou's voice fell, Naruto Uzumaki opened his eyes, and the dark blue eyes were dark, like a walking corpse without any life, obviously being controlled by Uchiha Kyou deliberately.

"It seems that there should be no surprises."

After lowering his head and scanning Naruto Uzumaki twice, Uchiha Kyou nodded in satisfaction, and immediately his pupils activated their pupil power again.

Naruto Uzumaki's body suddenly froze, his pupils dilated, turning into the same three-hooked jade writing wheel eye!

"It's the last level..."

A strange smile appeared on his face, and Uchiha mirror made a seal with one hand. After the atmosphere was silent for a while, a fiery red chakra coat suddenly appeared on Naruto Uzumaki.

Uzumaki Naruto's expression instantly turned hideous, the beards on both sides of his face became longer and thicker, his pupils stared at Uchiha Mirror, his breathing became abnormally heavy, and his whole body revealed an extremely powerful killing intent.

"It's enough to keep three tails, too much will only be counterproductive."

Looking down at the three red tails on Naruto Uzumaki, Uchiha Kyou nodded slightly, although he said that he could control the nine-tails to release more power to this kid, but the nine-tails might break the seal by then, and the easier it is The more the power of the Nine Tails is given to Naruto Uzumaki, the more pupil power is needed.

"I really look forward to your performance, Naruto Uzumaki."

Looking at Uzumaki Naruto with fangs growing out of his mouth and three-goose jade writing round eyes, Uchiha Kyou smiled slightly, I am afraid that after this incident passes, this kid will be even more disliked by Konoha than before.



Naruto Uzumaki burst out of the window like an arrow, heading straight for the center of Konoha and swept away, Uchiha Mirror, or the dust-free who controls Uchiha Mirror behind him, seeing Shimura Danzo this old guy is very Unhappy, it just so happens that the relationship between this old guy and the Uchiha family is well known.

The Uchiha family controls the nine tails to attack Danzo's "root". Although it is a bit unreasonable, it is at least reasonable.

The Uchiha family dislikes the Danzo family, and the Danzo also dislikes the Uchiha family. The secret fight between the two sides has not happened in the past.

This time, the Uchiha family's control of the nine tails is also justified!

"Boom boom boom!"

Looking away, within the range of the "root" department, a giant mushroom cloud of fire suddenly swept the void, turning the dark night sky into a deep red fire in an instant, and the temperature instantly increased by more than a hundred times, and the fiery air wave burst open. It was even more devastating, like a tenth magnitude earthquake, which directly caused the entire Konoha to tremble.

The crimson flames dyed Konoha's sky red, wearing a red coat, with a three-tailed beast tail behind the boy, raging like a ghost.

As the leader of the "root" department, Shimura Danzo was awakened for the first time, and quickly climbed to the window to look at the dark red night sky in the distance. The base was swept away.

"No matter who it is, this old man will smash you into tens of thousands of pieces!"

In the dark night sky, Shimura Danzo didn't even bother to call the guards, so he rushed frantically towards the center of the incident by himself. It was his whole life's hard work and could never be eliminated.

At the same time, the deafening sound of the explosion woke up the entire Konoha, and the sleeping people got dressed and prepared to hide in the tunnel prepared by themselves!

Due to the sneak attack on Konoha a few years ago by Dust-free and with soil, especially the meteorite rain played by Dust-free, it shocked everyone from Konoha Village to Hokage, down to the common people, so everyone began to dig holes in the ground...

"The power is a little smaller. If it is the tailed beast jade with the full strength of the nine tails, I am afraid Konoha has been blown to the ground."

Looking at the big pit caused by the explosion of the tailed beast jade in the distance, Uchiha Kyou shook his head and said regretfully, and then his body disappeared in Naruto Uzumaki's room, leaving nothing in the empty room.

The dexterous fiery red shadow roared unscrupulously. At this moment, Naruto Uzumaki no longer looked like a human. He was completely devoured by the nine tails. life.

"This is... it turned out to be nine tails!"

Danzo, who galloped over, looked at Gen's tragic state and became furious, and then looked into the distance in surprise. He was wearing a deep red coat and spewing evil chakra figures, his face was unusually ugly and heavy.

The power of the Nine Tails is known to the world!

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